We asked a number of students from the University of Reading the same question as we asked you in the last Step: how comfortable are you with describing yourself as …
It’s easy to forget how interconnected our world is, but take a moment to listen to the experiences of the students. Ivet’s family’s employment, Ollie’s involvement in sport, Leah’s travelling …
In the last two Steps, you’ve looked at issues with globalisation caused by the imbalance of capital (economic, social, cultural and symbolic) and human rights. In this Step, you’ll examine …
Everyone is a global citizen regardless of their background or experiences because we live in a globally interconnected world. In Week 1, you’ll look at why global citizenship is important, …
Higher Education that provides students with a global and future-facing outlook is one of the University of Reading’s 4 core graduate attributes. Watch Professor Parveen Yaqoob, Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Pro-Vice-Chancellor …