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A student perspective

We asked a number of students from the University of Reading the same question as we asked you in the last Step: how comfortable are you with describing yourself as …

Being globally aware

It’s easy to forget how interconnected our world is, but take a moment to listen to the experiences of the students. Ivet’s family’s employment, Ollie’s involvement in sport, Leah’s travelling …

Systemic bias in language

In the last two Steps, you’ve looked at issues with globalisation caused by the imbalance of capital (economic, social, cultural and symbolic) and human rights. In this Step, you’ll examine …

Welcome to the course

Everyone is a global citizen regardless of their background or experiences because we live in a globally interconnected world. In Week 1, you’ll look at why global citizenship is important, …

Going beyond

Higher Education that provides students with a global and future-facing outlook is one of the University of Reading’s 4 core graduate attributes. Watch Professor Parveen Yaqoob, Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Pro-Vice-Chancellor …