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Congrats on completing this course!

Thank you all for your hard work and participation during these five weeks. Your involvement in this course made for a richer and deeper learning experience. What you can do …

Understanding Log-Log Models

Learn how to derive elasticity from the co-efficient using a log-log model. This is another tricky concept! Don’t hesitate to call on your fellow learners for help in the comments.

Using Regression Analysis

Take a field trip to the grocery store to see how marketers use regressions in the real world. In the comments, share where you might see evidence of regressions at …

Pitfalls of Marketing Experiments

Learn the final details of the Betty Spaghetty story and what happened when Ohio Art ran the ads nationwide. It’s a morality tale on the pitfalls of marketing experiments. In …

Analyzing an Experiment: Etch A Sketch

See how to analyze the results of an experiment, from calculating market share and lift to break even. There are a lot of steps to understand and interpret experiment results, …

Calculating CLV

It’s formula time! Learn the components of the CLV formula, how it is derived, and the formula to calculate a basic CLV model. Use the comments to add any questions …

Measuring Brand Value: Key Points

In this video, Raj explains how know to use your knowledge of brand value as a marketer. Remember to post any comments or questions in the discussions! It’s a great …

Using Text Analytics

Text analytics–the ability to interpret unstructured text to find patterns and trends–allows marketers to learn from product ratings, editorials, social media posts, etc. Learn how sentiment analysis works in this …

Introduction to the Marketing Process

Learn about the four steps in the marketing planning process. Which are you familiar with? Which are new to you? You can also access the Week 1 Slide Handout below …

Course Outline and Requirements

Course outline This course is divided into five weeks that contain: Videos: These lessons provide the core content of the course. Practice quizzes: These are provided each week to give …

Takeaways: Regressions

Review the key takeaways from this module. Does this summary match your understanding? Then take the practice quiz and review any videos to reinforce your learning.

Marketing Mix Models

Learn the six factors to consider in your marketing mix models and how to move from statistical to economic significance.

Omitted Variable Bias

Knowing which variables to include and the impact of excluded variables is important to ensuring accuracy of your regression results. Learn about how this issue manifests in theoretical and real-world …