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Interested in learning more? This premium course offered a taste of studying with Deakin University, a five-star-rated university renowned for world-class teaching and innovation. If you enjoyed this course, you …

Answering the hard questions

How do you speak compellingly with specific audiences? Deakin’s study in South West Victoria identified three key groups and their perception of hydrogen. Let’s investigate what potential messages could resonate …

Why is everyone talking about hydrogen?

There is significant global investment and interest in hydrogen, and particularly in Australia as it can be used for areas of our economy that are hard to decarbonise. Governments worldwide …

Social licence – the theory

Social licence or social licence to operate (SLO) describes a community’s acceptance and approval of a project, company or industry. A social licence to operate is the process of gaining …

Hydrogen’s role in the clean energy transition

Hydrogen is an important part of the clean energy transition because it allows us to store renewable energy and decarbonise industrial processes. This is an additional video, hosted on YouTube. …

Effective hydrogen messaging – a case study

A messaging study of community members in South West Victoria revealed the messages that will garner the most support to build social licence for hydrogen. This study focused on a …

Defining communities

Community perceptions of hydrogen may vary by project and community as well as over time. It is important to define the community and understand what they want and need to …

Australian community attitudes towards hydrogen

Research shows us that overall, Australians are cautiously optimistic about hydrogen. Since the first national survey of hydrogen perceptions in 2018, awareness of hydrogen and its uses have increased, however, …

Learning online with Deakin

Deakin’s online courses are based on a few, but important, learning principles. To get the most out of this course, we encourage you to keep in mind the following. Our …

Welcome to the course

Welcome to The Clean Energy Transition: Developing a Social Licence for Hydrogen, a short course designed to build awareness and effective approaches to hydrogen projects. Together we’ll delve into the …

Social licence – in practice

We have just learned the ‘what’ of social licence. Now we will learn about the ‘how’. Watch the video to hear Fiona Simon, CEO of the Australian Hydrogen Council, discuss …