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Conversation with Itziar de Lecuona. Part 2

Itziar de Lecuona, doctor in law, professor in the Department of Medicine of the University of Barcelona, and Deputy Director of the Bioethics and Law Observatory, (Unesco Chair of Bioethics) …

Conversation with Itziar de Lecuona. Part 3

Itziar de Lecuona, doctor in law, professor in the Department of Medicine of the University of Barcelona, and Deputy Director of the Bioethics and Law Observatory, (Unesco Chair of Bioethics) …

Conversation with Greg Gibson. Part 3

Greg Gibson, Professor and Director, Center for Integrative Genomics, School of Medicine, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. His research focuses on three broad areas: quantitative evolutionary genetics, focusing on disease …

Conversation with Anna di Rienzo. Part 3

Anna di Rienzo, Professor at the Department of Human Genetics of the University of Chicago. Her research focuses on the genetic architecture of traits and diseases that vary across human …

What are biobanks? Part 6

Biobanks are organized collections of human biological material. They are used to produce and store a lot of associated information for research purposes. How should they be dealt with?

Conversation with Greg Gibson. Part 2

Greg Gibson, Professor and Director, Center for Integrative Genomics, School of Medicine, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. His research focuses on three broad areas: quantitative evolutionary genetics, focusing on disease …

What are biobanks? Part 5

Biobanks are organized collections of human biological material. They are used to produce and store a lot of associated information for research purposes. How should they be dealt with?

Conversation with Anna di Rienzo. Part 2

Anna di Rienzo, Professor at the Department of Human Genetics of the University of Chicago. Her research focuses on the genetic architecture of traits and diseases that vary across human …

What are biobanks? Part 4

Biobanks are organized collections of human biological material. They are used to produce and store a lot of associated information for research purposes. How should they be dealt with?

What are biobanks? Part 3

Biobanks are organized collections of human biological material. They are used to produce and store a lot of associated information for research purposes. How should they be dealt with?

What are biobanks? Part 2

Biobanks are organized collections of human biological material. They are used to produce and store a lot of associated information for research purposes. How should they be dealt with?

Conversation with Lluis Quintana-Murci. Part 3

Lluís Quintana-Murci, Pasteur Institut in Paris. His research focuses on different ways of reading genomes. He is trying to trace the population history of humans, mostly in Africa and Asia, …