Laura Petrelli


I'm a teacher of English and I hope this course helps me think about the Writing skill in a way that can, in turn, help my students enjoy and go further into writing,

Location Argentina, the most beautiful country in the southern cone



  • One more gem I treasure from this course.
    Thanks a lot, Ken.

  • This course came at the right moment in my life. I needed to see beyond and find a real point in my teaching career.
    Thanks a lot

  • If we are able to understand what is going on in our students' brains, we will most probably think of a better lesson and better methodological ways of presenting it. Thanks for the light you shed on this extremely interesting topic for everybody, especially for educators.

  • We have to work hard to overcome the post-pandemic period stress; within us and also within our students

  • I agree on the fact that all the dopamine boosters mentioned lead to feelings of pleasure and deep satisfaction. On top of that, it's not a big challenge to think of activities that promote that effect, it's a question of attitude.
    In the light of what we have learnt, it is worth planning lessons with these ingredients.

  • Minimize stress in order to create an optimal learning environment to achieve resilience, wellbeing and engagement. Great!

  • Teachers have a great responsibility in creating an atmosphere to produce the AHA moment for the students... awareness does not come on its own. It is always fostered by someone who has a strong domain of interpersonal skills and a convincing use of teaching methods. So it is clear where the teacher's intervention has to take place.

  • I completely agree on the fact that teacher-student attunement isn't a nice addition to the learning experience but a core requirement.
    Getting to know that the release of chemicals in our brains depend on the teacher's supportive encouragement PLUS and appropriate level of challenge in presenting activities, places the teacher in a crucial position.

  • This concept comes to reinforce the idea that MIND-BRAIN and BODY are interwoven and we need to look after them all to get the LEARNING booster we want.

  • The difficult time we are undergoing (pandemic) is not the ideal one to analyse this condition. Technology is THE ONLY way to get together and do something to keep on living (at least in my part of the world).
    If I was looking at the discussion point under a more "normal" environment, I would say that a proper balance between human and technological presence...

  • Laura Petrelli made a comment

    Mobile phones rob us from our precious present moment. In that respect, it has clearly deteriorated our relations with other human beings.

  • What really gave me an enlightening concept was the fact of having two brains...The balance between emotion and cognition should be reflected in every lesson to get that "powerful organizer of tools" for neural network integration.

  • Advances in technology will, undoubtedly, help us understand the way our brains work. I wonder if it will be able to make us happier. As a teacher I am working hard to make this come true.

  • Wow! I am interested in those measurements. Could you explain how you did it?

  • FUTURE IS UNCERTAIN... these are scary words especially if we think of the skills needed for this future. The skills we, teachers, have to prepare students to be ready to handle.
    One thing seems to be quite certain: linear models are no longer valid, the one-fits-all model is not preparing anybody for the future.

  • Learning how the brain works and being able to design our lessons in such a way that learners take the most of them is like having the KEY to all our questions. I feel that trying to be near people who seek the same objectives I do, will allow me to discover the way through.
    Then, there is the FUTURE... we always say we prepare our students for the future....

  • As far as I am concerned, the three act structure reassures the linear understanding of the story, however, the twenty first century human being is used to multitasking and following twisted paths to get to the core. So, scriptwriters can make use of more complicated ways to tell a story.

  • I chose "Captain Fantastic" to analyse

    Act 1: there is a strong establishment of context to convey the reasons why He and his family have chosen that kind of life. They struggle hard to live by those rules in spite of the many difficulties they find after the mother's death.

    Act 2: He starts questioning himself about what, up to that moment, was not...

  • Five finger Pitch for "Captain Fantastic"

    GENRE: Dramatic Comedy

    MAIN PROTAGONIST: A stubborn Buddhist father who worked hard together with his wife (dead right at the beginning of the story) to lead his family along a life path which will bring him many problems with the rest of the family.

    GOAL: to teach his kids that another kind of life is...

  • The magic of writing for a cinematic form shoud make use of the many tools at hand to produce the desired effect on the spectator and this, I think, is inevitably related to the writer's experience.
    It is fascinating to see how the dialogue, the photography, the music, the characters, etc., are all ready to offer different channels to enter the spectator's...

  • I am really looking forward to learning the many useful theoretical concepts to be applied to creative writing and transform it into a script... Let's get into it

  • I've just learnt about the course and I very much appreciate the chance to get it straight from the horse's mouth.
    I am a teacher and I hope it helps me deal with our lives from now on.

  • Predicting and hypotesising are activities we are used to performing in our L1, so learners should be encouraged to use the scaffolded vocabulary from the previous session and give them time to think about the answers.

  • Definitions are crucial to the development of scientific knowledge, and we have to keep them simple and short. Perhaps we could ask them to " go for" the definitions on their own and share them in class.

  • People remember facts which are significant to them. So, the best thing to do is make learning significant to them. If there is no apparent way, this learning process has to be fun. Games are a good way to make knowledge memorable, because if you are having FUN, you are learning.

  • To keep kids focused on a subject we have to design a syllabus which contain appropriate topics to the kids' age and they are interested in. Otherwise, it's a waste of time.

  • Laura Petrelli made a comment

    Introducing a new topic in the shape of a story is always very motivating. (especially for young learners). There are very good and significant frameworks to every centre of interest, we have to look for them in the web or books.

  • Laura Petrelli made a comment

    there are a number of reasons why I think sharing learning objectives is very important; the main one is shifting the learning centre onto the learners and making them feel responsible of this process. It is also useful for teachers to conduct an organized course and not to skip anything.

  • It is really crucial to have these concepts cristal clear as from scratch. We teachers cannot skip them.

  • I sometimes do it, but I haven't thought of it as a necessary step in the lesson plan. Now, I am starting processing the idea that this sharing step is essential

  • Starting points are very important, even the start of a lesson, no matter if it takes place on a weekly or daily basis. The start sets the mood, the atmosphere... It shows how much I care about my learners. The idea is to make them feel comfortable, and a good idea for this is bringing previous knowledge into the classroom, before we advance onto new one....

  • I have always taught English as a foreign language. It is easy for me to think about strategies to develop language skills but not so easy to design tasks and activities related to other subjects. My expectations have to do with learning as much as I can relating to helping others grasp ideas using English, which is not the learners mother tongue

  • I generally scan a newspaper article to find out "when" or "where" such and such an event took place.

  • The thing I find more interesting about writing is that the whole thing is not only about grammar rules or structure. I think that it's a good idea to devote some time to put ideas in order.

  • Linking words and antecedents are challenging. It's all a question of practicing with an objective

  • Speaking well means to get meaning through, to be understood. To stay in topic and fairly grammatical.

  • You have to agree that when there is no way out, even boring methods do to go ahead. I wish I could feel more at ease when writing and in turn, be able to hand it down to others

  • The most difficult thing is to get started. Getting accurate and good ideas to develop a topic and then to organize them in paragraphs to get a meaning piece of writing. I hope get tips that help me grasp the objective. I generally practise the hard way: sit for long hours waiting for ideas to come...

  • I'm from Buenos Aires, Argentina. (I hope you know where Argentina is... further South in Latin America) and the main idea to join this course was to improve my English and be able to sit for the exam and pass it.

  • I'm looking forward to meeting people trying to improve their learning English skills. I feel I'm particularly weak at writing and that is what I want to learn most.