Tash Perros

Tash Perros

Tash is a PhD researcher focussing on new technologies for clean cooking access in East Africa. She has a background in engineering and has worked in a diverse range of sectors.


  • Great question. In some instances these projects can be very successful, as you will see in some of the case studies presented in future weeks. However, this tends to only work in communities that are highly organised and motivated, which in my country (the UK) is certainly the exception rather than the norm! There is also an important question of...

  • Well spotted Rhys! Easy accessibility is an assumption though and depends on herding practices for the cattle. If they are spread out then it could take several house per week to gather the manure.

  • Great answer Mohammed!
    However, it is important to note that the degree to which a fuel is "clean" depends on its particulate emissions upon burning, not the chances of safety incidents occurring.