Rafael Jimenez-Zulic


Happy to learn as much as I can. You never know when you will need it.

Location Australia



  • ready to start

  • I will feel better if I eat healthy.
    I go early to bed if I feel tired.
    If I cough too much, I should stop smoking.

  • If we do not educate the public, this situation could only get worse.
    We would be able to reach a wider range of people if we do create educational flyers.

  • If we do create educational flyers, we will be able to reach a wider range of people.

  • Great

  • conditionals are key points in the grammar structure.

  • The main problem is the poor hygiene in the community, specifically hand-washing . if you educate the people in the community on how to do a thorough hand-washing, you will solve the spread of diseases easily.

  • These problems are seen everywhere in developed and non-developed countries. There are many methods to intervene, and it seems that governments, UNICEF, WHO and ONG struggle to give some support to the different communities around the world. These organisations elaborate figures and data, which can be seen as the great solution to these hard problems....

  • They decided to improve the hygiene of the community by starting a health programs using talks, posters, leaflets and campaigns within the community. it will not cost a lot of money and should be quick and effective.

  • OK.

  • Combating bad health habits by creating educational programs for the population and encouraging people to look after themselves. This must be the best solution.

  • Cancer disease, heart disease and diabetes disease are the most common problems in my community. These are the more frequent illnesses in developed countries due to a poor eating habits such as consuming junk food more than 3 times during the week and the lack of a minimum exercise such as walking fast 30 minutes 3 times per week. I am strongly believe that...

  • Yes , I was able to listen.

  • 1- Viral infections due to poor hygiene and easily spread.
    2- Lung cancer or cardiovascular diseases due to smoking
    3- Stomach sickness due to water and food contamination.

  • ok.

  • In Chile, my country, we do not have GP. Besides, community workers, community volunteers, local administrator do not exist at all. There are two systems the public health system and the private. If you have money, you are lucky enough to pay for the best health services. However, if you do not have enough money, you will need to wait a long time to see a...

  • Understood.

  • I have an occupied life. I am looking after my 3 little children , and that keep me really busy every day of my life. I love studying and the healthcare field, as a result, enrolling this course has been perfect for me. I am quite proud to make it until this point , and I absolutely appreciate what we are learning. Thanks to the team that makes this course...

  • I was feeling tied, coughing, watery eyes, running nose, and high temperature.
    I went to the doctor, checking my symptoms she diagnosed that i caught a cold. she told me that I should rest, I ought to drink as much water as it is possible and I had better take 2 tablets of Panadol every 6 hours per two days.

  • If she has a good ventilation in her room.
    If she is drinking plenty of water.
    If she is doing regular exercise and eating a healthy diet.

  • You should drink water regularly to keep hydrated.
    You ought to avoid the sun and stay in the shade.
    You had better to wear a hat and sunglasses if you go outside.

  • Understood

  • Nour should check her blood sugar level regularly.
    Nour ought to eat a healthy reduced carbohydrates diet.
    Nour should not cancel her appointments to the doctor.

  • It is getting more complicated.

  • Understood

  • Understood

  • Understood

  • Understood

  • Diabetes is a chronic disease due to the lack or poor function of an hormone called insulin, which regulates the level of sugar in the blood. It is an illness that compromises the whole body, but it mainly deteriorates the hearth, kidney and retina in the eyes. Some medicines, a balanced diet of carbohydrates and exercise help in treatment of this metabolic...

  • She phoned Dr Mahmout to inform him about the poor health condition of his patient Nour. She was asking about Nour's diabetes, trying to check her blood sugar levels in her medical records in The Dr. Mahmout's Clinic.

  • Understood

  • Understood.

  • I have learnt how to describe more precisely a pain that occurs in the back. Therefore, I am able to ask for details to report about any pain that can be experienced in the human body. That is really positive experience.

  • Great.

  • Know- knew.
    positive- negative.

  • That is a positive attitude.

  • Eat a balance diet. Try to avoid junk food.
    Do exercise regularly, at least three times a week for more than half an hour.
    Do not smoke.

  • Ok.

  • Take a rest.
    Do not go to work.
    begin to do a diet.

  • Understood.

  • Definitely, she learnt both; facts and new ways of thinking.

  • understood.

  • Understood

  • Done

  • Do you link the pain with one activity in particular ?

  • Good interview.

  • I made a big effort to complete all the activities. thanks for this first week.

  • I did the activities quite easy.

  • Title: Mister
    Surname: Aravena
    First Name: Fernando
    Gender: Male
    Marital Status: Separated
    Date of birth: 12/08/1957
    House number: 40
    Street: Corrientes
    Town/City: Buenos Aires
    Children: None
    Phone: 222233334444
    Next of Kin:
    Name and relationship: Rosario Aravena his sister. Phone 444555566.
    Medical History:

  • I do like speaking english, I think it is a very useful tool to communicate with everyone and everywhere all over the world.

  • ok.

  • If I do not understand what is the message I will ask the person to repeat it and slow down the speed of the conversation to make it easy, and I do not forget to do it in a polite way.

  • Understood

  • Thanks !!!

  • Where do you live ?
    Why are you here ?
    How does this happen ?
    Who are you ?

  • Yes, I have completed this registration form.
    What do you do ?
    Do you have an important surgery ?
    Do you have a familiar illness ?

  • I have had all those symptoms during my life. Fortunately, I was able to get rid of them for now.

  • It is really important to provide accurate details in the registration form.

  • I am very good at listening people and I love mental health, therefore I would like to work in the Psychiatric Ward.

  • General Surgery.
    Orthopaedic Surgery.
    Maxillofacial Surgery.
    Gastroenterology Ward.
    Cardiology Ward.
    Respiratory Ward.
    Endocrine Ward.
    Haematology Ward.
    Nephrology Ward.
    Internal Medicine Ward.
    Gynaecology Ward
    Pathology Laboratory
    Microbiology Laboratory.
    Virology Laboratory.

  • I have been in many hospitals, both as a visitor and as a patient.I believe that no one really likes being in a hospital, because it is usually related to painful and sad experiences, involving yourself or your beloved friends or relatives. The only people who love to be in a hospital are doctors, nurses and other healthcare staff due to the long time of...

  • I think I got it.

  • Ok. Thanks.

  • Thanks for the advice.

  • Hello . It is a pleasure to meet the team.

  • Hello everyone. I am Rafael from Chile. I am here to learn the english medical terminology. I hope to develop my english medical language as much as I can.

  • Hello , I am Rafael from Chile. I would like to develop my english skills in the health area, so I think this is right place to begin. I hope to learn a lot and have a great time.

  • the medical condition in a" tennis elbow "is an inflammation of the tendon in the extensor muscles of the forearm due to a repeated action in the extension movement of the hand. It is named as lateral epicondylitis because the proximal tendon insert in the lateral epicondyle of the humerus.

  • The second digit of the left hand.

  • Nowadays, there are many technologies which help to develop and understand the social brain. However, the brain is an extremely complex organ which is just started to be studied, therefore it is going to take a long time to know how the brain responds to different social contexts and circumstances.

  • It is widely thought that the principal feature of a human being would be the rational thinking. However, after watching Leiberman's video, it is easy to understand that people have a more strong urge to connect and interact with each others than develop a logical thinking. The necessity to cooperate and collaborate as social creatures is our main trait and...

  • I am ready to learn about podcast. I hope that I will be able to understand podcast, because it is a complete new area for me, but I am willing to try it. I believe that it worths the effort.

  • I am Rafael from Chile. I love radio and it seems that Podcast is quite similar, I expect to discover it during this course. I am ready to start.

  • Done

  • Interesting !!!!

  • Understood .

  • Good explanation !!!!!

  • Shoulder is a tricky joint.

  • Good description !!!!

  • What amazing structures are muscles !!!!

  • One of my aunts pulled a muscle in her shoulder, and she could not lift her right upper limb beyond her shoulder level.

  • Thanks José Lara and Rose Harvey for this awesome course. I have learned a lot. I hope to see you soon.

  • Thanks for this opportunity. I really enjoyed the course !!!

  • 1. Doubt
    2. Happiness
    3. Incomplete stament.
    4. Sadness
    5. Statement
    6. Question

  • Useful !!!

  • Ari corrected many mistakes talking about Grammar and accuracy.
    For example "many people " instead of " much people "
    "a lot of money" instead of "a lot of moneys"
    " They should pay " instead of "they should to pay "
    " they are talent " instead of " they are talented "

    He also uses a...

  • Very interesting !!!

  • Thanks ABDUL !!!

  • I am going to improve my english speaking, because I want to sound as a native speaker.

  • I believe that Ari has done a great job in his Second attempt. He mastered the use of linking words and connectors such as " because of this ", " another reason "and " As a result ",which makes it easy to follow his ideas. Besides, Ari's organisation of the speech improved a lot in his second attempt, which gives him a better mark in coherence. Also, he...

  • I have not done the IELTS, yet. However, I believe that be prepared for a long test and do not give up if you realise that you make a big mistake, it is the clue.

  • Very interesting tips !!!

  • After reading the introduction and watching the video, I understood better how important are the social relationships to shape our brains. And finally, how relationships determine us as a unique individuals, and NOT as a standardised products; what the American Public Education System has been doing in the last decades. In this approach, it is clear that human...

  • Hello, My name is Rafael. I am from Chile. I am really interested in the connection between neuroscience and education. I hope, this course will develop an understandable way to explain it.

  • Hello, I am Rafael from Chile.
    Ready to start.

  • I agreed that you need an effective plan, but you require a lot of practise to answer 1 question in 15 seconds and 4 questions in 1 minute in any topic that is given to you in a logical order.

  • In my opinion, in his second attempt he presented his ideas in a logical order, which makes easier to follow the structure of his speech. However, I believe that he pronounced much better and more natural in his first attempt than in his second one.

  • As for me, it depends on the topic that you will pick up. Some topics can be easy peace, because you like them or you are familiar with them, and others could be really complicated questions.

  • Done !!!

  • Rafael Jimenez-Zulic made a comment

    Great fun !!!