Michele L



  • I had the same error - thanks for the help!

  • Michele L made a comment

    Using the first simple parsing approach, what would happen if the network_name variable contained a comma?
    The network name would then be split into two sections when being decoded. This would throw off the steps after like when you identify each part in the list by the index.

    What do you think the downsides of using serialisation might be?
    I think it's...

  • Hi, I'm Michele from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania! I teach middle and upper school computer science. I've been teaching about how the internet works for a few years now, but it always feels very high-level and abstract. I'm hoping showing the students how it actually works using a language they already know (Python) gives a deeper understanding to the concepts...

  • Michele L made a comment

    An attack would use information that you put out about yourself, perhaps on social media or other public places. Longer passwords have more room for variation and are more challenging to guess. Avoid being hacked by not giving out personal details through unsolicited emails or calls.

  • If a blagging attack is coming from someone you supposedly know in real life, reach out to them through another form of communication. Also, be careful of spammy sounding email addresses and domain names.

    Always be aware of your surroundings. Avoid using public computers, if possible.

  • Michele L made a comment

    Social engineering attacks are used to get personal information so the attackers can sell or use your information to get into your accounts. They're effective because people aren't careful about what information they're giving out, especially in scenarios like the name generator attacks or other personality quizzes because people think they're "just for fun"....

  • People have to be responsible for setting their own, secure password. There is also a programmer, process, and technology on the other side to protect the user from themselves who might set parameters like how long a password must be and what it may or may not contain.

  • Michele L made a comment


    I've been teaching computer science for 5 years and the one thing students always ask to learn is how to "hack". I want ways to teach them how to be responsible consumers and ethical hackers.

  • I'm looking forward to some hands-on activities to share with my students!