Louis McCallum

Louis McCallum

Course Leader, MSc Data Science and AI for the Creative Industries at UAL Creative Computing Institute.


  • Hi Jonathan

    Sorry for this! You are totally right and the quiz has been corrected now.

  • Hi Dave

    Google's Magenta did something similar to this


    They say "We trained the model on a set of ~1400 virtuosic performances", so thats the amount of data they are working with for this kind of model!

    With the smaller models we're using here you could probably stilll use the keyboard to do something...

  • Hi Javier

    This is an interesting example, although it is worth noting some issues that are raised by automatic gender identification. For example, what are the possible harmful consequences of misgendering someone, or forcing them to be assigned a gender at all? We’ll explore the ethics surrounding implementing machine learning solutions in real world...

  • Hi Andrew.

    We'll mainly be focussing on tools to help people make their own music or art, as opposed to the generative models that remake Bach, and we'll avoid a lot of the big claims of AI as well. You can get surpisingly far with quite simple techniques. We'll cover the ethics of face data in Week 2, and broader uses of art to challenge problematic uses...

  • Lots of good comments here. Later in the course we'll cover some more ethical issues around machine learning and look at how they can often act in ways that reinforce inequality or exclude some groups people. In these ways when there are very tangible outcomes (criminal sentencing, bank loans..), as much transparency as possible is definitely a good thing!

  • Great idea, this is exactly the kind of project this course should set you up to build

  • It would be interesting to see if you could reliably map speed to bpm, I would imagine this might only work within individuals, as opposed to generalising to all people. Depending on your fitness, the same speed might result in very different bpms!

  • Hi Blanca, some people have actually tried this, and filmed the results. https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2016/06/an-ai-wrote-this-movie-and-its-strangely-moving/

  • Hi Everyone, so nice to see such a wide range of learners here on the first day! We take things pretty slow so I know you’ll all do great. And you can always ask your fellow learners for advice or help in comments section under each step.