Nor Mastura


I always try to motivate myself to learn a new subject everyday.
Especially related to my practice.

Location Kelantan, Malaysia


  • Thank you again, for not giving up to provide and updated the knowledge of continence.
    It’s a great deal for me.

  • Enjoyed the course add more skills to my practice.

  • Nor Mastura made a comment

    Enrolled in this course definitely the great start for me for 2021 to be a better and educated continence nurse.
    Looking forward for more courses to upgrade my skill and hopefully can be one of the continence specialist nurse.

  • I gained a lots of knowledge and more confident to talk or discuss with patient or their family members.
    Thank you very much

  • My opinion, it was not recognised enough before due to possible few reason.
    Dignity, shame to discuss, its privacy matters.
    Now it’s getting widely televised and the knowledge and how to deal with it.
    Again support from family members is important to start with, so patient can feel free to discuss and move forward if help needed.
    On the other hand, health...

  • Definitely a fundamental human right, unfortunately it’s getting not is the right way, continence product became essential, due to not enough staff and this pandemic added to the problem.

  • Telephone appointment, leaflet
    Follow up after continence assessment

  • Centred care.

  • Based on my experience, as a DN time consuming, with service on demand. Carer and family members not really support with the whole process. Frustrated because when you do your visit, only patient alone and no body with them not and a good state. Even appointment is already book. Sometime meet their carer but, just come for preparing breakfast an keep patient...

  • To deal with patient especially elderly and dementia demanding it’s not and easy task. With shortage of nurse and carer in the healthcare will add to challenging. Easy to give suggestion but not easy to practicedue to this.
    When we can achieve the ratio 1 ; 4, it impossible. Again health care worker are doing their best to maintain it, but also need support...

  • Nor Mastura made a comment

    Really looking forward. Informative and useful knowledge for my practice.

  • Nor Mastura made a comment

    Again, gained a lots of knowledge about types of continence and new method and technique to deal with these issue.

  • Definitely challenges to treat and focus on these issue especially Dementia patient. Understanding from the family, relatives and carer it’s important to support them.

  • New knowledges and technique. Very interesting topic.

  • Nor Mastura made a comment

    Agreed with education is the main to ensure the bladder training will be success. And how the patient accepted the situation.

  • I found out that female is more open and willing to try the pelvic floor exercises compared to men.

  • Better understanding for me and more confident to explains and discuss with patient.

  • Nor Mastura made a comment

    Patient need to understand how important is diet and fluids intake. They often forget to drink water with so many excuses but did not skip any meals.

  • Old age, not confident, don’t have capacity.

  • The group should be different from man and women.

  • Agreed, the patient is the main character to identify and to cope with his/her issue. The Continence nurse and relative is element to support their issue.

  • Nor Mastura made a comment

    Looking forward

  • Nor Mastura made a comment

    All of the articles examples and explanations are brilliant. Clear and easy to understand.

  • Depend how is the patient and the system that DN are using.

  • Very limited and not an easy to do the that. Patient refused and not feeling comfortable. Most of my patient , I performed bladder scan and any concern refer to GP.

  • Nor Mastura made a comment

    My important equipment, useful and really have you an ideas what is going on with the patient. Difficulty encountered mainly, difficult mobility, not able to pass urine, bed bound, refused to be scan.

  • Nor Mastura made a comment

    Useful tool and quick result.

  • My experienced with kinda of bladder diary or fluids intake, patients did not fill up properly and the reason being was no time, not sure, no one to help and totally ignore the important of the diary. What supervised me, they more interest to have the pad supply.

  • Assessment performed well, noticed immediately Mr Smith shy to expressed and discussed about his problem, but further discussion he opened up. Drinking a lot of coffee, should performed DRE just to have clear picture how hard is his s stool.

  • Stress incontinence ,

  • The 1st visit for assessment and history taking are important. Also observed the surrounding for contributions factor.

  • Passion and good communication skills is very important. Showed empathy and understand how the patient feel.

  • Totally agreed, good assessment and well observation is core to provide better support and diagnosis.

  • Nor Mastura made a comment

    Definitely, also gained confident as a continence nurse.

  • Nor Mastura made a comment

    I guess before, the way I explain to patient like briefly. Now with all in the plate, feel ready and eager to ensure patient will understand better.
    Prevention is always better with understanding.

  • Nor Mastura made a comment

    Again, cleared and well explained.
    Only now realised that so many types of constipation.

  • Hard stool and difficult to pass it out. Caused uncomfortable feeling and bloated.

  • What I will add, possible frequent meeting with families to involve in his process and to achieve positive outcome. Follow up and continues teaching.

  • Gained his trust and confident in himself.
    2 hours toilet retain with help of carer, to go to the toilet or using the commode or urinal.
    Intake and output strictly to monitor.
    Encourage intake frequently in a small amount.
    Laxatives to follow the instructions and monitor the faecal output.
    Advised his daughter to communicate so better understanding and...

  • Unabated to think normal, behaviour change without the patient notice it’s changed. Surrounding family and friends need to get involved and understand how to cope with relative diagnosed dementia. Not an easy process.

  • Interesting knowledge again, with diabetes mellitus.

  • Looking at at the SS, it’s just like other symptoms, better history taking definitely will help.

  • Nor Mastura made a comment

    A rectocele is a herniation (bulge) of the front wall of the rectum into the back wall of the vagina. The tissue between the rectum and the vagina is known as the rectovaginal septum and this structure can become thin and weak over time, resulting in a rectocele. When rectoceles are small, most women have no symptoms.
    A woman may notice pressure within the...

  • I have seen post natal patient with severe haemorrhoids. Look like a cauliflower, bleeding and she is crying in pain.

  • Side effect from laxatives and antibiotics not an easy to tackle, especially old age. Reduced mobility can cause faecal incontinence, because not able to go to toilet on time.

  • I encountered patients with ano-rectal or secondary degenerative neurological disease. Most of my patients are old age.
    It’s difficult for me to tackle the issue due to their age, living alone, carer visit certain time and surrounding.

  • Some patient did not understand how faecal incontinence related with UTI, after some explanation only they can accepted but still with a lot of question.

  • Then diagram and explain action is very clear.

  • I always showed the diagram for correct bowel position to patient. They find it helpful

  • The Bristol stool Chart useful and handy to share and show to patient fro further understanding

  • Nor Mastura made a comment

    So many factors and problems contribute in continence.
    Gained a lots of knowledge.
    More confident to explain visit patient for assessment.

  • Age, mobility, environment and mental status need to be considered when promote continence.

  • Nor Mastura made a comment

    Patients often drinking less fluids when they having bladder issue. Their thinking if less fluids will stop or less using the toilet.
    To explain to them, how is important to drink enough fluids p, sometimes is challenging.

  • Nor Mastura made a comment

    Diuretic and anti depressants

  • This is the hard part about continence issue. Patient can’t rely how constipation really contributes in continence.

  • Most common issue /problems I encountered with my patient. From history taken, it’s keep repeating and without knowing the cause.
    With this information, something new I can share with patients.

  • From my opinion people with Parkinson’s need help with their ADLs.

  • Autonomic dysreflexia
    Syndrome in which there is a sudden onset of excessively high blood pressure.
    Due to that also can cause a problem with bladder and bowel

  • Never regret to enrols in this course. The explanation is clear with all the diagrams.

  • Possible enlarged prostate.
    To be honest , it’s not easy to differentiate the bladder issue.
    Some with same symptoms and need to read carefully about their case not and listen to them problem.

  • Under 100mls.
    My Trust more than 120mls will be discussed with GP

  • Lack of proper assessment and communication between the DN and GP.
    Not able to listen to the relative and patient carefully and take it for granted.
    Patient and relative upset and try to explained what is going on.
    Unfortunately this happen most of the time.

  • I only aware about OAB. Today I learned something new

  • Why is the diagnosis for Susan stress incontinence? Possible due to quick delivery
    From the obstetric history, what factors could contribute to the continence problems Susan is experiencing? Forceps delivery, tear
    How do you think Susan’s bladder problems are affecting her life? Effect her emotional
    What factors could be contributing to her symptoms of...

  • Stress incontinence - happen when physical movement or activity

  • The understanding about OAB is better. Feeling more comfortable to discuss with my patient

  • What makes you think Joyce has an overactive bladder? Frequency in urinating, nocturia
    What factors aggravate an overactive bladder? Constipation, stress
    How do you think Joyce’s bladder problem is affecting her lifestyle? Feeling isolated and embarrassing
    What do you think the implications of Joyce reducing her fluid intake might be? Fatigue

  • Most of the patient I have visited, with stress and overactive bladder. They described the symptoms is frequent and not able to hold.
    Able to use the toilet but not it time.

  • AOB
    dry - You have a sudden, a urgent need to urinate many times during the day.
    wet- this is when you get a sudden to go to bathroom but you pass urine before you get there. It’s also called urge incontinence.

    Condition which you wake up during the night because you have to urine.

  • Nor Mastura made a comment

    To be able to recall and understand about continence and how is the bladder is works.

  • Nor Mastura made a comment

    Very informative with good diagrams. I can use to explain to patient and make them understand what is contribution for continence

  • Very clear explanation.

  • Only now understand and have knowledge about the these 2 pressure.

  • For a normal person the cycle will be routine.
    Unfortunately not for people with having issue of continence

  • Early training is very important, especially with new generations, these day children will go to school at young age.
    How to train and what do it’s another skills to their parents.

  • Nor Mastura made a comment

    Informative and very helpful

  • Clear and capture my interest with this diagram

  • Nor Mastura made a comment

    I have experienced with both male and female.
    Both are challenging.

  • Informative and refreshing my knowledge.

  • Nor Mastura made a comment

    Looking forward to be able to understand more and share my knowledge to my patients.

  • Nor Mastura made a comment

    I m able to understand these 2 words
    Continence and incontinence.

    I m able to say to my patient
    We can promote continence and treat incontinence

  • Unfortunately so far I managed incontinence , due to so many reasons, unable to promote as much I should.
    Once I visit patient, the main question was what kind of pad you will supply for me?

  • When I started working as a continence assessor, surprisingly the cases on in continence are a lots. Most of patients I visited mainly their focusing on social aspect. The medical was handle by their GP. Once you sat with them and trying to teach or inform about the rehabilitation, they just straight to the pad. How lol at this chart, make me feel I have not...

  • Comorbid conditions differed significantly by case/control status, with cases reporting significantly greater rates of chronic constipation, asthma, diabetes, high blood pressure, bladder or prostate cancer, neurological conditions and depression. There were significant differences between the cases and controls in all reported LUTS.
    Base on the articles, the...

  • From my experience, most patient with this problem, was not prepared mentally and not given any information about what will happen or what to expect.
    Due to that when issue occurs they became panic and not sure want to do.

  • Even to involve in activities of daily living, seem not comfortable at all.
    Having need to do self catheterisation, I couldn’t imagine how she can cope.

  • LUTS
    symptoms related to problems with your lower urinary tract such as bladder, prostate, and urethra. Unable to store your urine and lead to OAB.
    The frequent need to urinate may occur during the day, at night or both,

  • 1. Show empathy and understand how that person feel about it.
    2. Definitely will do that, after get the first impression and how that person as individual.
    3. Approach in a very professional, and not to embarrassed the individual. Shared thoughts how is important to wash hand.
    4. Yes, I will do that. Again in a very professional manner.
    5. First of all,...

  • Stress
    Overactive Bladder

  • I just joined NHS as a Continence Assessor from January this year. After 7 moths I look forward to learn more and became interest hopefully to be specialists in Bladder and Bowel.