Estefanía Machado Martínez
I love life and creation. I'm an actress, clown, singer, yoga teacher, reiki practitioner and curious learner! I love nature and exploring self expression and connection with kindness and awareness.
Location José Ignacio, Uruguay
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
I think a positive relationship is based on trust and respect, is that in which communication, self expression, feelings, ideas, thoughts are enabled to be shared safely and freely. Enabling environment is that safe space in which children can be and express who they truly are while being seen, heard, supported, guided...
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
I did and have nice memories, not many, though I remember feeling happy there.
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
This week has been meaningful and motivating to me. Thank you for all you share with us :)
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
Thank you! :)
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
I first think about the children and their interests and so I plan something fun, playful, and a plan B or C in case what I plan is not aligned with children's mood or vibe that day ;)
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
I agree and learned, some ideas were new to me. Thank you
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
She's modelling the words wet and dry and relating phrases, questions and actions like 'nice and dry' , 'are your hands wet?' , 'look at the rain' (or something like that), 'get the whale dry' and everything is so natural, clear and
connected to the activity they're carrying out that I found it's a great example, full of learning opportunities. -
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
Musical instruments to identify them in English, actions, singing songs, sense of hearing.
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
I think adult's role in a child's learning development is that of a guide and friendly facilitator, not interfering in child's process but assertively influencing.
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
I agree and find it interesting.
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
Thanks for such valuable information !
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
Those activities are full of opportunities to learn, colours, shapes, verbs, vocabulary, parts of the body, tools, feelings, to mention a few.
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
I reckon the most meaningful memories I have when learning English and French were when we sang songs I liked, cooked new recipes from English and French culture, watched movies, though when I learnt English everything was more sort of academic, lot of writing, reading, stick to the book way, I enjoyed my lessons cause my teacher was very passionate and...
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
I'd suggest the educator to take this course and try to update these ideas and stay open and positive to new ways of teaching which envolves more fun and empathy to children based on play as essential when educating.
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
I learnt to climb rocks and walk carefully on rocks as my father fish and took us with him and taught my sister and I not to step on wet rocks, we just stepped on a wet one once, slipped and fell down, never did it again. Contact with Nature is the best science teacher for everyone.
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
This week has been crucial when it comes to language we are talking about communication, so one word comes to my mind and it's foundation.
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
Thank you for all these valuable info!
I'm working with 13 children at the moment 2-5 aged for 3 hours a day from monday to friday so I kind of interact and put into practice the course teachings everyday :) There's a three year old boy who calls himself 'bad' when he pushes or pinches or takes a toy from another kid, who cries and so I go ask what happened and he immediately acts out a tiger or...
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
She's playing and making it fun, simple and kind, the tone of her voice is key!
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
Yes, definitely agree.
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
Yes, as I wrote in the previous comment, I was labeled as clever, obedient, quiet, and I was not those labels, I was developing more qualities and characteristics, I remember hiding to do 'naughty' things when I was angry, or only being funny and clowning around when I was with people or friends who first enabled that kind of play or behavior. I became an...
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
I thankfully already knew this concept about labelling identity versus pointing an attitude or behavior, I knew it from Robert Dilts' pyramid of neurological levels on the NLP field and also from non violent communication theory from Marshall Rosenberg, both of which I recommend.
I remember being compared to a girl I had never met in my life, she was my Granny's friend granddaughter, I was a quiet, obedient and quite fearful child who was very scared to make mistakes as I was over praised by my family and if I happened to do something unexpected to what I commonly did, then my Granny would say 'Sofia wouldn't do that, she's brilliant,...
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
Such enriching information and knowledge :) thank you!
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
C, A , C are the ideal answers, though sometimes I do clean or pick something up if we are on our way to do something else and there are many other kids, same with the climbing example, however, I do my best to keep this kind of communication and interaction in the kindergarten and with any child I look after or interact. When it comes to drawings or any kind...
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
I think emotional wellbeing is directly related to communication, they way we feel and how we manage and response to our feelings determines how we express or don't express ourselves but experience blockages. I reckon this mechanisms begin developing at early childhood, so if a child feels scared
, anxious or undervalued he or she will be obviously affected... -
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
Play is essential.
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
Yes I've doing it and I see how they communicate to me, not speaking or maybe some of them say some words, but also listening and responding with actions, gestures, laughing or doing what I ask them to do or's great how they get familiar to the language so fast, we've been learning together for a month now and the process is amazing so far!
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
I reckon these activities help the children develop their language and communication because they're immersed in the experience and the language becomes part of the play naturally.
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
I agree and to hear other teachers and parents reaffirms what I've been observing and helps me feel more secure on what I'm actually doing, thank you! this course is being so useful and supportive at the same time!
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
I find it useful and I agree, I see how children start recognizing phrases, actions, I speak to them in English without 'trying to teach' but naturally switching from Spanish to English, I reckon they even have fun with this unpredictable way and they´re beginning to get familiar to this bilingual mode we play and practice.
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
Yes! I do concern about saying something wrong or not pronouncing well, though if I don't know something or I have doubts I check it out later, whilst in the moment I look for a different word to say what I mean or express my ideas.
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
I absolutely agree, safety is essential and every new activity, toy, game or resource must always be checked or considered from a safety point of view.
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
I can describe some of the resources we have. There are flashcards, puzzles, puppets, feelings faces (I made myself) that can be used for many games and activities, for example each child picks one and doesn't show the rest the card so he or she performs the feeling and the others have to guess what feeling he or she had chosen. We also have toys, a mini...
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
She mentioned a useful and organised starter routine, a lovely friendly resource for stories with the story sack and puppet, then she explained how she uses the space for different activities, I really liked how she organised everything, looks simple, clear and effective.
I noticed she had posters for the colours, I could see there were others probably for... -
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
I believe play is crucial and unquestionable, it's fundamental when it comes to child's development itself so I think all the benfits mentioned before are useful and helpful to language development as well, I think if children are happy and feeling home during any experience they're having, then they are more receptive cause they're in a positive stream.
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
I'm not surprised but delighted by James' speech. I want to share this video with everyone! So true, encouraging, real and inspiring, I'm glad to listen to people with this vision, as an actress, clown, teacher, sister, aunt, friend, daughter...I play everyday and resonate with what he said about playing different roles as adults being aware of it and having...
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
Yes I am surpised by features 1, 11 and 12, though I agree with all of them! Great info! so clearing and useful.
I absolutely disagree with that statement, I think it's the opposite, I believe education is finally shifting and considering what's really beneficial and good for children. -
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
My experience with children playing is as diverse as children and their personality and also their mood each day, some days they're more into singing, dancing, running, other days they're up to adult-led activities and sometimes they don't engage and flow with their own ideas, I believe it's always challenging and that they're learning the whole time, playing...
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
I believe play it's not only important but essential, it's part of childhood and human nature, it's inherent, supressing play or not giving the importance and place it's got in a child's life can only be counterproductive and far from being wholesome and good for the child's development and happiness. I think without play children are not let to be...
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
I think in adult-led activity children train their listening, focus and comprehension skills for example. In adult-iniciated activity I think is similar though it may give children confidence in being guided while they're also free exploring, I think in this kind of activities adults play a more playful role as well if I got the concepts well :).
I believe... -
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
My early memories bring me to me playing at home with my mom's shoes, pretending I was an adult, I loved dressing up and wearing my mom's jewelry. I remember I enjoyed playing with objects from 'the real world' instead of playing with my toys, I enjoyed toys, although, I felt excitement when playing with real pans, plates, spoons, my granny allowed me to...
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
This week has been very useful as it framed what's all about, for me it's been a great starter, triggered me enthusiastically and certainly motivated me to keep it curious and open.
I really found interesting the previous articles and all the videos, as well as the comments, so enriching!
All about how the brain develops and how babies learn gave me a new... -
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
It's great to record stories that might be lost, hidden or ignored of those less heard or seen, great opportunity for the most vulnerables, change may not be instant, though the records may remain and eventually revealed, it's part of this awakening journey we're walking, each day it's harder to turn a blind eye and do nothing to what's clearly obscene.
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
I think Podcasting is a powerful tool to create social change, to speak out freely, I'm starting to realize how accessible it is.
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
For me the voice makes it real and personal, before hearing her voice, she could be anyone, when I heard her she came to life. Being used to perform and read tragedies, drama and all kind of human sufferings in fiction makes me personally read on an intellectual or analytical way, even when based on true stories if I don't see a real face or hear a real voice...
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
I think I will harness with feeling, emotions, music, soundscape...
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
I have listened to yoga and music podcasts. The connected Yoga teacher is one I like, my favorite episode so far is E 115: The polyvagal theory and yoga with Dr. Ginger Garner.
As an actress and person who suffered from eating disorders, social anxiety and panic, I have to say even though when I'm on stage I forget about everything and it's healing and... -
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
I had only listened to podcasts about my personal interests until today and this is broadening my spectrum! Thanks for sharing :)
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
I'd like to learn how it works, I'm a beginner :)
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
Howdy! I'm Estefanía from José Ignacio, Uruguay, where I was born and I'm actually living. I'm a Spanish native speaker and I love working with my voice and writing! Not that I have experience with podcasting, though as an actress I've worked improvising on radio, I love doing voice over animation work, singing and whatever related to the voice I so much enjoy...
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
Great advice, I absolutely agree.
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
My opinion has not changed and I'm happy to know that it quite matches what they both said.
All of them are interesting and kind of match my expectations, I was surprised by the woman who spoke four languages on how she describes, links and orders the languages.
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
I agree with everything she said. I find interesting to introduce new words or language while they're playing or involved in an activity they enjoy, it does work naturally.
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
Babies understand language about twice as fast as they speak. - Agree
Children can’t really learn a language if they are playing. - Disagree
An adult’s brain is far more active than a three-year-old child’s brain. Disagree
Children learn best when they are interested in something.- Agree
Children pick up languages best if there is a context and...
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
Using the guide as a checklist may not suit every case and may be frustrating as it could be counterproductive, it's nos accurate as every child is different and has different timings to develop and learn.
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
I think education authorities should suggest and propose effective and updated methods, having flexibility plus being open to teacher's methods, whilst governments should build bridges to connect with other countries and their educational methods to enrich the educational system, to make it more equal and diverse. Education authorities should be the ones who...
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
Such a great idea! I'm going to put it into practice, so good for vocabulary too!
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
Wow! I thought it was easier as the one before but it was definitely challenging and difficult! It's not the same reading them as decoding and translating! So interesting!
In Spanish we have 27 letters corresponding to 27 sounds and 5 digraphs. -
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
I didn't find it difficult as I'm used to phonics since I learnt this as an English as a second language student when I was younger. As I said before, this tool was life changing for me. Although I have to say I was probably 13 when my English teacher taught me this and showed me how to use it in my dictionary as I asked what were those symbols.
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
I've learnt phonics are crucial for literacy and speaking skills, specifically for pronunciation.
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
Really useful and clearing. Thank you
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
Each child is unique and develops differently. The map is not the territory...guides not checklist! Loved this
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
Recites some number names in sequence. From 2
Can play in a group. From 2
Experiments with blocks, colours and marks. From 12 months
Copies familiar expressions, e.g. Oh dear! All gone! From 12 months
Runs safely on whole foot. It may depend on when they started walking (?)
Listens with interest to the noises adults make when they read stories. From 12... -
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
- I think it depends on the stage children are, it varies from child to child too, considering their background or context, though I think they learn by observing, repeating, imitating, playing, socializing, developing habits, being cared, loved and given a safe space where they are able to feel confident, free and secure to express themselves authentically,...
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
Wonderful and useful info :) thanks
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
I'm a carer and practitioner. I believe children learn through experience, the more playful, fun and enjoyable, the better.
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
1- I think they need practice, motivation, fun and playful ways to learn and naturally remember or incorporate the rules, phonics, grammar...
2- I think it's key. Personally when I was taught phonics I felt more confident as I undestood and had a sort of map for me to explore the language by myself. I remember as a child feeling I was given a tool that gave... -
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
Hi I'm Estefanía, I'm a native Spanish speaker learning English since I was eight years old. I'm actually working in a kindergarten introducing English as a second language in Uruguay, my home country. I'm really interested in getting new tools and skills to improve my speaking and teach properly as well. I love languages and appreciate different accents, I...
I learn from the children of course, I look at them playing and how they relate to each other, how they relate to other adults and activities, what catches their attention, what's dull or too much, and still some days something works and other days it's absolutely useless trying cause they're not in the mood so flexibility, listening, patience and mindfulness...
Thank you @SheonaGilmour, it is a lovely project indeed, and I'm grateful for this opportunity! I'll be happy to share my experience. I started 2 weeks ago when kindergartens In Uruguay were able to open again and work with new ways due to covid-19, so it's been life changing for all of us as it's happening everywhere else I guess.
In this two weeks I've... -
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
Thanks! It's a great and useful idea :)
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
I really want to give and do my best, though, as I am not an English native speaker and I don't have a formal teacher training in early childhood nor in English teaching either, I have many doubts and I feel excited about learning and beginning this journey! Thanks so much for sharing your valuable experiences.
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
I work in a kindergarten four hours a day with 2-5 years old children. I am not a parent, though I am an auntie and love spending time with my niece and nephew, have been their only babysitter ever :D . I've worked with young children before as a yoga teacher, now my role is to assist teachers (spanish speakers) in English, so children learn in their mother...
Estefanía Machado Martínez made a comment
Hello everyone! I'm Estefania, I'm from Uruguay and I work in a kindergarten in Jose Ignacio, a small seaside resort on the east coast, where there are thirteen children attending. I'm actually a yoga teacher and actress though my job there is to introduce English in a playful and natural way. I've been learning English since I was a child, though I haven't...