Derek Yates

Derek Yates

An educator and design writer. The author of ‘Communication Design, Insights from the Creative Industries’, published by Bloomsbury. Initiator of collaborations with the likes of Apple, Sky & Barclays

Location London


  • Loving your engagement Robert. It would be great to connect with Irene, who has provided some great analysis in previous steps. Also connect us to your book covers - we'd love to see them!

  • Personal I love the way they open up very complex shifts in behaviour in ways that allow a wider audience to appreciate significance.

  • Fantastic analysis, Irene. Well done.

  • Pleased to see that you picked up on the digital/ physical connections. Don't forget about the Social Media reaction. An important feedback into the amplification of the conversation around the project.

  • Pleased to see that you picked up on the digital/ physical connections. Don't forget about the Social Media reaction. An important feedback into the amplification of the conversation around the project.

  • Pleased to see that you picked up on the digital/ physical connections. Don't forget about the Social Media reaction. An important feedback into the amplification of the conversation around the project.

  • Hi Robert, hope you enjoy. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

  • Hi Maddie, the links on the padlet are case studies of projects that demonstrate some of the principles we have introduced used within a project, so users sharing content or an audience remixing elements from a campaign.

    Think about what is happening in Decoded and think about how the message that Jay Z and Droga 5 are putting out is advanced and shared...