Giovanni Pereira

Giovanni Pereira

My background is in chemical engineering, I love technological things and to update myself on the capital market.
Mathematics, statistics and programming always always arouse my curiosity.

Location I'm from Brazil, and I live in the southeastern region of the country


  • Thank you for the great content that you have all provided us and thank you for the wise and exciting conversation through these weeks, it was a pleasure, goodbye!

  • -- I couldn't understand this at the beginning but the tutorial spot me some light on that. Great job!

    import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
    import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Token as P
    import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Language

    data Tag = MkTag String deriving Show

    parseTag :: Parser Tag
    parseTag =
    do char '<'
    x <-...

  • I as a native speaker of Portuguese I noticed when my daughter was learning verbal conjugation how hard that topic were for every one, in my study of English if clauses were quite complex to me.

  • I'm from Brazil and my mother tongue is Portuguese, I also speak Spanish because all the countries around us speak it. besides that, I listen and read English quite well, but I can't speak it so easily.

  • There is a typing mistake in... Computations over lists
    Many "computatations"

  • In my opinion Haskell's approach closer to math makes your learning smoother for a beginner in language, the challenge is to abandon the procedural approach