Steven Wang

Steven Wang

M.S. Student, Institute of Service Science, National Tsing Hua University

Location Taiwan


  • Hi @patrickkwong ,

    Thank you for sharing your opinion with us !

    Since there are so many possibilities in the future (—validation period) that we cannot observe or control when we used the data in the past (—training period), we may not be able to test whether the model is correct or to forecast precisely what would happen in the future. But, we can...

  • But, as you said, the real world may not always behave as we expected. Therefore, even though we have tried various possible methods, it is still possible to get an unsatisfied forecasting result :(

  • Hi @chukwuemekaonunka ,

    This is a really interesting and important point in the forecast !
    Thank you for pointing that out !

    There are several questions that we can ask ourself while doing the forecast:
    - What types of policies change and business environment are there ?
    - Do they have a great influence on the dependent variable we predict ?

  • Dear @MalvinaKaczmarek ,

    You could try to reset the directory path as followings :

    1. Copy the path of the directory, where you stored the "Amtrak data.csv” file.
    2. Type setwd(“path”) and replace the “path” with what you just stored.
    Then, you should be able to read the csv file :)
    R would set the default directory path and try to read the...

  • Dear @AnnaS , Thank you for bringing out this idea, which gives us food for thought.

    The pandemic would probably impact the forecasts directly or indirectly, which depends on how much the forecasts related to the pandemic.

  • In my opinions according to the interviews, the value proposition of YouBike is “Users can transport in the short distance quickly with cheap price”.

    The main difference of YouBike 1.0 and 2.0 is that it’s more user-friendly on YouBike 2.0. The users could lock the bikes and access the information easier. Launching the 2.0 version in the campus might be a...

  • One of the challenges faced to launch the technology-enabled service innovation is the acceptance of the local, like the community currency though blockchain.

    It might bring many advantages like re-defining the values of service etc. It is hard to create the systematic changes because the acceptance of the local.

    We should consider a proper education...

  • It’s not an easy thing to attract someone to move to the areas with less viable resource, when they have none of rural living experience. It seems essential to build a sustainable urban-rural ecosystem, facing the challenges of the migration.

    However, is creating more jobs opportunities the only solution ?

    One of the proposition from Japan in regional...

  • Google Map has been one of the most popular applications in everyone’s phone nowadays. As users, we often read the google reviews of the restaurants to decide whether to go, plan the journeys through checking recommended attractions, and navigate the destination through the Google Map.

    The value co-created through the service, which is the fundamental...

  • Google Map

    - Google, Reviewer, Restaurants, Stores, and Users.

    |Resource |
    - Cloud computing, Precise Positioning, Navigation—Google
    - Feedbacks and Participation—Reviewers
    - Location and Information—Restaurants and Stores
    - Data —Users

    - The restaurants could provide the information and the location, while advertising and...