Anderson Freitas Gomes

Anderson Freitas Gomes

Well my name is Anderson, I was born in Aracaju /Se/Brazil and Sergipe is situated in northeast of Brazil, it's the smallest State but with best quality of life. Actually I've been studying IT MVA.

Location Aracaju/SE Brazil



  • Hello everybody! I am already student of British Council through IELTS for some courses, my name is Anderson I am from Aracaju/SE Brazil where I was born then I'm a sergiper.
    And you need to know Aracaju is smallast State of Brazil Federation however with best quality of life.
    By the way my purpose here is get best knowledge of ESL.

  • Well, this course will focus on writing the argumentative essay as it is an essential type of writing in many disciplines.
    As we saw all text exposed writing will only improve with practice, practice and practice.
    Than that's the great opportunity for us to face ours challenges.

  • That's a reality we faced challenge and got it.
    I sincerely thank all tutors and colleagues what we learnt togther excelent ecperience.

  • well, very good this oriented program course with purpose prepare us to going UK University.

  • Review was very interesting where we could see our low and high.

  • Genre - A musical genre
    Discipline - Eletive discipline
    Community - International Community
    Successful - Extremely successful
    Lecture - Memorial lecture
    Assignment - Assignment temporary
    Peer - Creative peer

  • I will make a great experience.

    Will I have to work difficult?

    I hear that there is thick rain every day.

  • well, Omar was perfect in his feedback to Farah and attentious.

  • Literature is writting book by some author about especific subject.
    Source any element providing information for students such as textbooks, internet, libraries, etc.
    Scholarship is way of getting study free through School, University or some scolar Institution.

  • What makes a good definition?
    Answer: At first in my opinion I consider an algorithimic as we are refining information so best definition is a best algorithimic.

  • Excelent didatical material like define exactly one word:
    Textbooks are a type of publication, usually used by students, that contain core information about a subject.
    Eggs are a type of food that come from chickens and have a hard outer shell and a yolk.

  • A genre is a type of text such as assessed student writing, eg an essay, that has certain features.

    An essay is a genre of assessed student writing that has certain typical features.

  • Watch the video again.
    Which words does Professor Gardner define?
    Write them down.
    1. Genre - genre it means ‘type’
    2. Discipline - Type matter to be studied.
    3. Lecture - Subject developed about business through lecturer
    4. Sources - Sources are the places where you look for evidence to support your work.
    5. Scolarship - It's a way student getting to...

  • I've no condition doing a compared study here in Brazil with aboard, one thing I am sure class experimental lab no more than twenty student reason why I was academic in Mathemitic.

  • Have you ever had a tutorial at university?
    Answer: yes; when I was studying expremental fisic.

    What happened?
    Answer: We were guidenced to proove why clock during winter stay fast and in summer slow.

    Was it similar to the ideas Omar told us about?
    Answer: Almoste.

  • Have you ever taken part in a seminar?

    Answer: yes; but many years ago therefore I will describe what mean a seminar: I remember perfectly when I was studying at C.C.A.A School last year there was a seminar where I was part a group of twelve students three lecturer.

    What happened?

    Answer: Each lecturer gave us an explanation about all subjects...

  • Have you ever been in a lecture?
    Answer: Yes, I've.
    What did you do?
    Answer: I just watched to the lecture.
    Was it different from Omar’s description?
    Answer: Yes; it was.

  • What new information about the terms has Omar given you?
    Answer: Omar's advice
    1. When you encounter new words in any situation, don't panic, take it easy.
    2. Remember to Plan ahead if you have an exam or an assignment.

  • Google is been excelent to doing these task.

  • Well, second "Oxford learn dictionary" we've meaning each word:
    Lecture: A talk is given to a group of people to teach them about a particular subject, often as a part of a university or collage course.

    Seminar: A class at a university or collage when a small group of students and a teacher discuss or study a particular topic.

    Tutorial: a short book or...

  • Khadichabonu Olimova I was reading your task where I liked alot of it.

  • well, I have seen all team learners are really focused where I am proud of them, congratulations dear colleags!

  • Already answered question before.

  • What have you found to be particularly good, useful or interesting about this week?
    Answer: At the end of this week I had the opportunity reading in particularly good comments where inriched my knowledge great proof we've learned together.

    What actions will you take to practise what you have learned this week?
    Answer: Do part this team of learners where I...

  • Some dictionary on first page there are tips like pronounce very well legal.

  • That's a good idea or a good learn dictionary.

  • I don't see difficulty in pronounce such words any difficulty new words just consulting a good dictionary, at last we don't know all words always will appear new words then our mission is looking for meaning.

  • 1. Reflec’tion
    2. Lec’ture
    3. Gen’re
    4. Indepen’dence
    5. Auto’nomous

  • Look at the following examples. Where do you think the /ə/ sound is?
    Reflection - Refl/ə/ction
    Lecture - Lectur/ə
    Genre - G/ə/nre
    independence - Ind/ə/p/ə/nd/ə/nce
    Autonomous - Auton/ə/mous

  • I always had this experience when I was for example reading weekly magazine time where when one word was unknown I had consulting Osvaldo Serpa dictionary the phonemic and perfect pronounce.

  • This way we see that
    a dictionary has all the information we need to understand the meaning of a word, but it also has all the information we need to say a word correctly and make yourself understood.
    Firstly we need the word we want to learn, secondly we need the phonemic transcript thirdly we need the chart to help we understand the phonemic transcript.

  • 1. resilient - strong enough to get better quickly after illness, shock, etc..
    In the context, it means a student should be able to learn from failures and mistakes and keep on working.
    2. Peers: someone who is the same age, or who has the same social position or abilities as other members of a group.
    it means your equals.
    3. Community: a group of people;...

  • I liked your developement.

  • Perfect Fabian! very good.

  • Self-efficient means not depending on others to learn which makes more sense to the "independent" word in the context by Ian Dunn.

  • Great! Hazar.
    very good.

  • At first we must understand the importance of context.
    Finally, I can conclude that the keywords 'government-ruled learning' are out of context.
    clearly notice that "government-ruled learning" have nothing to do with independent learning.

  • In my opinion monolingual dictionary is more useful to people fluent in english therefore I prefer it reason why we must be acostumated with english language.
    The learner dictionary is for people who is learning English as a second language.

  • At first I would say, I would use a bilingual dictionary in my case english/portuguese therefore I would use monolingual reason why I have a fluence in english this is automatic message but clear we do not know everything then between while we need a dictionary.
    Best dictionary would be that one we look for that word and we have mean clear and objective. I...

  • At first I am here giving an opinion like brazilian guy where I consider very good and most used it's named "Osvaldo Serpa" I used at Gymnasium, High school and University nowadays I use Google. I already used monolingual, bilingual both are good.

  • I look for in dictionary and translate it reason why I will have no doubt.

  • well, all contend that I find new on scrip and video I've done a notification reason why are especific terms used in academic study.
    once up time I was walking with a dictionary pockbook for anywhere I need it.

  • whether it was'nt understood obviously let's listening again the video principally for foreing people that's not acostumated with english sounds so I always doing download all video.

  • Great! Marina. Good idea.

  • May you can doing download of video at any moment.

  • What do successful students look like according to the video?
    Answer: To be organized, Resilient, Confident, Plan your time, aware of your deadlines,
    evaluate yourself, recognized your learning gaps , Don´t be afraid of asking.

  • great! show of ball.

  • Shahzeb very good.

  • Really in Academic study appear some news text, words, unknown like "gist" in the other hand we had severals information about Preparing for success and tips.

  • So, how can you make sure you achieve success in your studies?
    Answer: At first becoming a professional student realizing a program of study with responsibility above all.

    What does a successful student look like?
    Answer: That one responsable, foccused, motivated willing to win in his life.

    What qualities do they display?
    Answer: The name say respect...

  • I am not studying for degree at this moment however this happened seven decades ago when I was studying Mathematic for four years and later I was teaching math for fifteen years.
    I was already teaching also Information Tecnology for twelve years in a Project where I had the mission teaching IT for all besides was really excelent experience with much proud of.

  • Hello dear fellows and all tutors
    once more time I am here doing part this new course for english Academic.
    My name is Anderson Freitas Gomes from Aracaju/SE Brazil am Sergiper, my smallest state of Federation is situated in northeast of Brazil however recognized like best quality of life.

  • I thank all tutors message left for us and all importants links where allow us up dating.

  • We arrived together facing to these challenges conquering our objectives becoming best.

  • Ofcourse principal factor is remain totally calm like you were conversing with someone intemate you've.

  • I sincerelly thank all team tutors beatifull work developed with cathedra and huge quality once more time congratulations!

  • Marvelouse study about
    Grammar: Articles and language of comparison.
    Very good!

  • well, once up time I did signingture weekly magazine time for two years with purpose to be up date and acquire knowledge not only of english but some specific subjects and World. This way whether we're wating learning any language we've roll up our sleeves and realize what we like more.
    This one once more experience in learning englis, yes, I bought a idiome...

  • I already had a good experience in learning english more or less six decades before when I was studing english through International Correspondence School by vinil disk considering as a whole fifty lesson and I've till today where remain perfect, good pronounce, clean sound, I intend to pass a pendrive reason why I can take anywhere and in reality is a perfect...

  • Thank Sir.

  • Very interesting study.

  • Well, this section of study about
    using correct pronunciation is a show of boal, very well developed with severals observation points like consonant cluster and many details, congratulation dear tutors!

  • I am here till now facing challenge all moments at last we don't know all, but aim to improving where we're seen may things to up dade that demands time.
    I sincerelly thank all dear fellows and tutors valid all comments.
    Let's go ahead foccusing our objective!

  • As I already told last week my smarth phone is is limiled to use such plataform like padlet and others.

  • Well, excelent didatical material about clauses I had seen before, congatulations FutureLearn team.

  • Excelent didatical material
    using appropriate and accurate vocabulary.
    Let's have dedication as long
    time as we can.

  • Excelent informations says respect analise from one graphic where show us like title "language spoken at home in Australia".

  • Ok! Thank you.

  • How did you organise your Re-tell Lecture item?
    Answer: At first listening it, second, orgonise summarizing relevants points in logical order.

    What did you learn from attempting this item type?
    Answer: I learnet we must be analitic above all.

  • At first I saw in this topic a summarise of ideas signposts wich give us a good review where I thank all team tutors.

  • What did you think about trying a Describe Image item?
    Answer: Be observed analitic abov all.

    What did you find challenging?
    Answer: One graphic say all just analise and observation.

    What did you learn?
    Answer: Alot of reason why there are severals ways seing things just having capability of analise.

  • @JoseLara Thank you very much for support guiding us .

  • At first I come to ask sorry reason why my equipament has limited performance where I prefered not realise it.

  • Which tense do you find most difficult in English?
    Answer: Each case is a case, it's going depends on situation when someone is speaking or talking.
    Is passive voice common in your mother tongue?
    Answer: yes; it is. Like exemplo: Advanced Calculus III was writen by Psu (In english) - agent sufer action through preposition "by", In Portuguese language where...

  • Let's see the text:
    My father doesn't work on saturday.
    the word "father" refer that he's a member of family not mother or other member then "father" is pronounced more strong where is named stressed and rest of pronounce is going falling.
    Depending on you pronounce strong the word this will be named stressed.

  • What did you find challenging about the Re-tell Lecture item?
    Answer: well, at first I am feeling difficulty beyond I am developing my reply on smarthphone where become bad.

    If you tried again, what would you do differently?
    Answer: In my situation it doesn't suit.

  • Good experience usefull through Pad let app.

  • Think about the three factors that affect fluency discussed above (i.e. frequent repetition, unnecessary pauses and false starts).
    Do you think you have problems with any of these when you speak in English?
    Answer: No; I don't reason why I've a good vocabulary, think about language where allow me versatility expressing automaticly my ideas or what I wating...

  • I sincerelly did not get reading after bip, reason why text was without conditation to read.

  • Did you try the rate of speech activity above?
    Answer: yes; I did reason why between while I record some reading about any subject where I observe my pronouce, speed and intonation.
    Did you speak too fast or too slowly?
    Answer: I look for speaking with balance controling the breath that's very important.
    Did you have to slow down or speed up?
    Answer: I...

  • I consider nature principaly whether you're a student of foreing language reason why are'nt acostomated with sound in english where we've to educate our ears in theses sounds then we should record one to repeating....repeating having a quite well pronounce or at last living in a Country where english is spoken.

  • Both item types are not easy I've great challenges to face.

  • Great! jose Lara. first time I am doing PTE Academic.

  • well, my name is Anderson Freitas Gomes I am from Aracaju/SE then am Sergiper where Sergipe is smallest state of Brazil situate in northeast of beside with best quality life.
    As to my hobbies I like practise severals sports like play footboal, swiming, gim.
    At last this is first time I am doing PTE Academic ofcourse I'd like get good score.

  • Hello dear fellows and Tutors! Once more time I am doing part this famous team IELTS english course where purpose is same yours get better skill in english.

  • Pleasure is mine doing parte this new course PTE Aacademic. Let's go that go.

  • At last what mean PTE?

  • What do you know now that you didn’t know before?
    Answer: Best way to become
    a good teacher is having resilience and emphaty doing part of his work.
    What stood out for you?
    Answer: both resilience and emphaty.
    What was your memorable moment?
    Answer: Happyness having an opportunity of doing part this marvelouse team where I found quality and quantaty...

  • Both parts of course are important however I gave value on my realistic histories reason my experience.

  • Good idea! thanks.

  • Which of the entry requirements do you already have?
    Answer: Courses in four areas Mathematic, Information Tecnology, Petrolium Tecnology and English.
    Which do you still need to acquire?
    Answer: Specilization both areas as much as knowledge better.
    What experience do you already have?
    Answer: Mathematic for fifteen years classroom, Information Tecnology...

  • Well, each school has it programs of study where objective is prepare peoples to future independent opition from each one. Obviously each school with specific programs to attend market work what's we've seen lately.

  • James pilgrim developed work refering actual study.

  • One intervew is a way form measuring ability to develope some activity and once up time I had the opportunity been intervewed about Petrolium Tecnology where someone asked me why do you wanting to be a tecnic in Oil and working in Petrobras Company? my reply was, at first because a good medical assistence I will have, second best sallary compared with others...

  • Well, dear fellows and tutors I thank the opportunity I had teaching for more than sixteen years Mathematic and more than twelve years Information Tecnology where were both marvelouse experience and gratifying.

  • What could you add to these personal qualities, now that you have reached Week 4?
    Answer: Beside list of personal qualities from Week1, I would do everything best once more time with love, the key word is everything you do do with love.

  • It was interesting watching both stories.

  • I've two real histories one in decade of seventy when I was teaching Mathematic by first time and the second one in 2005 when I had the opportunity of participating Project Interiorrization about Information Tecnology where I had mission teaching Office box where they are ; Word, Access, Excel, Powerpoint, Www, where were fan.

  • Great Camila! I was reading your real history I liked very much.
    Best wishes.

  • I sincerelly think that you need self awareness in so many situations like a teacher.