Marc Angelier
Fervent defender of braille, I travel the world to train practitioners and to make inclusive school for all a reality!
I am in charge of implementing LEGO Braille Bricks concept for the LEGO Foundation
Location France
Marc Angelier replied to Lynnette V
Thank you @LynnetteV for your comments and participation
Thank you!
Marc Angelier replied to Susan Masters
Thank you @SusanMasters
Marc Angelier replied to Susan Masters
For sure @SusanMasters
Marc Angelier replied to Jeannette Melendez
Yes and they usually enjoy that. You can also combine it with "Build a masterpiece".
It is iteration!
Marc Angelier replied to Stephanie Stavers
Thank you @StephanieStavers
Marc Angelier replied to Jeannette Melendez
Thank you!
Thank you!
Marc Angelier replied to Jeannette Melendez
Could you explain it a bit more @JeannetteMelendez ?
Marc Angelier replied to Stephanie Stavers
Thank you for sharing @StephanieStavers
Planification is so important
Marc Angelier replied to Annie Williams
Thanks for sharing @AnnieWilliams
Marc Angelier replied to Stephanie Stavers
Thank you @StephanieStavers
Let's go!
Marc Angelier replied to Lyubov Bobchynets
You are welcome @LyubovBobchynets
Marc Angelier replied to Clare Bush
Thanks for sharing @ClareBush
Marc Angelier replied to Lynnette V
Thanks for sharing @LynnetteV
Marc Angelier replied to Lyubov Bobchynets
Yes it is a engaging and physical activity @LyubovBobchynets
Marc Angelier replied to Stephanie Stavers
Thank you for your nice comment @StephanieStavers
Marc Angelier replied to Jeannette Melendez
Agree but with practice it can also work with a big group @JeannetteMelendez
Marc Angelier replied to Susan Masters
Marc Angelier replied to Stephanie Stavers
Yes, it is often beneficial for some kids to reduce the number of bricks @StephanieStavers
Practice and share with your students @JeannetteMelendez
Yes, it is a great introduction to the braille cell @SusanMasters
That's where iteration is a nice characteristic to remember @MaríadelRosarioHernándezArteaga
Thank you!
Thanks for sharing @StephanieStavers
For sure it will be useful for adults to prepare the actvities @JeannetteMelendez
and children will love that too @MikiTanae
Marc Angelier replied to Jeannette Melendez
Hope you are enjoying the course @JeannetteMelendez
Marc Angelier replied to Susan Masters
Hope you are enjoying the course @SusanMasters
See you next week then!
Yes @TracyUtting and very useful not to spend too much time looking for specific bricks!
Thank you @MaríadelRosarioHernándezArteaga
Marc Angelier replied to Alison Hollands
Yes, it is important that facilitators and the children have the same terminology and share their strategies
Thank you @AlisonHollands
Yes @StephanieStavers LEGO Braille Bricks are great to discover sciences too!
Marc Angelier replied to Tracey Carter
Hope you are enjoying the course @TraceyCarter
Marc Angelier replied to Susan Masters
Hope you are enjoying the course @SusanMasters
Marc Angelier replied to Stephanie Stavers
Thank you for sharing @StephanieStavers
Gracias por su comentario!
Thank you @StephanieStavers It is so meaningful for the children!
Thank you @MaríadelRosarioHernándezArteaga Have you tried it?
Glad you are ready to play!
Thanks @SusanMasters
Simplicity is often better!
Exactly @MarcusWallis we are here to facilitate and help children develop their holistic skills
Thanks @JeannetteMelendez
Thanks for your comments. It summarizes LEGO Braille Bricks concept well!
Thank you @DianeGlynan for your nice comments!
LEGO Braille Bricks is a powerful tool for braille advocacy and such an inclusive one @Martine(futurelearn)Flem
Marc Angelier replied to Jamie Abram
Welcome to the course @JamieAbram
Marc Angelier replied to Sejal Aboo
Welcome to the course @SejalAboo
Marc Angelier replied to James Cogo
Welcome to the course @JamesCogo
Marc Angelier replied to Carla Alejandra
Welcome to the course @CarlaAlejandra
Marc Angelier replied to Elizabeth Ellis
Welcome to the course @ElizabethEllis
Welcome to the course @Martine(futurelearn)Flem
Marc Angelier replied to Stephanie Stavers
Welcome to the course @StephanieStavers
Marc Angelier replied to SAHER GHAWISH
Welcome to the course @SAHERGHAWISH
Marc Angelier replied to itzel vasquez
Welcome to the course @itzelvasquez
Marc Angelier replied to Diane Boughton
Welcome to the course @DianeBoughton
Marc Angelier replied to Lynnette V
Welcome to the course @LynnetteV
Marc Angelier replied to Marcus Wallis
Welcome to the course @MarcusWallis
LEGO Braille Bricks is such a great inclusive concept: your students will enjoy it!
Hope you will enjoy the course with us @AnitaAnwerAli
Thank you and welcome @StephanieStavers
Glad to have you on the course @SAHERGHAWISH
@MaríadelRosarioHernándezArteaga Do you know that we have the same course available in Spanish on FutureLearn?
Enjoy the course @LynnetteV
Marc Angelier replied to Andrea Salguero
Bienvenida Andrea
Saludos y bienvenida Martha
Marc Angelier replied to Yahaira Cuevas
Bienvenida al curso
Hola, bienvenido!
Marc Angelier replied to Jeremy Robinson
Hola Jeremy, bienvenido al curso
Hola, esperamos que aprendas y te diviertas mucho
Marc Angelier replied to Nathalie Toulze
Thank you!
Marc Angelier replied to Rhonda Underhill
Yes, it can be challenging if the number of letters is more than 5!
Marc Angelier replied to sakina hussain
Marc Angelier replied to Nathalie Toulze
Have you shared a photo of the bricks you made on ?
Marc Angelier replied to Karen Pozza
Glad you do!
Marc Angelier replied to sakina hussain
Thank you!
Marc Angelier replied to Nathalie Toulze
Thank you for sharing!
Marc Angelier replied to sakina hussain
Hope you are enjoying the course @sakinahussain
Marc Angelier replied to Nathalie Toulze
Glad you enjoy the course!
Marc Angelier replied to Vanessa - Lee St John
Thank you @Vanessa-LeeStJohn for your nice comment!
@NathalieToulze Have you shared your lesson plans and ideas on fractions?
Marc Angelier replied to Nathalie Toulze
Thank you! I like your comment: imagination is key for children and adults!
Thank you @Vanessa-LeeStJohn
Marc Angelier replied to Vanessa - Lee St John
Agree! 2 players can play together, even without an adult watching!
Not really complex when the children understand the instructions. First time can be complex but then, they enjoy playing this activity without an adult watching.
No, it is not easy and it is a real multi tasks activity @NathalieToulze
Thank you @sakinahussain
Marc Angelier replied to Rhonda Underhill
That's a great idea @RhondaUnderhill !
Marc Angelier replied to Cleone Cajee
@CleoneCajee It is time consuming if you want your students to build the frame. In the instructions, we advice adults to build the frame for the children.