Katharine Osborne

Katharine Osborne

I'm a programmer currently working at a digital agency (advertising). I've previously worked in publishing, the film industry, and education, and at various tech startups in a variety of roles.

Location London, UK


  • Oh no, that sucks. I wish we could review these stories more opening (I too only have one review). I would definitely help out on stories that didn't get attention.

  • Katharine Osborne made a comment

    This was really good and I wanted to read more. It did take me a paragraph or so to understand the premise and get into it but I really liked the writing style (the story I'm writing has a similar tempo and tone but it's first person).

  • I mainly had to focus on expanding the story a bit to meet the minimum word count, and for tense (I kept switching from present to past and back again, and while this isn't out of place necessarily for first person narration, I know it really bugs a lot of people and I don't want to catch anyone's ire).

  • You have reminded me that I hate Catch 22, couldn't get past the first couple of chapters as I could not relate at all to the main character (he seemed really selfish, and not in a way you would feel would get resolved over redeemed). I agree that it suffered from too many tangents.

  • Pride and Prejudice is simply wonderful. I love how Austen wrote Lizzy and Darcy's dialogue to one another in such a way as it could always be interpreted in two different ways. Oh man, Austen knew what she was doing.

  • There's a movie of Orlando with Tilda Swinton playing the title character (the only and obvious choice). It's also really good!

  • My all time favourite book is Orlando by Virginia Woolf. Unfortunately I don't currently have a copy so I can't thumb through it right now, but from memory, I liked the main character and how at sea they (Orlando is first a man then an woman, so 'they' covers both) felt in the world, and I deeply identify with this unsettling feeling myself. Orlando deals with...

  • Louis de Bernières sounds like he might be a bit difficult to live with, what with the feet on the kitchen table and hogging the bathroom. I wish I could be as blissful a reader; I usually have trouble finding things that capture my attention (I have a lot of started books with bookmarks a few millimetres in on my shelves).

  • My finished story ended up being 450 words which is a lot shorter than I would have thought. Ah well. It feels complete so I don't really want to bulk it up in editing.

  • Well, I had a lot of difficulty with the previous exercises and so out of the blue I chose to write about a medieval chambermaid, and now I regret that choice (her driving force is to avoid people and not be treated badly).

  • This is interesting. I've found this exercise a bit difficult/tedious as I tend to create characters that are fish out of water; they are generally ordinary boring people thrust into absurd or surreal circumstances and their personality develops (like a photograph) as they respond to the situation they are in. I don't really know or care who they are ahead of...

  • Honestly it's a relief not to have the minutiae of physical details described (although that is probably personal preference). Physical details are not terribly important to this story, and in fact eliding them serves the story as Nancy is mistakes Donald for another Donald. I think a lot of aspiring writers (in the writing groups I've been in) have gotten...

  • I mean, who actually wants to call themselves Bougie? It's an insult now and probably was one then.

  • I got the impression that Nancy is effervescent and Donald is a little bit plodding (who mentions their dead wife so breezily?). The descriptions were vivid, and Nancy's voice was very clear in my head (from the speech patterns). I got a bit hung up on the mention of a sleigh ride and and a lake when the airport was in Pueblo (New Mexico?). Children kissing...

  • I usually stick with action, summary, or scene, but I should practice the others. I tend to try to give the minimal effort of describing a character is exposition, and let the character talk or act for themselves.

  • This was interesting but I found myself re-reading the Gromov description multiple times as I lost the thread (I did not clock that he was paranoid-schizophrenic). I find the action descriptions are much easier to read, and the Sally Bowles description was the most vivid of them all.

  • Well, I learned a new word today, patrimony (is this still a thing in the modern day?)

  • As a person I am neurotic, anxious, and introverted, and a lot of my characters, unless I put a lot of intention and effort into it, are the same. This is my blank canvas character (an observer or witness character), and I think I need to do more work to make sure that when I use such a character, it is entirely intentional.

  • Adriana struggled with the form, the letters danced all over the page and changed their orientations. She had always struggled to read, and none of her teachers were willing to help (to be fair, the classes were always overfull and rowdy with boys who didn't eat breakfast and couldn't concentrate). Now she was 16 and on her own except for the small child on...

  • Earlier I brought up the 'welfare queen' stereotype invented by Ronald Reagan as an excuse to gut public programs; this is easy to subvert as there has probably never been a welfare queen (or at least, not enough to be statistically relevant). The 'welfare queen' part would be a perception by another character looking at her from a limited exterior...

  • Sitting behind people who are on their phones while on the bus where you hear half a conversation is very fertile ground for character development.

  • Not casting real life people as stereotypes is a useful real world skill, not just for writing fiction. Ronald Reagan coined the term 'welfare queen' to cast women on welfare in the US as money grubbing, spendthrift, unwed baby machines (who were implied to be uneducated and black). This led to decades of trimming welfare without looking at the actual...

  • I too have a suicide (along with an infanticide), abuse, child labour, and an inhumane hunt among other things in one of my current stories. I wonder if it is necessary to have so many dire things (even though that can be fun and dramatic to write), or if it would be better to focus on one or two.

  • This is interesting. I'm writing a novel and got stuck 76K words in, partly because there is too much plot and I'm mired in it (side quests, in effect, to use gaming terminology), but also because the main character is well, a bit of a drip and a blank canvas. I need to give her a stronger personality and more of a conflict (she does have conflicts, but none...

  • A lot of my concerns are worries about the behaviour of people in a general sense, and though I haven't written stories about the specific concerns, I have written stories about the behaviour of people (one story, written several years ago, involved a disfiguring communicable disease, and the last few people fleeing from those who were trying to infect them in...

  • Such a great piece above.

    My current personal concerns overwhelmingly involve the pandemic, and I was recently diagnosed with OCD. I have a phobia of being around people, and I am not handling it well. I want to write as a distraction, although I do want to write eventually about this time in my life, but it is too raw and too near.

  • One of the Marvel films had Thor getting on the tube trying to get to Greenwich from I think Charing Cross, and he asked a passenger for directions and she said it was two stops, and in reality it's minimally 7 stops and that has now been permanently lodged in my brain.

  • A lot of what I write is speculative fiction, so I'm not necessarily trapped with historical research. I do write a lot of sci-fi, but I listen to a lot of science podcasts and watch a lot of science youtube videos (and I was also a science writer for about 2 years), so I've already absorbed a lot of the important stuff through osmosis; I have a good framework...

  • Katharine Osborne made a comment

    It's interesting that the authors had such differing approaches. I'd agree with Alex Garland that it is more important to let the imagination lead (yes things should be correct, unless there is a good reason for them to be wrong or off-kilter intentionally).

  • I like this list; it lays it out concretely and can be used as a sort of checklist for the dodgy bits of a story (though some things might be missing, such as whether a character's internal state is properly conveyed to the reader, something I'm currently struggling with in my novel).

  • It's interesting that so many people kept groaning when it was one of the first things cut (it is quite a fun word to say).

  • The main thing that I got from the original was that Hilary noticing the storm meant that there was a storm inside her as well, and I focused on trying to connect that (not sure if I succeeded):

    Hilary carried a loaded gun, stood still amongst the oblivious crowds in the street, and looked heavenward at the tempest.

  • My version:

    Hilary carried a loaded gun, stood still amongst the oblivious crowds in the street, and looked heavenward at the tempest.

  • I think what I wrote was more of a fragment, really just some scene setting. There's not really a beginning, middle, and end. The story:

    Anne Wittens was having a terrible day. The master of Warwick house had left for the country quite suddenly at the outbreak of war, perhaps hiding, perhaps pre-emptively mourning. There was no news of his son and heir...

  • Story from last week:

    Anne Wittens was having a terrible day. The master of Warwick house had left for the country quite suddenly at the outbreak of war, perhaps hiding, perhaps pre-emptively mourning. There was no news of his son and heir during the whole of the retreat to Dunkirk. There was no paper tape to be found in any of the nearby shops to secure...

  • I don't own a radio haha, so I tried this with iPlayer and BBC News, and the first thing mentioned was Trump questioning the election that hasn't happened yet...and just, no. Second attempt, flipping open the London Compendium:

    Anne Wittens was having a terrible day. The master of Warwick house had left for the country quite suddenly at the outbreak of war,...

  • I think my brain works a little differently--I don't always approach a story from within someone's head (which is really what is happening with both 'I remember' and 'Emma said'). Often I think of a scene or an object and go from there (usually not people focused). However, I think this is potentially a useful tool to get me out of my misanthropic comfort zone.

  • Maybe just focus on one aspect of what bothers you about a piece that you have written, and then try to write something new that addresses that issue. It's okay if it's not perfect; just consider it practice.

  • Often I rely on dialog that pops into my head to unspool a story, rather than visual images, or specific characters, although sometimes I'll just have a scene come into my head. I don't really find that characters flow from description. Maybe I am too much in my own head, and thinking of the characters from the inside out rather than the outside in.

  • I tend to just unspool. The act of writing is soothing, and I'm not much for planning (when I do my momentum tends to stop dead). That said I do sometimes use side documents to keep track of things, like future plot points I want to flesh out.

  • The sudden light stabbed at my eyes.

    "Get up," he said.

    I pulled the covers over my face and tried to melt into the mattress and forget my consciousness and the previous night.

  • @DominicMcDonald Oh I love this!

  • I recently discovered the Strange Planet webcomic, which twists language hilariously: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvoa19FBe-b/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet

  • Given I chose a fox as a character not a lot of these will work. I did mention his childhood though!

  • The first excerpt has me wonder what on earth grass as verb means. By context I assume it's ratting someone out? I have no idea. Other than that it's an interesting sketch where actions neatly reflect the character's confusion.

    The second excerpt leans heavily on the reader's own assumptions about the world using subtle clues that tie into our current...

  • It was late into the night before the rubbish was picked up and the fox stood still on the cobbles, sniffing into the quiet air. It was young and its red coat was in good condition. I remember his mother, three-legged, mangy, frightened, and I remember the night it snowed and she danced in the parking lot across the way where she had made her lair, catching...

  • I'm not really sure what type of detail they are referring to. But given they are talking about detail that slows things down, it could be anything (description, feelings, moods, assumptions, etc) but in quantity. Personally I'm a little repulsed by this, mainly because I've stopped reading books that get bogged down in details instead of getting on with it (I...

  • Least: the information desk at an airport which is a bit silly, but the constant interruptions, visual distractions, and noise would absolutely crush me when trying to write.

    Most: the reading rooms at the British Library, specifically the top floor science room. Dead quiet except for the occasional footstep, or the rustling of the clear plastic bags in...

  • Definitely late at night works best. I try writing during the day, and sometimes it works okay if I really force it (like setting a timer), but sometimes I'll surf the web for 6 hours while I'm trying and then only when it gets to 10pm does anything come out.

  • I have auditory processing disorder and it would be helpful to have transcripts to these audio files.

    Anyway, I do find that I write best late at night, between 10pm and 2am, just because that's usually when it is quiet but my mind is still very much awake (and writing has really helped with my insomnia. I think having thoughts whirling around when you are...

  • I attempted to lean more into the first person narration.

  • Original:
    It was late into the night before the rubbish was picked up and the fox stood still on the cobbles, sniffing into the quiet air. It was young and its red coat was in good condition. I remember his mother, three-legged, mangy, and usually frightened, and I remember the night it snowed and she danced in the parking lot across the way where she had...

  • Many of the other comments make assumptions about the characters based on appearances, but I would be interested to know if the authors later subvert those assumptions (Orwell doesn't make any explicit assumptions about his character, it all comes from the reader).

  • It was late into the night before the rubbish was picked up and the fox stood still on the cobbles, sniffing into the quiet air. It was young and its red coat was in good condition. I remember his mother, three-legged, mangy, and usually frightened, and I remember the night it snowed and she danced in the parking lot across the way where she had made her lair,...

  • I think it's interesting that all the writers had an innate need to write, even if it was suppressed for awhile. The last who spoke, who wrote a novel because he had nothing else to do, sort of reflects my current point in life. I'm extremely afraid to leave the house because most people seem to have a complete inability to social distance. I've lost my job...

  • I find it difficult to observe people in a creative way around me. Mainly I am irritated by other people (I have autism, and people are usually speaking too loudly, or invading my personal space, wear smelly perfumes, or have other obnoxious behaviours. I also have difficulty making eye contact with strangers so to look more than a glance feels dangerous). I...

  • I keep a narrow paper notebook in my purse and used to use it write when I was bored on the bus (with jaggedly handwriting). I use the notes app in my phone, and I have notebooks all over my room for when I'm about to fall asleep and inspiration strikes but I'm too tired to crack open the laptop.

  • 3 facts, 1 fiction:
    I have a terrible time keeping plants alive. Do I over water? Under water? Or do the plants just hate me enough to kill all the green within themselves and shrivel into dust?

    1 fact, 3 fictions:
    If you are lucky enough, or unlucky, depending on your perspective, to dive next to a sperm whale, you might find that they click at you so...

  • Hi my name is Katharine. I've had a life long interest in getting some fiction published but haven't had luck yet. I've written hundreds of short stories, a couple of screenplays, and most recently since I've been laid off because of the virus, I've picked up one of my novel starts and am trying to finish it. I'm 75K words in but the plot and characters have...

  • Don't worry about typos. Just write first, then you can always go back over it to fix things (or leave it the way it is because that can be interesting too).

  • This was a very interesting course and the videos were informative. My main takeaway was learning the different between classification and regression (and I think there's a lot that can be done when combining the two). Learning about KNN was cool too.

    As an experienced coder, using MIMIC was torturous, but I can appreciate the challenge of making something...

  • Thanks for the resources.

  • Hey Elizabeth, I've discussed your idea in the next activity.

  • Elizabeth Hansen's idea looks intriguing. It appeals to me because I detest being in a gym class or having my near non-existent athleticism be critiqued by someone (I had many traumatic gym class experiences in school as a child). So the idea of interacting with an AI algorithm that is solely judging my poses and nothing else is appealing.

    I do think it...

  • Just to add (because 1200 chars is not enough) the intent here is to have a listening mode (user is speaking), a non-listening neutral mood (user is silent), and for the third class, the mood is 'happy' so you can do what you will with that one. Because my voice and silent environment is different from other people's I've not downloaded my own classification...

  • I'm not sure I understand this assignment, or at least, what is expected.

    So I wanted to revisit a project I had worked on for a former employer (the project was never shown to the client and didn't go anywhere, so while I'm technically violating my NDA I don't think anyone will care. I only showed this to my boss). So yes, I am recycling code. However, the...

  • For anyone who might be interested in writing JSON by hand (or generating it) this is a handy tool to make sure it is valid:


    Also, I thought it odd that "input" and "output" were not 0 and 1, or "a" and "b", or even "in" and "out". The structure could get really bulky really fast with those extra characters, but I suppose it is...

  • I agree with Elizabeth about using both. In a creative context, having a number could give you a good ballpark idea, but then you could tweak further by 'vibing'. And I think using both could help you iterate faster.

  • I had difficulty with the slider in run mode until I realised I needed to release it in order for it to play at a position. I had assumed I could smoothly slide it to get the sound to change.

  • I would say both. Oftentimes I have something specific I want to achieve in mind, and in this case I want to get to the end as efficiently as possible. Other times I am noodling around to see what is possible and don't mind little cul-de-sacs or long hikes in the wilderness. Often these adventures allow me to then do something very specific later.

  • Was able to achieve the parabola with 2 nodes. I tried more complex shapes with larger numbers of nodes but couldn't get much past cubic, even at 120 nodes.

  • Biology is a sensible starting point, but biology is not necessarily efficient. For instance, our vision processing is full of hacks, like filling in the blind spot caused by the optic nerve by a best guess, but this is extended to any holes in vision which will mask impending blindness until it's too late. Evolution only evolves enough to ensure survival, not...

  • Katharine Osborne made a comment

    It would be interesting to fast-forward or rewind through a video using circular gestures with your hands, the faster you circle, the faster the video winds. You could also use a slow gesture to slow down playback, even to the point of going frame-by-frame.

  • I used the audio version, and recorded literally, "up", "down", "left", "right", and "fire". It worked pretty well, though it would often fire on the other controls (which isn't a bad behaviour in this instances because I got the movement and it fired).

  • Hi Vaidehi, it's not a bother at all. I'm just learning this myself, so I'm not comfortable offering professional tuition. However feel free to email me at hawaiikaos at gmail dot com if you get stuck and have a specific question and I'll see what I can do to help. Unfortunately a lot of the tasks have specific browser requirements which will trip up pretty...

  • I've been enjoying it. There is good background on the underlying theories and tools.

  • I was doing this rather late at night so I chose just to use repeated consonant sounds at a low volume. I think it has some trouble with the volume, but I increased the dataset and that seemed to resolve the issue. I did not have trouble with recording/identifying silence, but my environment was very silent at the time (no road noise, no neighbour noise, no...

  • As someone with autism, one of my symptoms is auditory processing disorder. In short, I have trouble with understanding speech even though I can hear perfectly well. So I use subtitles when I watch video content, avoid listening to music with lyrics (understanding the words is particularly difficult here, unless it's rap or otherwise near to spoken), and if...

  • Looking through the list above, TRK caught my eye; it's an interesting response to Amazon Turk, which uses people to perform laborious tasks that might be a bit time consuming or difficult to automate (or there are not enough tasks to make automation worth it). Typically it uses workers in other countries as a cheap source of labour, and does not guarantee a...

  • I found that it was harder to draw the areas precisely as k rose. Loose 1s in a windowpane, then tightly bunched 2s in the centres got to the square shape the best with the fewest dots for higher values of k. The 2s didn't need to be in a square shape.

  • Try clicking in the black area before pressing an number

  • This was fun. It was fairly straightforward to get the shapes. Then I started playing with concentric circles to produce local maximums.

  • From my understanding, regression is the level of blending between two or more different classes (or scale). So from the example above, you are looking to see how a new thing compares on a scale of peach and a scale of cheese. So you would have to look at the distance to the peach things, and the distance to the cheese things for the new object, and that,...

  • I was a bit annoyed this week with the syntax errors from the code in the instructions (vs the linked examples). Also there should be some caveats on which browser to use (for instance the audiocontext issue multiple people encountered on Chrome, or the issues around using a mac trackpad for a mouse input). If I, a programmer is getting tripped up, that...

  • I changed some of the particle parameters, but I didn't find it readily apparent where the different movement types were happening. I also wasn't sure how the scripts were interacting with each other (as in, I don't think I could easily recreate this locally, which is frustrating). The array colors is defined in particles, but is referenced in learner, and...

  • I don't think face recognition should be used in police surveillance even if it works well. I do support it being used in consensual situations (like managing your own photo library, where the context is limited).

    Beyond simply recognising who is who (and putting aside the issues of not recognising faces that are still faces but are outside the the training...

  • Katharine Osborne made a comment

    There's some syntax errors in these instructions. In the example, version learner.v.0.2.js is used, while in the written instructions it's learner.v.0.4.js. 4 doesn't have a Learner() constructor, so the next line in the instructions will give you a syntax error (if you have not forked from the example).

    Also, when I run this outside of mimic (locally),...

  • I did an experiment a few years back where I used a phone camera (the libraries I was using only worked on Android), to detect a sticker dot on my hand. I was using this as part of an AR program, and I wanted to have a controller that wasn't a device, so I used colour recognition. It worked okay, but the next step would have been to have more dots on the hand...

  • Chrome gave me the audiocontext issue so I tried it in FF. I got sound and was able to train sounds, but toggling to run did nothing. Looks to be an issue with the mouse input (in this case, a mac trackpad).

  • For many-to-many, I immediately thought of people in a room (like Turbine Hall at the Tate Modern), each being an input, tracked visually in a 3D space, and how fast they move, how much visual space they occupy, how tall they are, could all be mapped to lights (dimness, colour, movement).

  • The "correct" answer to the last question in the previous quiz is incorrect. It should be "input" not "inputs".

  • If I had 7 days of my GPS data the model would always show me at home.

  • Classifier: tells you whether an image contains a face
    Regression: tells you who the face is of

  • You should create this in mimic (or at least, do that first). I copied my code from mimic and saved it locally to an html page, and it ran fine, although the output is slightly different, so it should run on your website. Make sure you are looking for the output in the console window (and you can also see if there are any errors).

  • There is a play/pause button in mimic. Try toggling that to get it to run.

  • I would trust an international standards body that isn't associated with a specific government, something like w3.org, for creating guidelines for most AI. Superintelligent AI is a different matter, and this is a global responsibility that each person should have a say in (ideally). The potential is there to create a new form of life (something that is ahead...

  • This was interesting. I used very short sounds from the freesound library, a typewriter tap, a finger snap, and a camera flash. I wish you could search on freesound by clip length.

  • So I have Crohn's and my stomach often makes very loud strange noises. If I attached a microphone to my skin, it could listen for noises, and the louder/weirder they got it could post Twitter updates with my level of distress.

    Too gross? (I'm sorry)

    Another example would be to hook up heart rate monitors of several people in a room. The heart rate could...

  • I don't think it's necessary to know, but I suppose it depends on the context and what you are trying to do. So in the example above with the five logic gates that shouldn't have worked, understanding why the algorithm did what it did could give insight into why it actually worked. However, if you are just trying to generate music for instance, you might not...

  • 10 years ago I worked for a photosharing startup that had facial recognition. I was doing QA on this project and I didn't have any insight into the facial recognition algorithm, but I created a test set that had people of different ethnicities (I was living in Hawaii at the time so this seemed obvious to include), ages, lighting situations, etc. I also added...