Dunja Begovic

Dunja Begovic

I am a Research Associate at Lancaster University's International Observatory on End of Life Care. I have a background in applied philosophy and a PhD in Bioethics from the University of Manchester.

Location United Kingdom


  • Thanks so much for the feedback Lena, glad you found this explanation helpful.

  • Thanks Czarrah, great to hear you are finding this interesting so far.

  • @KristinaVincent thanks for the feedback, glad you found this useful.

  • Thanks for your insightful comments in this week Barbara. I hope you are finding the course as a whole interesting and useful.

  • Thank you for the feedback Rosemary!

  • Thanks for the feedback Hanson, good to hear you found this explanation helpful.

  • Thanks Francis, glad to hear you have found this course helpful.

  • Hi Vida, can I just check if you have marked all the steps in the course as complete? Thank you

  • Thank you very much for completing this ranking exercise. The form is now closed for new responses until the next facilitated run of this course, which will take place in March 2024.

  • Thank you Manju, it has been great to see your contributions to the course.

  • Thanks Akogwu for your feedback and active participation in the course.

  • Thanks very much Rosemary, we are very glad to hear you found the course interesting and useful.

  • Hi Sebastian, we have asked some colleagues from Poland and it seems there are no formal guidelines on this the country, but it is not illegal to prescribe sedation. I hope that this helps.

  • Thanks for your feedback Benita.

  • Thank you for this nice summary, Abigail - and thanks for joining us on this course. It has been great to have your active participation.

  • Thank you very much Arturo. It has been lovely to have you on the course - thanks for the active participation.

  • Thanks very much Gabrielle. We have tried to make the course as accessible as possible so it is great to hear this feedback. Thank you for your active participation and insights.

  • Thanks very much Kelly, it has been great to have you on the course. We do hope you found the learning interesting and useful.

  • Thank you for the feedback Hossein. Your active participation in the course is much appreciated, and we are glad to hear you found it helpful.

  • Thanks very much for the feedback Debra. It has been great to have your active participation, and we hope you found the learning interesting and informative.

  • Thanks very much for the feedback Gloria. We hope you have found the course interesting and useful.

  • Thank you very much for the feedback Rowan, great to hear you found the course thought provoking and hopefully helpful for your practice. Thanks so much for your active participation in the discussions.

  • Thanks very much Julie for your feedback and active participation in the course. We are glad to hear you enjoyed this learning.

  • Thanks for the feedback Abidatu. We hope you found the sections on ACP useful.

  • Hi Katharina, if you are asking about this step in particular then that will depend on your subscription with FutureLearn. However the project website which also contains links to these resources should remain available for at least a couple of years. Hope this helps :)

  • Thanks very much for the feedback, Adom - it is great to hear you found this useful.

  • Hi Sarah, thanks for your interest in the ebook. While at the moment it is not possible to get a copy, it might become downloadable in the future, so do keep an eye on the Palliative Sedation project website for any updates: https://www.palliativesedation.eu/

  • Hi Rowan, many thanks for your reflection. Could you maybe say a bit more about the M-Technique as it sounds really interesting and relevant? Thank you

  • Welcome to Week 3 of the course. It is great to see that you have continued your learning into the final week. We would just like to note that this course is now no longer fully facilitated. Our team will continue monitoring the discussions until 23rd November, but will participate less intensely in the conversations. Additional facilitated runs should also...

  • Welcome to Week 2 of the course. It is great to see that you are continuing to learn with us. We would just like to note that this course is now no longer fully facilitated. Our team will continue monitoring the discussions until 23rd November, but will participate less intensely in the conversations. Additional facilitated runs should also take place during...

  • Welcome to the course Kate. Great to hear of your interest in the topic - we hope you find this learning helpful, and look forward to hearing your thoughts and experiences.

  • Thanks very much for your feedback Renate - we are very glad to hear you found the course interesting and informative.

  • Thanks very much for the feedback Åsa. It has been great to have your active participation and hear about the experiences from Sweden. We are glad that you found the learning interesting.

  • Thank you very much Debbie, we enjoyed learning with you and do hope that you found this course interesting and useful.

  • Thank you very much for the feedback Christina. We also really enjoyed your thoughtful reflections during the course.

  • Thanks very much Nick, it has been great to have you on the course. Thanks for your active participation.

  • Thanks very much for the feedback Dorothy - we really appreciated your active participation in the course.

  • Dunja Begovic replied to [Learner left FutureLearn]

    Thank you for sharing this reflection, Florian.

  • @KatharinaT. I hope you might find this paper useful? https://spcare.bmj.com/content/11/1/68 (Kingdon et al 2021, What is the impact of clinically assisted hydration in the last days of life? A systematic literature review and narrative synthesis) let us know if you have any trouble accessing it please. Thank you

  • Thanks for the feedback Frederick, great to hear you found these resources helpful. Thank you for your active participation in the course.

  • Thank you for sharing this, Christina.

  • Hi Katie, it can definitely be a difficult topic to discuss with patients and families, and the terminology can put some people off or create negative associations. We hope that this course provided some resources to approach this topic with others in an accessible way. Sorry to hear that your team struggled with parts of the course - we hope that there were...

  • Thanks very much Christina, great to have your feedback. Was there anything you found particularly interesting or useful? Thank you

  • Thank you for your feedback, great to hear you are finding this aspect of the framework helpful.

  • Hi Katharina, apologies, we were not aware that this article was behind a paywall. We will try to find a paper on this topic that is open access and update the step. Thank you for flagging this

  • Welcome to the course Ally. We hope you find this learning useful and look forward to discussing these topics with you.

  • @SOTIRIAKYRIAKIDOU thanks very much for explaining that!

  • @GabrielleJarvis thank you for the feedback - can you explain in what way it was different?

  • Thanks very much for a thoughtful and thorough summary, Szandra.

  • Thank you for this reflection on the case, Kerrie.

  • Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Shelley.

  • @VaradaVartak thank you for pointing out these key ethical principles of autonomy and beneficence - could you say a bit more about them and why they are relevant in this case?

  • Thanks very much for your feedback Jose and Varada - glad to hear you found this video thought provoking and helpful.

  • Thanks for sharing your thoughts Varada, interesting to hear your experience from intensive care.

  • Hi Sue, glad to hear you found it useful. Depending on your subscription with FutureLearn you might only be able to access the course materials for a limited time - however, all the papers we have shared are open access so you should be able to download them. There is another video featuring Dr Mannix on YouTube which you might find helpful:...

  • Thanks Patricia, glad to hear you found it helpful.

  • Thanks for sharing this reflection Pia - very interesting that you note people will sometimes notice it themselves - I wonder if other learners have had similar experiences?

  • Hi Sotiria, many thanks for sharing your thoughts. Could you say a bit more about hemodynamical stability maybe for learners who may not be familiar with this? Thank you

  • Hi Varada, many thanks for sharing your thoughts. Could you say a bit more about the GCS score maybe for learners who may not be familiar with this? Thank you

  • Thanks very much for sharing your experience Tony.

  • Thanks for your comment Jeanette - while we agree that every death is individual, we have tried to outline some common symptoms and patterns, but acknowledge that there will be different experiences, as the diverse responses really nicely show. Thank you

  • Thanks for the comment Arturo - can you tell us more about this scale please (and why you find it useful)? Thank you

  • Thank you Manju, great to hear you found this helpful.

  • Thanks for the feedback Sue, we hope you have found these explanations useful.

  • Hi Akogwu, thanks for your comment. Do you mean this in the sense that palliative care focuses on symptom management rather than potentially curative treatment - or something else? Thank you

  • Many thanks for your feedback Jinu - great to hear you are finding these resources useful.

  • Thank you Pia, great to hear you found this e book interesting. Do keep an eye out as it may be updated with more information in the future.

  • Hi Nasser, you are right that euthanasia is a very controversial concept (and practice) in many places. In Week 2 we will discuss in more detail the difference between euthanasia and sedation at the end of life.

  • Thanks Varada, glad to hear you found this explanation helpful.

  • Thank you Cesar. Could you maybe try and run your comments through Google Translate as it might be helpful for other learners, as the official course language is English?

  • Thanks Tony, glad to hear you found this helpful.

  • Thanks for sharing your thoughts Karen. You are right that access to the adequate resources is really important for enabling people to have good deaths.

  • Hi Ezatullah, is there anything in particular we can help you with?

  • Thanks Shanique, we look forward to learning with you and hope you find this course interesting and helpful.

  • Thanks Ishita, we hope you will find this learning useful and interesting.

  • Thank you Osman, we hope you find the learning helpful and look forward to hearing your thoughts.

  • Thanks Nasser, we hope you will find this learning interesting and useful.

  • Glad to hear you found the resources useful, Jinu.

  • Thanks Sue - great to have you on the course and we look forward to learning with you.

  • We're glad to hear you found this resource useful - hopefully it will be helpful for your team as well.

  • Thank you for your helpful summary and reflection on the case, Gloria.

  • Thanks for your thoughtful reflection on the case, Maarten.

  • Thanks for the feedback Karen - well done for your progress through the course!

  • Thank you very much for your feedback Christina, glad to hear you feel your team would find these resources useful.

  • Thanks very much for the feedback Rosemary, glad to hear you and your colleagues have been finding the course useful. We appreciate your active contribution to the learning.

  • Thanks for the feedback Christine - we look forward to continue learning with you.

  • Thank you Dorothy, great to hear you are finding the course useful and interesting. We appreciate your active participation and look forward to continue learning with you.

  • Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Frederick.

  • Thanks very much for the helpful summary, Phil - I am pinning it here so learners can see these questions and respond in the thread if they wish. we are looking forward to hearing everyone's thoughts.

  • Hi Sebastian, many thanks for your comment. As far as we are aware, this project was not part of the framework revision - but thank you nevertheless for sharing this interesting and important research.

  • Welcome to the course Danielle! We look forward to hearing your thoughts and experiences on these topics, and we hope that you find the learning interesting and useful.

  • Thanks very much George, we do hope you find it useful and interesting.

  • Thank you so much Katharina - we really appreciate your active participation.

  • Thank you Alex, we also look forward to learning with you.

  • Thanks Frederick - great to see you in the final week.

  • Thanks for your feedback and active participation, Åsa. We hope you have found the learning so far useful, and look forward to discussing these topics with you in Week 3.

  • Thank you for your feedback Hossein. We have appreciated your insights and active participation in the course. We look forward to keep discussing these issues with you in Week 3.

  • Welcome to the course Gary. Very interesting to hear about your career and charity. We hope you will find this learning useful, and look forward to discussing these topics with you.

  • Welcome to the course! It is great to see that people are still joining us on a daily basis. We would just like to note that this course is now no longer fully facilitated. Our team will continue monitoring the discussions until 23rd November, but will participate less intensely in the conversations. Additional facilitated runs should also take place during...