Maria Grazia Imperiale

Maria Grazia Imperiale

I am a Lecturer in Adult Education (University of Glasgow). I am interested in intercultural education with adult migrants and refugees, and conflict transformation and peacebuilding.


  • Thank you very much, Jad!

  • Thanks Adwoa!

  • Thanks, Jad. It is true that maybe sometimes it can be considered a 'tick-boxes' exercise.. rather than spending adequate time in answering questions and discussing potential issues..

  • Indeed, Pamela. What do you think this may be due to? Is it that safeguarding in research is a 'recent' issue? is it because within research we have always worked with ethics? Or maybe the lack of communication between administrative staff and research staff?

  • Yes, since well-being is at the heart of the CA, the approach could be useful for thinking about safeguarding for all (and not only for people 'at risk')

  • Yes, indeed. Even though is some extreme circumstances, for example in contexts of emergencies, it may be a necessity, there still might be safeguarding issues.

  • thanks for sharing these, Cristina.

  • Thanks Aidan for this. Interesting to read about different local organisations which provide support. are those organisations well known to the public? I am asking this because sometimes, well.. often, the majority of the population might not even know these organisations exist..

  • and I am guessing it would be almost 'unthinkable' to report these?

  • Thanks Cristina, very interesting to read about what safeguarding means within Intangible Cultural Heritage. I like the idea/definition you gave of 'keeping things alive' while also transferring knowledge and whatever might otherwise get lost. Thanks for this.

  • Hi Again, lovely to have you here with us. Giovanna and I also developed a MOOC on Humanitarian Interpreting, you may find that one useful to you! But for now, welcome to this MOOC on Safeugarding!

  • Hi Aline, lovely to see you here!

  • lovely to see you here, Cristina!

  • Thank you, Jad! Looking forward to seeing you in Week 3!

  • Hi Adwoa, the course will be open indefinitely, so you will be able to get back to it anytime. A

  • Thanks, Jad. You mean that a unified, digital, standard way of reporting would be more accurate? but what do you mean with automation?

  • Ah, I am glad you spotted the narrative/paradox here. I think that procedures are context-based. In different contexts there are different safeguarding infrastructure in place. And within small organisations/ projects it may just be the safeguarding officer that gets informed and then they will know what to do then. Even if safeguarding concerns can be fairly...

  • thanks Adwoa, yes indeed I agree with you. It may be difficult to operationalise it, but indeed the concern for wellbeing for all is a strong connection between safeguarding and the CA!

  • indeed, it would be a strong start!!

  • Very interesting, thanks. I wonder why you wrote 'It will provide safeguard in the context of maintaining the culture rather than safeguarding to drive progress. ', @JadMadi ? I understand it in the context of safeguarding aborigenal communities, but my interpretation of practical reason is that it is quite 'future-oriented', wouldnt you say so? I understand...

  • Thank you all for taking part, it is interesting to read the different lists!

  • I am totally with you on the issue of universality, Jad. I think it was Sen who wrote an essayspecifically about the Middle East, 'Is the Middle East an exception' where indeed there are traces of paternalism.
    Thanks for sharing the reference, we will read it with interest!

  • Thanks Claire, indeed there is lots more to be unpacked. Thanks for taking part in the discussion

  • Thanks Francesca, we are glad you are enjoying the course!

  • Thanks for your point here! Indeed 'voice' is another key concept when we discuss issues related to vulnerability. Often in research we hear researchers saying they 'give a voice' to participants - I am not a big fan of that to be honest and I rather prefer what you wrote here valuing individuals' voices, especially those of people living in challenging...

  • Thanks Francesca, I love reading your comments throughout the steps! Thanks for your reflections!
    On FutureLearn you can't 'tag' other learners but feel free to use 'like' or 'reply' if you wish to interact with them (as here you mentioned Jad!) Thanks :)

  • Hi both, that's an interesting conversation here. While some types of abuse and harm can be quite 'obvious', often self-neglect and even neglect may not be immediately recognised as such. Good question about someone's intentions, indeed even in the case that people are unaware, the issue can still be a safeguarding concern. Then depending on the issue,...

  • Thanks, Araia. In the next steps we will discuss further who safeguarding applies to and what types of harm and abuse (including neglect) are usually recognised.

  • Welcome Araia, and I look forward to reading your comments in the next steps!

  • Hi Francesca, and welcome!

  • Welcome to the course, Claire!

  • thanks Fuse, it would be interesting to hear more about your perspective as a student on international relations - especially to see if safeguarding is a topic within any of your subjects.

  • thanks Raissa, I am glad this week made you reflect on the definition of safeguarding and vulnerability and who does safeguarding apply to. I am really glad that in the steps of the first week you could find something unexpected! See you in Week 2!

  • Gracias, Karina! And see you in Week 2!

  • thanks Jad, I look forward to reading your reflections in Week 2!

  • yes, and also how do we tackle structural issues is another important point to consider.

  • Creo que algunos en cierta situaciones son mas vulnerables que otros/as... wouldn't you say that? But, yes from vulnerability we can grow and develop our own agency and empowerment.

  • lovely example of a new mum - as a mum myself, I think you are totally right in posing this question, and just thinking about my own life I think I was both vulnerable and empowered when I became a mother the first time - and everyday after.
    And I totally agree with you on the importance of addressing the issue at a structural level!

  • thanks, Jad! I am glad you found it interesting!
    I am not sure if they are - maybe you can look up on the UK gov. website and let us know if you find them? This would be very interesting to listen to - I haven't thought about investing into this before.
    Many thanks indeed for all your inputs, Jad, it is always so interesting to read your comments!!

  • indeed, I totally agree with you Karina!

  • interesting Raissa, let's see what you think of the podcast in the following step!

  • Thanks Raissa; just to clarify, you don't think that the fact that the health visitor is a woman (and not a man) has an impact on how the brother in law responded? I agree that safeguarding applies to all - perhaps we have to think about how can we really make sure that covered and subtle gender dynamics do not affect safeguarding in any way; however, this is...

  • Hi Karina, who are you referring to when talking about the fact that 'people might not accept suggestions in a positive way'?
    Also, if you could maybe post your comments in English - this is unfortunately a rule of the FutureLearn platform - or you could post them in Spanish with also the English translator (even just using Google Translate - it doesn't...

  • thanks, Jad. Indeed, hopefully this action won't trigger escalation - there is also this risk.

  • Thanks, Jad. Yes, I agree perhaps it is something to consider case-by-case as I can see in some situations family members may be needed to interpret (think of humanitarian interpreting and situation of emergencies when no interpreter might be available ).

  • Very interesting perspective on what the health visitor did - and the fact that maybe she exposed the girl to more danger. Thanks for sharing your ideas, Raissa?

  • Hi Karina, thanks for your contribution, I will translate it into English so that other learners can understand it too:
    'Family members have an important role in our lives, but this does not give them the right to wanting to control everything, we do not have to fit into what they want' - would this translation work?

  • thanks Raissa, it is interesting that maybe in some contexts 'neglect' and also 'self-neglect' do not find channels through which we can report those, as perhaps these are not considered as a form of 'abuse and harm'.. This is just me speculating though ;-)

  • Many thanks, Adiya. It is very interesting to read about those organisations, especially the National Commission for Women.

  • Thanks Jad, yes the Care Act is very important as it sets a certain shared standards - even though, we should also keep in mind that even within the UK, this is a devolved matter and as such Scotland / Wales and Northern Ireland have their own Acts too. But the principles are often similar.

  • Thanks, Abigail. Yes, and probably even beyond that - I mean, not only participants but also co-workers or any other people we get in touch in our life in general, so safeguarding policies often go beyond working hours/ working contexts.

  • thanks Adwoa, I think that contextualising safeguarding is important - and definitely it is related to keep everyone involved safe.

  • Thanks, Raissa. You touch on an important point, as safeguarding applies to contexts beyond the work domain - and often within safeguarding policies it is explicitly written that safeguarding principles apply beyond the working hours!

  • Thanks Raissa, lovely to have you here! We will discuss about that in Week 2 (when issues of translation are discussed) and in Week 3 - it is definitely difficult to draw lines between research ethics and safeguarding and would be great to hear your thoughts on that.

  • Thanks, and welcome Abigail!