Sarah Hume-Anthony (Host)
A Learning Enhancement Adviser (Online Learning) based within the School of Social Work and Social Policy and CELCIS at the University of Strathclyde.
Location Glasgow
Thank you for your lovely feedback Luciano.
Hello Oisin and welcome to the course. We hope it is useful in your work.
Welcome David, we hope you find this course useful to your work.
Welcome, we hope you find this course useful to you.
Sarah Hume-Anthony (Host) replied to Aisha S
Welcome Aisha, we hope you find this course useful to your work.
Sarah Hume-Anthony (Host) replied to Ellie C
Welcome Ellie, we hope this course has been able to support your studies and your work.
Welcome Eva, we hope this course has been able to support your work and studies.
Welcome Vutlhari, we hope you find this course useful to your work.
Welcome Umrana, we hope you'll find that this course is able to do this for you.
Welcome Grace, we hope you find this course useful.
Welcome Leigh, we hope the information in this course is useful for your role as residential worker.
@BrieannaAngel welcome to the course, and thank you for your pronouns. I hope you find the course interesting and that it is useful for your work at the Canadian Red Cross.
It's great you've joined us on this course Deanielle, and we hope you find the material useful for your tech NGO. Supporting family tracing and reunification in Ukraine is a wonderful goal. Good luck with it all.
Welcome Jane. Thank you for hosting unaccompanied young people in Scotland. I hope you find the course material useful.
Kia ora Marieke. New Zealand is indeed a beautiful country (I'm originally from Australia but have travelled around NZ a fair bit). Thanks for joining us on this course. I'm sure your experience in Statutory Child Protection will interest our other joiners.
Welcome to the course Khalid
Hi Maria. Working on two borders as a protection specialist sounds interesting. I hope you find the course material useful for your role.
@EfemeNancyKeboa thanks for joining us on the course.
@HAMIDOUARZAKEAlMaïmoune welcome to the course. We love to see joiners sharing knowledge and experience - thanks for connecting with Deanielle.
Welcome to the course Ellen. I hope you enjoy it and that it proves useful for your role as Street Outreach Worker.
Bonjour Audrey, bienvenue dans le cours. C'est agréable de lire que vous êtes passionné par ce métier. J'espère que vous trouverez le matériel de cours intéressant.
Hello Audrey, welcome to the course. It's lovely to read that you're passionate about this profession. I hope you find the course material interesting.
Thanks for joining us on the course Daniela. This course couldn't have been created without the valuable input from UNICEF, who kindly allowed us to use their photos and stories in the course, among other things. We hope you find the course material useful.
Welcome Richard
Thanks for joining us on the course Deborah. You've had some fascinating experiences that I'm sure the course participants will value. I look forward to reading your comments.
Thanks for joining us on the course Emily. Barnardo's is a fantastic organisation in Scotland (the MOOC team are based at CELCIS in Glasgow) - we hope you find the course material useful
Welcome to the course Ana. We have quite a few joiners from SOS Children's Villages, and we greatly value your input and experience. Thank you for your interesting comment.
Hi Mark, welcome to the course.
Thanks for joining us on the course Lynne.
Welcome to the course Juliet
Hi Edwin. We value the work done by IFRC, who have contributed to our own work over the years. We hope you find the course material useful
Bienvenue Cheickh. Votre travail au Mali semble fascinant. Je suis sûr que vous aurez beaucoup à apporter à ce cours.
Welcome Cheickh. Your work in Mali sounds fascinating. I'm sure you will have a lot to contribute to this course.
Hola Claudia, gracias por acompañarnos en el curso. Estaré interesado en aprender sobre su papel en Protección Infantil en Colombia. Esperamos que encuentre útil el material del curso.
Hi Claudia, thanks for joining us on the course. I'll be interested in learning about your Child Protection role in Colombia. We hope you find the course material useful.
Welcome to the course Funmilayo, we hope you find it useful.
Hi Bianca, welcome to the course. We've had a lot of support from IOM over the years and I'm excited to read your comments and contributions to the course from your previous roles and experiences.
Sarah Hume-Anthony (Host) replied to John Bosco. B
That's great John, thanks.
We hope you find the course material both interesting and useful for your role as Child Protection Officer in Kenya, Jennifer.
Bienvenue au cours Cheickh Hamallah.
Welcome to the course Cheickh Hamallah.
أهلا بكم في دورة عبد المنعم (معذرة لغتي العربية الفقيرة). شكرا لتعليقك المثير للاهتمام.
Welcome to the course Abduelmenem (please excuse my poor Arabic). Thank you for your interesting comment.
Bienvenue au cours
Welcome to the course
Welcome to the course Leni
Hi John, welcome to the course. We've been supported greatly by SOS Children's Villages and we welcome any comments or insights you have gained through your role. We hope you find the course material useful.
We're glad you're part of this course as well Ruth. We hope you find the material interesting and useful.
Greetings Khalid, we hope you find the course useful for your role as Program Officer in Sudan.
@FunmilayoSeraAina it's wonderful you've joined us on the course.
@DINGAMADJIMBAIKOUA Bienvenue au cours Dingamadji. Nous espérons que vous trouverez le matériel de cours utile pour votre rôle d'agent de protection de l'enfance.
Welcome to the course Dingamadji. We hope you find the course material useful for your role as Child Protection Officer.
Very interesting, thanks Eleanor and Jose A S
It is absolutely undeniable, thanks Alpaslan.
Thanks for all your wonderful comments Eleanor and Jose A S - it's lovely to see how engaged you are with the course material.
Thanks for your comment Eleanor and Jose A S. There are some wonderful models of kinship care around the world.
Change can certainly be slow. My home country Australia has a pretty dark history (and present) of detaining children just like the USA, which is absolutely tragic.
Hi Rebecca, thanks for joining us. We have a few nurses taking the MOOC in this run - we hope you find the course material useful for your role.
@JenniferGrant thanks for joining the course. Your role as a nurse providing health needs assessments for unaccompanied young people sounds fascinating. I hope you find this course useful.
@EfemeNancyKeboa we're happy you're part of the course as well. We hope you both enjoy it and find the course material useful
شكرا لك وليد
Thank you Waleed -
Bienvenue à la dernière semaine de votre cours. J'espère que cette semaine vous sera utile pour le travail que vous faites dans le monde entier pour aider les enfants. Nous vous encourageons à partager vos commentaires, car ils nous aident beaucoup à apprendre. Si possible, n'oubliez pas de nous dire dans quel pays vous travaillez. Merci!
الترحيب الحار...
Great comment, thanks Gail.
Merci Nina pour les informations intéressantes sur les initiatives citoyennes en France.
Thank you Nina for the interesting information about citizen's initiatives in France.
Wonderfully put Karen, thank you.
Thanks for your comment Karen. UNICEF kindly gave us permission to use their photos when we were creating the course - they are quite powerful.
Thank you for your comment Murisi, this is very interesting about Zimbabwe's 6 tier system.
We hope you enjoy this weeks materials Murisi
@WaleedMohammedAL-Marwani Thank you so much
Sarah Hume-Anthony (Host) made a comment
A warm welcome to week 6 - the final week of your course. I hope you will find this week helpful for the work you are doing around the world to support children. Please do continue to share your comments as they are helping us learn so much. If possible, please remember to tell us which country you are working in. Good luck
Una cálida bienvenida a la sexta...
Sarah Hume-Anthony (Host) made a comment
Welcome to week 5 of your course. Thank you to everyone for all the interesting comments and ideas you have shared. I hope you enjoy this week and find it contains lots of helpful information. Thank you.
Bienvenidos y bienvenidas a la quinta semana del curso. Gracias a todos y todas por todos los comentarios e ideas interesantes que han compartido. Si es...
Merci beaucoup pour toutes les informations très intéressantes que vous avez partagez entre vous. C’est très intéressant de lire tous vos commentaires et de connaître vos propres experiences. Nous pouvons tous apprendre beaucoup les uns des autres. J’espère que vous apprécierez la semaine 4 de votre cours et que vous continuerez à poster vos messages et...
Sarah Hume-Anthony (Host) made a comment
Thank you so much to everyone for all the really interesting information you have been sharing with each other. It has been fascinating to read all your comments and to hear about your own experiences. We can all learn so much from each other. I hope you enjoy Week 4 of your course and please continue to post your messages and comments. Thank you
Sarah Hume-Anthony (Host) made a comment
Welcome to Week 3 of your course. Thank you to everyone for all the amazing information you have been sharing with each other. I hope you find a lot of helpful information in the course this week.
Bienvenido a la semana 3 de tu curso. Gracias a todos por toda la increíble información que han estado compartiendo entre ustedes. Espero que encuentres mucha...
Sarah Hume-Anthony (Host) made a comment
Welcome to the start of Week 2. Thank you so much for the really informative and interesting comments you shared last week. I do hope you are finding the course informative and of real use to the important roles you are all playing in the lives of refugee and migrant children. Thank you
Bienvenido al comienzo de la semana 2. Muchas gracias por los...
Welcome Pamela, thanks for joining us on the course and we hope you find the material useful.
Welcome to the course Jessie. We hope the material is useful for your role in Child Protection.
Hi Arlene, we hope you find the course learning useful.
Bienvenue au cours Badiel, merci de nous avoir rejoint.
Welcome to the course Badiel, thanks for joining us. -
That's a great attitude Leni, welcome to the course.
Hello Sarah, welcome to the course. Good luck with your journey as foster carers for unaccompanied asylum seekers.
@RitvaJantti thanks for your question. Yes, Liz is correct, the UNICEF poll shows those who have crossed international borders, not those forced to leave their home to move to another part of their home country.
Hi Ritva, thanks for joining us on the course. We hope it's useful for your role in Zimbabwe.
Hello Sumitra, welcome to the course. Tdh does wonderful work and I'm sure you can contribute quite a lot to discussions in the course due to your role as Child Protection Coordinator.
Sarah Hume-Anthony (Host) replied to Wei Wang
It is wonderful you can join us on this course Wei, we hope you find it useful.
Bienvenue au cours Modibo. Votre rôle d'assistant psychosocial au Mali semble intéressant. Nous espérons que ce cours vous sera utile pour votre travail.
Welcome to the course Modibo. Your role as Psychosocial Assistant in Mali sounds interesting. We hope this course is useful for your work. -
Hi Katya, thanks for joining us. Good luck with your journey to be a Host Family for an unaccompanied young person. We hope you find the materials in the course useful.
It's great you could join us on the course Caroline, we hope you find the material useful.
@LizCaldwell I agree Liz, it would be fascinating to learn more about Konstanze's experiences as cross border family mediator and trauma recovery coach.
Bienvenue au cours Brice, merci de nous avoir rejoint. Je suis sûr que vous aurez beaucoup à ajouter aux discussions en raison de votre rôle de chef de la protection de l'enfance au ministère des affaires sociales du Bénin.
Welcome to the course Brice, thanks for joining us. I'm sure you will have a lot to add to discussions due to your role as Head of Child... -
Welcome Gail, thanks for joining us on the course.
It's good to have you with us on the course Alix
Welcome to the course Bünyamin, we hope you find the material useful.
Hi Tim, it's great you can join us on this course. Your work with WHO sounds fascinating.
Welcome to the course Karen, thank you for joining us.
Hi Sharon, welcome to the course. We hope you find the material useful for your work.
Bienvenido al curso Natalia, gracias por unirte a nosotras.
Welcome to the course Natalia, thank you for joining us. -
Hello and welcome to the course. I am delighted you have all joined us and I look forward to learning more about you on Course Step 1.5 where there is space to introduce yourself. I hope you enjoy the course.
Hola y bienvenido al curso. Estoy encantado de que se haya unido a nosotros y espero aprender más sobre usted en el Paso 1.5 del curso, donde hay...
@patjohnston Hi Pat, yes, you'll still have access to the course materials for a further two weeks after the course ends on Sunday night.
Thanks for your question Em, I'll make sure to pass it on to Graham.
Thanks for the feedback Julie - we hope you enjoy the last week of the course.
Sarah Hume-Anthony (Host) made a comment
Welcome to the sixth week of Caring for Vulnerable Children. We have the 3rd and final Live Stream Event this Friday and you can ask Graham questions to address at the event on Step Page 6.16:
Interesting question Etisam, thank you.
Thank you for your question Em.
Thank you for your question Hugh, it will be passed on to Graham.
@JettaBekker Thank you for your question.