Clint D



  • You are correct.

  • You are correct.

  • Functions are not the same as methods. main is a function. methods are like functions, but are defined inside a class.

  • The video should work now. Thank you for persevering!

  • The video should work now. Thank you for persevering!

  • The video should work now. Thank you for persevering!

  • The video should work now. Thank you for persevering!

  • The video should work now. Thank you for persevering!

  • The video should work now. Thank you for persevering!

  • The video should work now. Thank you for persevering!

  • The video should play now. Let me know if anyone is still having problems.

  • FYI: we have now fixed all the links to direct you to the fl-py4e book.

  • In this context, the cosine function defaults to radian angle measures, not degrees. So, cos(90) is finding the cosine of an angle of 90 radians which is approximately 5,159 degrees. 360 degrees = 2π = 6.28... radians.

  • You are correct. The links have been adjusted.