georgina lamond



  • georgina lamond made a comment

    We take a walk each day through a beautiful woodland usually observing the changes in the colours. I take a camera or phone to record images that please time we shall just walk in silence...and just enjoy being in that space. The images can wait.

  • So much more information than I expect. Much more study, practicing and rereading. I would not have thought that I would have had the time, I did. So yes I will continue my studies using time as a friend rather than a thing to fret about and wasting time on concern about how much of it is available. I plan to learn more about taoism. Thank you for this...

  • A very balanced comment on society and mindfulness.
    So many books and apps unread and unused and all we have to do is stop and breath. Thank you that is so clear and timely as I was beginning to struggle with all the information I was receiving on this course and maybe feeling that I was taking mindfulness too lightly.
    For me its just a little discipline...

  • Teaching children from an early age to sit peacefully for short times must be an advantage to learning and playing together, and an aid to working as a group, and if disruptive children can be taught to stop just for a short while that can only be good. Starting early would be most beneficial but as so many people suffer from attention disorders starting...

  • This is interesting, if mindfulness can help soldiers in high stress situations to be potentially more balanced when making life or death decisions that would be good. I find it hard to relate mindfulness to stories of ninjas and supernatural powers, but can relate to the idea of better controlled reactions. Better and easier to relate to is the hope that...

  • I would vote for that

  • That looks uncomfortable and probably not private enough for me. I imagine I would open my eyes and find someone sitting of the other chair waiting to talk...

  • I found this practice difficult to stay with, possibly the kind of day I was having, I shall try again as I like the possibility of mindfulness wherever I am and not be tied to having instructions on hand.

  • Long enough to have time to settle. Really effective I think

  • There is a great feeling of community in a meditational space like this. A feeling of belonging. My meditation space is a corner with an old rocking chair which is peaceful if not always orderly.....its easy to access and safe. I think I prefer that.

  • I do think this poem relates to mindfullness and to some aspects of budhism where one is asked to accept how they feel in a day and let it be. Possibly as in working with meditations we can acknowlege the guests in, accept the feelings without losing awareness of the the need to be kind to ourselves.
    Of course we welcome joy that's much easier.

  • A powerful meditation, I found it possible to be present and follow the guidance. I am left with a feeling of almost calm, though it has opened up some vulnerable spaces which on reflection are positive.

  • Well that summary will help me to keep reading on. I have gone from feeling a bit overwhelmed by the work to laughing out loud as I read that I didn't have to remember all the detail of each module, not that there was much chance of that, to the understanding that if it still messes with the head of the tutor then it's alright if my head is a bit messed too. ...

  • Wow that's a big challenge. Seeing rather than looking is a good beginning. I shall start there and see what's next.

  • georgina lamond made a comment

    I found this section most interesting so far in this module. Certainly the one so far which I will follow up on. Its all interesting reading but daoism seems the most readily approachable so far.

  • @KayH that's a great reply thank you. I considered the covid 19 course earlier and may go and have another look when I am finished here.

  • Vulnerable people need protection. For many people who are well a teacher with experience of mindfulness may be adequate but for people with mental health issues or serious trauma a system of accredited teachers would be important.

  • It is a very tranquil image quite inspiring. I wonder if its a warm day or evening is there a breeze, how do I get off the rock back onto dry land. Will someone interrupt me, just by being sociable. I might find it hard to relax there. Each sound would interrupt me I fear.
    I prefer privacy and comfort, the security of a known space either in or outdoors...

  • I still find the shorter meditations easier to stay with, although in general I am finding it easier to stay with the body scans and feel that I am more aware of noticing when my thoughts wander off. Its interesting to read the other posts, it confirms two things for me. We have to find the practice that suits our mood and the time we can comfortably sit for. ...

  • I found that easy to follow and feel more relaxed.

  • This one is not for me. Walking is painful as I await surgery for a replacement ankle I find I am more expert at sitting or

  • Lovely I really enjoyed that. I can see how that could be used very easily in many circumstances.

  • I scored 15 ..first thin in the morning in a day I have an extra hour, i feel less stressed than when I started this course hopefully a bit more aware of my moods. Be interesting to see how the levels are later in the course.

  • Be a human being rather than a human doing.
    Terrific advice.

  • I bought the jon karat zin book many years ago and found it fascinating, I worked with his meditations and yoga and found them very calming during a difficult time . My concentration was improved my sleep less troubled and my days seemed longer.
    His methods were very accessible..
    At that time I was busier working and building a new life but with the...

  • I can relate to this....i think being mindfull helps to contain these feelings

  • Do I feel mindful, not all of the time in fact probably very little of the time. I do think that with practice I might become calmer and less judgemental.

  • I understand your feelings regarding the world situations we are dealing with. I have used mindfullnes for many years for different life situations and found it helpful. For now though I truly need the support of this course the help me practice, I hope it helps you too.

  • I have seen the effects of CBT in a friend and was really impressed how beneficial it was. I am more drawn to the art rather than the science, but truly believe if the former is a benefit to the latter all who are involved will gain comfort or help.
    Preconception was a feature in week one and I think my being made aware of that will be a great help to my...

  • Fascinating

  • Very peaceful voice. Nice reminder that we dont have to control the breath.

  • Considering the limits of these preconceptions in the light of our daily lives which require most of us to take care of practical tasks, like caring for others earning money etc its a bit obvious that for me, becoming a monk or a ninja would be a distinct distraction from taking time out to practice mindfulness from an otherwise busy schedule.

  • Hello Carolyn Did you succeed in your aim. I hope so, and that you enjoyed what you made.

  • Stop planning to walk tomorrow and just get on with it.

  • Carolyn
    You could try putting learning new things, curiosity and healthy eating into one package by teaching yourself to cook something really different that you like, say thai,chinese or indian, whatever you really fancy. Then you might find you could add in exercise to the deal as you clean up after.....just a thought

  • Oats seem to be very much in favour at present and seem to be a very easy and practical way of getting more fibre in our diet in a pleasant way. Not expensive and easy to eat with no fancy additives. Are they really as good as we are being led to believe.

  • Great information. It says to me dont think old. Oh yes and pay attention to what you are saying/doing. Sounds easy hmmm

  • Mindfulness is a tremendous help toward dealing with anxiety. Stress or anxiety can be caused by many things, even just by the perception of having too much to do whether its true or not. Its not always about big things nor is it a weakness. Sometimes though its hard to allow oneself the little time it takes just to stop and breath or whatever. I find...

  • A fairly basic course on nutrition which was a little disappointing I had hoped for more academic information rather than reading what other students thought even though there was some very good stuff out there. However I did find the information on what certain foods can do for health useful. I assume that the information the team has accessed from the...

  • I recommend watching the short films available in this section they are really informative and easy to watch.

  • Trying to eat well without being obsessive helps, exercising (I should do more) maintaining curiosity about life and new experiences seems to work. Getting out in decent weather to play golf and meeting others is good (especially when the golf is over and the meeting people starts). Also keeping a sense of humour and using a bit of self compassion seems to...

  • georgina lamond made a comment

    If one feels well happy and enthused by each day then the years one has lived are of little significance. Conversely, if one is ill and held down by pain or loss then its hard to remain enthused by the days and its more likely we shall feel our years.

  • Adding tax to sugar would only cause a minor blip in consumption. The consumer quickly gets used to prices and old habits are hard to control. I believe its more important that education in diet, and awareness of the damage sugar can do would be more helpful. Its a difficult issue but I see more information appearing in the media now about the problems...

  • I dont believe obesity is a disease I think its a condition brought on by several things. Lack of education in food preparation from an early age, temptation to buy ready made meals for busy families and advertising snack type foods encouraging grazing. Lack of exercise from an early age could be a big factor.

  • Energy enthusiasm confidence

  • Thank you very much. That was really great.

  • That was the most difficult exercise yet and will take time to come to terms with. It will be useful I am sure. I found it useful to return to the body scan meditation right after to really feel calm again.

  • I have written that one down at the top of my course notes