Matthew Mobbs

Matthew Mobbs

Learning Technologist at the University of Leicester

Location Leicester, UK


  • This is what we've been waiting for!

  • My interest in Mindfulness is to improve concentration and focus, as I believe this will make me more productive. However I do believe it is important to day dream and let the mind wander to help find creative solutions. I just need the ability to bring that back to the moment.
    My further interest (personally) is how this relates the MBTI type. My MBTI is...

  • Interested survey, enjoyed the the reflection, but I found it tough to scale some of the work question based on time. E.g. 'Find it hard to detach from work'

  • Hello, I'm from Leicester, UK. I first came across Mindfulness after attending a lecture by Dr Craig Hassed at the University of Leicester and have been fascinated by it ever since. I don't consider myself to be a stressed person, in fact i'm probably too relaxed (if there is such a thing?), but do get easily distracted. That's why I started to practice...

  • Hello everyone. Apologies if any of the typos have caused confusion, but it's been really interesting reading your comments helping one-another to correct the facts. Exactly the sort of collaborative learning MOOCs should create.

    Have updated the transcription file and family tree.

  • You might have try to download it as I was replacing it with an amended version. Should be fine now.

  • Hello all, I made this video. Thanks for all your comments, fascinating reading. We had a couple of issues with the transcriptions, but all the files should now be correct.