Mike Ewen

Mike Ewen

I am a Teaching Enhancement Advisor at the University of Hull. I work with staff to help them develop their teaching, focussing on their use of technology and digital practices.

Location Hull, UK


  • Really sorry about that, this should now be fixed

  • Really sorry about that, this should now be fixed

  • Really sorry about that, this should now be fixed

  • Really sorry about that, this should now be fixed

  • Really sorry about that, this should now be fixed

  • Really sorry about that, this should now be fixed

  • Really sorry about that, this should now be fixed

  • Really sorry about that, this should now be fixed

  • Really sorry about that, this should now be fixed

  • Really sorry about that, this should now be fixed

  • Really sorry about that, this should now be fixed

  • Really sorry about that, this should now be fixed

  • Really sorry about that, this should now be fixed

  • Thanks for spotting that Alison. Hopefully all sorted now :-)

  • Yes, indeed that is a really important part of learning at University. Also, as you mentioned in an earlier comment, working with othr students can really help keep you on track and organised :-)

  • That's a great idea. Timetables are a really useful way of managing your time.

  • Sounds a great idea. If you get in contact with your new University they will normally be able to give you some ideas on things to read

  • Great to have you on board. Hope you enjoy the course :-)

  • Welcome to the course Daniel, look forward to working with you :-)

  • Welcome to the course. If you have any specific questions, feel free to ask :-)

  • Mike Ewen made a comment

    Hi, I'm really interested in the course as this is an area I'm looking to support within my institution (Hull). It's great to hear other's experiences and to take on new considerations within this fast changing world!

  • Think it shows how someone with a fairly low understanding of Twitter (see "how are they finding me" tweet) has quickly identified the potential for it and altered the way he interacts with the platform. As Chantell says, not sure he is doing so in the best way. I think this identifies the need for more public digital literacy training/support

  • Across our university, hashtags are used to get promote events and get people talking about them - not so much interacting with each other. I have tried to use #s in the classroom so students can continue discussions online with mixed success

  • I want to research how we support students through University. Can/is SM an effective tool for this? I think so but want to prove it :-)