Christiane Guinot

Christiane Guinot

Senior Consultant in a company specialised in scientific, managerial and reorganization advices in health and life sciences, and Associate Researcher in Computer Science in a French University

Location France



  • @LeeScott
    Oh, I'm sorry for you! Italian cuisine is my favorite, which may seem bizarre for a Frenchperson but we have lactose intolerance in my family so neither butter, milk, nor cream for me ...

  • @LeeScott
    The remainder is not written in french, but in italian !
    For the moment I haven't found any trace of it in our exchanges between co-students… will they be shy?

  • @JenniferC
    What "next course" are you talking about?

  • @JenniferC
    As I already said before, the links between the martyr concept of the monotheistic religions are obviously complex, even between the two main currents of Islam.

    The Koranic and prophetic references are numerous about the martyr. However, the debate focuses on the question of what is the noble cause for which he is worthy of sacrificing himself? ...

  • @InekeFioole
    Thank you Ineke very much for this link to the course on Goya: I registered on the OU platform and I will follow it. I also spotted other subjects that interest me among the courses offered in the "history and arts" section. My initial training is "biomathematics", my profession "epidemiologist" and I am a researcher in a computer laboratory...

  • @InekeFioole
    During the first year of the Covid pandemic, until the first vaccines were available in France, we lived my husband ans I as you describe your way of life.
    My husband, who is a physician, participated in the vaccination campaign as soon as the vaccines became available, in addition to his professional activities. After more than 10,000...

  • @InekeFioole
    Yes ! Even if I have completed the course, I can still access it and I continue to read the comments to my messages… Tell me if you have spotted other courses that interest you, as far as possible I will register for them (confidentially I am now retired since January 1st, but I am still an associate researcher at the University of...

  • Bonne année à tous de France !

  • @ColmClancy

    Thank you for drawing my attention to this cathedral that I only knew by name…
    Briefly, this cathedral was largely destroyed during an earthquake in 2011: the bell tower and part of the nave collapsed. The decision to demolish it in 2012 was taken and an appeal for its restoration was rejected in 2013.
    As a reminder, the cathedral had been...

  • @mariaroselladonini
    The Autonomous Province of Bolzano (in Italian: Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano – Alto Adige; in French Haut-Adige, Tyrol du Sud or Sud-Tyrol), is an Italian province, located in the northeast of the country, part of the region autonomous region of Trentino-Alto Adige, on the border of Austria and Switzerland. Since 2001, both names, Alto...

  • @ColmClancy

    Restoration of the stained glass windows of Notre-Dame:

  • @InekeFioole
    Originally, the name Saint-Martin-des-Champs was that of a former priory of the Abbey of Cluny whose territory covered a good part of the current 3rd arrondissement of Paris The church placed under the patronage of Saint Martin has become since the Revolution the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts....

  • For frenchspeaking persons interested in the operations prior to the reconstruction of the Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral in France:

  • The basilica of San Vitale in Ravenna (sixth-century) is an example of early Christian Byzantine art and architecture. It is one of eight structures in Ravenna inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
    The cost of its construction is estimated at 26,000 solidi.
    The Solidus (in the plural solidi) is the Roman Golden currency at the beginning of the 4th...

  • A3 B2 C5 D4 E1, et voila !

  • @InekeFioole

    The real and supposed links of this concept between the three monotheistic religions are obviously very complex and cannot be summarized in a few words. Here is a text in French about it:

    History of some concepts in the three monotheisms: holiness, sanctification, testimony, martyrdom.
    Histoire de quelques concepts dans les trois...

  • There are hundreds and hundreds of churches dedicated to Saint Martin in France! Being Parisian, I chose this one:

  • @BarbaraMoseley

    The traditional distribution area of Western Upper German (Alemannic) dialect features in the 19th and 20th centuries:

  • @InekeFioole
    Thank you for the link, I did not know these catacombs.
    For more illustrations or the apostles:

  • @MaryAnnAtwood
    We are sorry for your abandonment and hope to see you again very soon. Good luck for this difficult time!

  • @InekeFioole
    Old Testament law nowhere prohibits the burning of a dead human body, nor does it curse or judge cremated persons.

    Crémation existed in biblical times, but it was not commonly practiced by the Israelites or New Testament believers. In the cultures of biblical times, the dead were usually buried in a tomb, a cave or directly in the ground.

  • Église Saint-Pierre-et-Saint-Paul de Mouleyrès dans les Bouches-du-Rhône, près d’Arles en France

  • @InekeFioole

    There are, however, many representations showing them side by side. As an example, the images illustrating wheat text in French below:

  • In early Christian theology, martyrdom was of paramount importance. For the first Christians, the word of Jesus "you will drink the cup that I must drink" was an invitation to martyrdom. Dying for the faith guaranteed immediate access to paradise, where the martyrs sat on a throne near God himself. The early Christians buried their loved ones near the...

  • @InekeFioole
    The catacombs are both pagan and Christian. The most famous and important are used by the Christian religion but there are also some among the pagans, the Phoenicians, the Etruscans or the Jews. The best known are those of Rome, those of Naples, which, first used for the burial of pagans, were in the 4th century reserved solely for Christians,...

  • Agree with you

  • This mosaic is from the 5th century. For several centuries Christ was generally depicted as a young, beardless man and it was not until much later that paintings of Christ began to show him as older and with a beard. He is also naked in this mosaic which is very unusual.

  • Ohhh, quelle bonne nouvelle et quel succès pour votre cours !

    Per il momento non ne ho trovato traccia nei nostri scambi tra co-studenti… saranno timidi?

  • Since 1992, Diane de Selliers has published major literary texts in correspondence with the great works of art history. This encounter between literature and painting makes each book a creation in its own right.

    In their research, the members of the publishers are supported by academics and specialists whose work is funded by the Institut Diane de...

  • Christiane Guinot made a comment

    For those interested, in these two documentaries David Suchet takes us to discover the stories of Saint Paul and Saint Peter « The History Of St. Paul, The Apostle » (Part One and Two):
    And « The History Of St. Peter » (Part One and Two):

  • For those interested :
    The Golden Legend, is a book written in Latin between 1261 and 1266 by Jacques de Voragine, Dominican and Archbishop of Genoa. It recounts the life of approximately 150 saints or groups of Christian saints, saints and martyrs, and certain events in the life of Christ and the Virgin Mary. In addition to the lives of saints, about 40% of...

  • To be honest, I much prefer the Noli me Tangere painted by Titian in 1514. A pupil of Bellini and Giorgione, this painter quickly made a name for himself in 16th century Italian painting. When he painted this canvas, which is kept at the National Gallery in London, he was only 26 years old....

  • The Bust of the Saviour (Salvator Mundi), the last sculpture created by Gian Lorenzo Bernini, who died when he was 81 years old.
    He left the sculpture in his will to his friend and patron queen Christina of Sweden. This sculpture, which has been «rediscovered" in 2001 by Francesco Petrucci, is currently held in the basilica of di San Sebastiano fuori le mura...

  • @JudiBoutle
    No need for Word. You copy and paste the text you insert into an email with you as the recipient, then you can save and/or print the message.

  • Hello, I was born in France at Paris. I am probably, as usual, the only Frenchperson enrolled in this course. Passionate about art history and history, it is therefore natural that I am interested in this course, Christianity having enormously influenced art, as well as sculpture, painting and architecture. Three years ago thanks to the pandemic, the...

  • Hello, I was born in France (and probably the only Frenchwoman enrolled in this course as usual…). Passionate about art history and history, it is therefore natural that I am interested in this course, Christianity having enormously influenced art, as well as sculpture, painting and architecture. In addition, I had taken the first course offered by the...

  • @Ineke Fioole
    Hello Ineke. Thanks to you, I just signed up for the course on Christianity that I hadn't spotted! FL only offering me business or management oriented courses... For the past three years I have had the chance to take annual online courses from the Ecole du Louvre (General introduction to the history of art, Techniques for restoring works of...

  • Je sais bien que tous les sites ne peuvent être préservés des activités humaines, mais tout de même le sort de la citadelle de Taizz au Yémen est consternant ! Quel gâchis !

  • Oui, les vestiges des lites sont bien visibles sur ces images satellites ! C’est très impressionnant !

  • Christiane Guinot made a comment

    J'ai découvert une partie des menaces sur chacune des photos mais pas toutes loin sans faut !

  • Belles images et explications intéressantes, merci.

  • Un de mes amis, propriétaire d'un ancien relai de chasse en Normandie, a sur ses terres les ruines d'un bâtiment circulaire (pigeonnier, tour ?), une élévation d'un mètre ou deux en partie encastrée dans une sorte de mur (muraille ?). Une végétation spontanée bien dense recouvre ces vestiges. Cet ami m'a dit qu'il avait la ferme intention de ne surtout pas...

  • Je viens de m’inscrire sur le site database.eamena, et j’ai tenté d’explorer le site du crack des chevaliers… humpffff, pas evident. Je pense que je suis limitée par les capacités de mon iphone.
    Je réessaierai sur un ordinateur, et regarderai le deuxième lien que vous m’avez suggéré.
    Dans tous les cas mille mercis pour vos commentaires et suggestions.

  • L’ancien comté du Perche à la chance d’avoir un habitat en grande partie préservée : il a échappé aux bombardements de la seconde guerre mondiale et le réseau ferroviaire étant peu développé à une industrialisation massive. C’est aujourd’hui une région très prisée par des citadins en quête de résidences secondaires… ceux-ci sont à la recherche de demeure de...

  • Tuiles plates, sables ocre, jaune ou rose, pierre calcaire, silex dessinent et colorent une architecture traditionnelle qui participe du patrimoine unique du Perche. Les matériaux varient selon le type de bâtiment : ceux utilisés pour un manoir ou un relai de chasse sont différents de ceux utilisés pour des fermes et des villages...

  • Exercices TRES difficiles lorsque l'on n'a pas l’œil (et le cerveau ?) expérimenté !

  • Le pâturage d'animaux ? Le développement d'axes de circulation : augmentation du trafic routier ?
    Exercice très difficile !

  • Je suis allée explorer les sites suivants :
    - la vallée de Bâmiyân en Afganistan
    - mosquée de de Sidi Yahia et autres mausolées à Tombouctou, au Mali.
    - en Syrie, la citadelle d'Alep, le site de Palmyre, le Crac des Chevaliers
    et Qal’at Salah El-Din.*
    Exercice très difficile ! Pour certains d'entre eux j'ai pu voir des modifications de type défrichages,...

  • J’ai imprimé les documents pour les lire et les annoter.

  • J’ai omis de signaler les conflits armés avec des destructions volontaires et préméditées de vestiges de civilisations antérieures. Un exemple épouvantable avec les bouddhas de Bamiyan : les Talibans considérant toute représentation d'une forme humaine comme un affront à l'islam, ont d'abord attaqué les deux statues géantes avec des tirs d'artillerie pour...

  • Agriculture, urbanisation, exploitation miniere ou forestiere, pillage... Les activités humaines sont très souvent responsables de degradations, mais il ne faut pas oublier des aléas climatiques, inondations, tremblements de terre, montée des eaux maritimes, tornades, incendies....

  • Très instructif !

  • La version de google earth que j'utilise n'est pas identique a la votre...

  • Pouvez-vous trouver les coordonnées (latitude et longitude) de la Grande Pyramide de Gizeh ? 29°58'N 31°08'E

    Pouvez-vous trouver les coordonnées d'Alexandrie ? 31°11'N 29°55'E

  • Génial ! J'ai pu découvrir l’évolution de la zone autour de notre demeure percheronne depuis 1985 (image totalement floue, seules les voies de communication sont visibles, en fait redessinées sur la carte), 2006 (bâtiments et végétation visibles mais flous), 2012 (image prise de nuit ?), 2015 (image toujours assez floue), 2018 (image beaucoup plus nette).

  • Merci beaucoup pour ces informations. Je ne suis ni sur twitter, ni sur facebook, mais je serai informée de la mise en ligne de vos prochains cours car je fouille régulièrement la plateforme Futurelearn.

  • Autre technique très intéressante, le LiDAR une véritable révolution dans le domaine archéologique.

    Le « Light Detection And Ranging » ou LiDAR est une sorte de radar qui au lieu d’émettre des ondes, projette un laser sur une surface ciblée qui se réverbère ensuite dans son viseur. Le temps de retour de l’infrarouge est mesuré, indiquant ainsi aux...

  • Bravo Hakim ! Tout est dit dans votre commentaire

  • @SheilaBransden
    Bonjour Sheila,
    Je suis française et parisienne (sur plusieurs générations) mais je vis une partie du temps dans le Perche (Sud de la Normandie), un ancien comté démembré lors de la révolution française qui a gardé une forte identité culturelle.
    Ravie d’avoir l’occasion de vous croiser vous au long de ce cours.

  • Je suis ravie d’avoir enfin la possibilité de suivre un cours en français sur la plateforme FL. Bravo à l’équipe pour cette initiative !

  • Ciao a tuti, mi chiamo Christiane il cui diminutivo è Nina

  • I have a funny story to tell you on this subject: one of our common acquaintances recently deceased having been buried, my adorable and very French housekeeper said to me: "You, you want to be cook, don't you?" . I had to explain to her that if we were actually "cooking" a chicken, for the corpses it was rather better to use the word "incinerate" since the...

  • Several hundred of books, in particular on art history, history, archeology, anthropology...
    Many pieces of furniture and objects which we have inherited from members of our families who died without descendants
    And computers of course

  • Continued...
    Differences in calcium-normalized strontium intensities across each tooth reflect variation in tooth mineralization, implying that sampling location must be taken into account in interpreting results. Chronologically consistent shifts in calcium-normalized strontium intensities in teeth from children with known nursing histories reflect the onset...

  • "Unlocking evidence of early diet from tooth enamel"
    abstract: Recent developments in microspatial analysis of enamel chemistry provide the resolution needed to reconstruct detailed chronological records of an individual's early life history. Evidence of nutritional history, residential mobility, and exposure to heavy metals can potentially be retrieved from...

  • The excavation of graves of cremated remains in the laboratory: its potential contribution to archeology in 1990.
    Summary — The micro-excavation of the graves of cremated remains in the laboratory can provide, when such analysis is possible, precious data that can be derived for biological anthropology, paleopathology and archaeology. The main aspects of the...

  • Hello, I am French woman, my family is Parisian since many generations. Given the Pandemie of Covid-19, and my professional activity of consuling, which allows me to work at a distance, I stay for the moment in "Le Perche" (currently attached to Normandy but which was an independant county before the French Revolution).
    I had to look on the internet to check...

  • @SharonMadagan Hello Sharon, I live also with five cats and I am like you very interested in archaology

  • Researcher, wife who like cooking, cat lover

  • @InekeFioole Coucou Ineke, nice to meet you here !

  • @NeilHardie
    You ask a very interesting question, I will try to find out about this subject.
    In Europe since the 12th century, a large part of the economy has functioned as a market. Urbanization, very strong until the end of the 13th century, impacts the evolution of food demand and supply. Very urbanized, the Italian peninsula, very has about 2.5-3...

  • I have worked as an epidemiologist for many years on human genetic data (GWAS) in studies of factors influencing aging. Our reference data were those of the “Thousand genomes” project.
    The 1000 Genomes Project created a catalogue of common human genetic variation, using openly consented samples from people who declared themselves to be healthy. The reference...

  • When I think that as a child I spent many holidays near Varese with the godmother of one of my brothers in Biandronno, which is a stone's throw from Castelseprio, and that I had never heard of this extraordinary places till today ! No doubt it was rather confidential at the time. Furthermore, it was a long time ago: midsixty-midseventy…

  • This gilded bronze helmet plaque representing the triumph of King Agilulf, King of Lombardy, it is in the Bargello National Museum in Florence, Italy). King Agilulf or Agilolf or Ago (born after 555 - died in 616) is proclaimed king of the Lombards of Italy in Milan from 591 to 616. His long reign is marked by a truce with the papacy and with the Byzantine...

  • This gilded bronze helmet plaque representing the triumph of King Agilulf, King of Lombardy, it is in the Bargello National Museum in Florence, Italy). King Agilulf or Agilolf or Ago (born after 555 - died in 616) is proclaimed king of the Lombards of Italy in Milan from 591 to 616. His long reign is marked by a truce with the papacy and with the Byzantine...

  • Understanding the genetic structure of human populations is of fundamental interest to medical, forensic and anthropological sciences. Advances in high-throughput genotyping technology have markedly improved our understanding of global patterns of human genetic variation. Novembre and al characterized genetic variation in a sample of 3,000 European individuals...

  • After the conquest of Greece, the Romans adopted the Greek term and used it to refer to the peoples who surrounded their own world. Anyone who did not belong to the Greco-Roman cultural sphere, whatever his level of civilization, was therefore qualified as barbarian in Rome.

  • The illustration is the church of Santa Maria foris portas, the oldest building in the municipality of Castelseprio in the province of Varese (Lombardy). It is located on a hill two hundred meters from the walls of an ancient Roman castrum. From the old fortified town, this extra moenia church is the only building that survived destruction and saved from...

  • It is most likely the Christ monogram, which has its origin in the Greek abbreviation of the name Jesus, that is to say IHΣOYΣ or IHCOYC whose abbreviation was IHΣ. But in Latin manuscripts the sigma has been replaced by the S, leaving the Greek eta equal to the Latin capital H, hence the erroneous spelling of Ihesus from the 6th century onwards which has...

  • At the beginning of the Middle Ages (9th-11th century), the fortified castle was most often built of wood, at the top of a hillock built by collecting earth to a height of about ten meters (castle mound or feudal mound) . The place was surrounded by a ditch possibly filled with water and a palisade of tree trunks. If the region was provided with stone...

  • The city of Caen in France was born from the will of William, Duke of Normandy, on the eve of the conquest of England. In Caen, the Duke had two abbeys and his powerful castle built. The fortress still bears witness to all the centuries of a history that began in the great epic of William the Conqueror.
    Built around 1060 by William the Conqueror, the Ducal...

  • A refrence book for French speaking persons:
    Mosaic. Tresor of the Latinite from origins to today. H. Lavagne, E. de Bounda, A. Uribe Echeverria (EDS). Ars Latina, Paris, 2000, 629 pages.
    Collective book in French, structured in 5 parts:
    - Antiquity
    - Christian mosaic, Byzantine and medieval
    - At the dawn of modern times: the mosaic, art of decor

  • No, I have only been to Israel once, in Jerusalem. But, I take courses in the restoration of works of art at the Ecole du Louvre in Paris. In this context, we have studied the techniques of making and restoring ancient mosaics and I have acquired works devoted to mosaics. I also had the opportunity to visit on several occasions the Bardo Museum in Tunis in...

  • "The disappearance of leprosy was facilitated by the spread of tuberculosis, a bacterium which neutralised that of leprosy."

    This hypothesis was put forward by researchers at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

    To study the evolution of these two pathologies, the researchers analyzed the DNA of human remains from ancient and medieval periods. They...

  • @KathleenDunlop "The disappearance of leprosy was facilitated by the spread of tuberculosis, a bacterium which neutralised that of leprosy."

    This hypothesis was put forward by researchers at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

    To study the evolution of these two pathologies, the researchers analyzed the DNA of human remains from ancient and medieval...

  • "The disappearance of leprosy was facilitated by the spread of tuberculosis, a bacterium which neutralised that of leprosy."
    This hypothesis was put forward by researchers at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
    To study the evolution of these two pathologies, the researchers analyzed the DNA of human remains from ancient and medieval periods. They...

  • The Roman Villa of Casale is an ancient villa located 5 kilometers south of the town of Piazza Armerina, in Sicily. Its construction dates from the end of the 3rd century. The villa has around thirty rooms, ie 3,500 m2, the floor of which is covered with polychrome mosaics which illustrate a wide variety of subjects: hunting scenes, circus games, mythology,...

  • The mosaic above representing fish and marine animals (Mosaic dels Peixos), decorated a room in the Roman villa of Callípolis, in the municipality of Vila-seca (3rd century AD). It is kept at the National Archelogical Museum of Tarragona.
    The mosaic is decorated with 47 representations of Mediterranean marine fauna, generally fish, but also crustaceans,...

  • 1) Sicily, Tunisia and especially Egypt were major producers of wheat during late antiquity.
    2) Olive oil was mainly produced in southern Spain.
    3) Wine was mainly exported from France.

  • Under the Empire, the annona became the regular part of the tribute in kind paid by the population of the provinces, and from Diocletian by those of Italy itself (Italia annonaria), tribute intended in a large measure to supply the capital city. The main role in these supplies, especially wheat, was played by Egypt and North Africa. From the Flavian period and...

  • With the advent of the Empire, the advertising system is reorganized. Augustus limited the number of plebeians entitled to free supplies to 200,000 people and entrusted the technical direction to the prefects of the Annone who belonged to the equestrian order, the general supervision of the supply of the people therefore falling under the responsibility of...

  • The notion of annona had various meanings in Antiquity, mainly it referred to the notion of supplies of foodstuffs to the public needs of the Roman State. The services were annual, hence the term annona also designating the annual harvests stored in public granaries.

    During the republican era, it was the supplies of wheat intended to feed the plebs of Rome...

  • @MaryMac
    This ancient mosaic is found inside the Church of the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes in Tabgha, Israel. The mosaic found in front of the altar depicts two fish flanking a basket containing four loaves of bread.

  • @MaryR
    This is a Roman mosaic which is in the Château de Boudry Museum, canton of Neuchâtel in Switzerland. On deposit at the Museum, this sumptuous mosaic represents a banquet scene, comprising nine figures reclining on a semi-circular bed called a stibadum or sigma bed. Served by seven servants, the guests all rest on their left side, according to the...

  • @KathC and Susana
    This is a Roman mosaic which is in the Château de Boudry Museum, canton of Neuchâtel in Switzerland. On deposit at the Museum, this sumptuous mosaic represents a banquet scene, comprising nine figures reclining on a semi-circular bed called a stibadum or sigma bed. Served by seven servants, the guests all rest on their left side, according...

  • I tend to agree with you about the content of this first week, Pete, but I admit that I am a little worried about the rest of the course ...
    If the feeling of slight boredom that I had this week and the he feeling of wasting my time continues, I might decide to drop it.
    Obviously, I would not like to come to this because the teachers did indeed go to great...