Ahmad Suliman
I am an agronomist and a researcher at the field of economical optimization, I have got a master degree in Agricultural Informatics.
Location Syria - Tartus
I've been involved with English language teaching for over 20 years and now I split my time between online courses, teacher training and various work with UK universities.
I live and work in Bratislava and have been teaching for more than twenty-five years. I’m the Social Community Manager in charge of the British Council’s global social media channels for learners.
English Medium Instruction has been my main research focus since 2007 when I taught our first EMI course at Southampton. I've worked with so many wonderful international colleagues because of EMI!
At the University of Southampton, I have been involved with a range of language and applied linguistics programmes. I am interested in the complex and social nature of communication and education.
Leon Kos is a 25+ years veteran of using Linux desktop on a daily basis to build digital relationships for research, teaching, and getting the job done by programming.
I am Executive Dean of Faculty of Business and Law and Professor of Financial Management and Corporate Governance at the Open University Business School.
Venkat has a background in biology, imaging and repositories and gained expertise in RDM. He then became the lead trainer at the DCC and is currently the Training Officer for OpenAIRE.
Alex has an MSc in Developmental Linguistics, and 3 years of experience as an RA in speech & language processing. She now provides project support for the Digital Curation Centre.
Sarah has over a decade of experience in research data management and open science. She is involved in many international initiatives such as the European Open Science Cloud & Research Data Alliance.