Charmaine Gill

Charmaine Gill

Teacher. Writer. Editor.

Location Barbados


  • Challenged, interested, excited.

  • Aha! Understood. :-)

  • Thanks so much for this course. Enjoyable, informative, practical content. I learned much and am excited to apply the knowledge.

  • I have never written a feature length film, only shorter scripts.
    The longest of those was an hour long and the first draft took about 6 weeks.
    What kept me going was the characters. I really liked them and wanted to see where they would end up. I had an outline with an ending in mind, and wrote from that, but knew from past experience that the characters...

  • Again, very useful information. Thank you!

  • Very helpful guidelines. Thank you!

  • A scene must "justify its own existence" and "work so hard it disguises its own efforts"... this resonates with me. #WritingGoals Will be keeping this in mind going forward.
    Thinking about my own writing approach: I follow a basic outline considering the circumstance which leads to the character's re/action; writing dialogue and action which drive the plot;...

  • "The script is a very slim form. The art comes in using these few tools to capture the full emotional flow of the story."
    This statement appeals to me. I've co-written one script which was produced and the wonder, for me, was seeing how the director and actors interpreted the characters and the story. And the role editing played in that. It was art within...

  • Your comment interests me because I realise my characters' backstories have not been revealed from this exercise.... I mean, their (his)stories are in my head and may be revealed later (if only through their actions), but they don't appear in the outlines.
    This is unusual. Usually I'd have pages of character notes and refer to them while writing.
    So far I'm...

  • I enjoyed and learned much from this exercise. It was different from the character development processes I've previously used (for novel writing) which are more in-depth.
    Writing in outline format like this allows for "space" in interpretation of the character. I think the phrase Michael used was "creating a role, not a character". This exercise demonstrates...

  • Generally, I enjoy characters who are strong yet flawed in some fundamental way, and whose self-analysis and growth are intertwined with the progression of the plot.
    Re the video: I appreciate Molly's contributions on back story and on archetype.

  • I've enjoyed the coursework so far. It has made me more aware of the structure of movie plots and made me think more about approaches to screenwriting in particular, also short story and novel writing. #Bonus
    I appreciated the panel discussions.... the varying views of the panellists were thought provoking.
    Looking forward to Week 2.

  • I would create my summary using multiple 5-finger maps to tell each character's story and how those stories intertwine and are resolved by the end of the movie.
    If not linked via plot, characters, I imagine, would be linked by theme.

  • My preference is to consider character and plot primarily: Who are these characters? What do they want? Why? What's stopping them from getting it?
    Theme does not figure much into my writing (I tend to leave that to critics and academics. *smiles)
    As for editing/cutting: that is another creative process. An artform in its own right.... like creating found...

  • As a teacher (of English Language and Literatures), I am constantly learning. Via my teaching, I seek to impart to my students an appreciation for and understanding of the art of writing and its connections to real life, as well as to enhance their communication skills.
    My 3 words: Appreciation, Understanding, Communication

  • Greetings!
    My name is Charmaine. I live in Barbados. I've been teaching longer than I care to admit and still loving it. I currently teach English at secondary and tertiary levels. I enjoy online learning and am hoping to hone my online teaching skills.
    Looking forward....

  • I've learned much and found the experience enjoyable. I particularly like learning at my own pace. The new school year starts in 2 weeks time so I am in full B2S mode and found this course very timely. I'm looking forward to putting what I've learned here into practice.
    Thank you again, FutureLearn and UEA!

  • As usual, excellent resources! Thank you!
    Came across the following article. Trusting others will also find it of interest.

  • I have been both coach and trainee, mentor and mentee at various times during my career. Both are useful tools for professional development. I regard mentoring as essential for young/new teachers.
    Coaching involves a more hands-on approach, sometimes actually demonstrating a certain aspect of teaching practice, for example. Mentoring involves offering of...

  • I’ve been on summer vacation while taking this course so have not yet had the opportunity to implement the knowledge gained here into my daily teaching practice.
    However, I feel empowered by (and most pleased about achieving) the validation that certain of my instinctive practices are accepted practice within the field of education. I’ve enjoyed “discovering”...

  • @YarynaTelenko Agreed. Students perform group projects at least once a term. This gives them an opportunity to engage in peer review and, to some extent, direct their own learning.

  • The main takeaway is the MUSIC model for enhancing student motivation.
    I find it interesting that I have used some of the methods outlined while unaware of the pedagogy.
    The accompanying articles were informative and the website links very useful.

  • This model complements the concept of student-centred learning. I've used these strategies with very pleasing results in the past though this is my introduction to Dr. Jones and his work.

  • While these approaches have not been formally adopted by my school, teachers use Growth Mindset and Building Learning Power. Both prove beneficial to most students as they heighten self awareness regarding learning styles and strategies, and enhance self confidence. This, in turn, directly improves student learning.

  • I've used all of these approaches but tend to use questioning, task, pace, assessment and grouping more often I'm comfortable with all approaches, but would probably count grouping as my least favourite for various reasons..

  • I use a variety of approaches but have a preference for differentiation by dialogue, task, pace, assessment and grouping (pretty much in this order).
    Assessment is vital to differentiation. It informs lesson planning, specifically the tasks set and the pacing of instruction.
    My flexibility varies but generally, thanks to creativity and the years of...

  • 1) In my classes, challenge takes many forms. An example: students might be directed to conduct Internet research for homework on a particular topic not yet tackled in class. When they return to class to they share with peers three facts they've learned about the topic. The more obscure the facts, the better, in my book.
    2) Again there are many opportunities....

  • Challenge is an inherent part of learning. Learning is about change and all change, good or bad, can be challenging at some point or another.
    In teaching I enjoy challenging my students and supporting them throughout the learning process.
    That students thrive in a no/low threat environment speaks to the importance of maintaining an effective learning...

  • I found learning about Bloom's Taxonomy and reading the resources re Approaches to Assessment most useful. The information on dialogic and Socratic methods was interesting and confirms some of my practices.

  • Written surveys can be very useful as they offer greater time for qualitative and quantitative analysis. Of course, their appropriateness depends on the age group being taught.
    Using a form like the one here will help ensure questions are focused and elicit useful information.
    Surveys can be fun to create.

  • Charmaine Gill made a comment

    I use the first three strategies in every session. Clearly they highly influence my practice. The other strategies I use fairly regularly, with the exception of investigation and cold tasks which i use seldom, although that depends on the students and what I think will suit their learning styles.
    Verbal questioning, tests/quizzes, marking and written...

  • Love the NSEAD handbook, btw!

  • Dialogue is important in encouraging critical thinking. I build discussion into my lesson plans. Most students are happy to participate.
    With regard to allowing students time to respond, I usually slowly count to 15. Somebody has usually thought of an answer and found the confidence to offer it before I finish counting.

  • I've not been conscious of using Bloom's taxonomy in the classroom. Looking back, yes, this figure hierarchically represents the objectives in teaching. The revised version is more effective.
    It would be interesting to share this with older students.

  • Very useful resources.
    Formative assessment resonates with me, especially as a way of creatively appealing to students' various learning styles/preferences.

  • Ultimately, the assessments are done to benefit the student. They also benefit the teacher if used diagnostically. Of course, the assessments are also for the school - those grade sheets won't fill themselves!
    To be fair to students, I have their final grades reflect a number of factors including coursework, attitude in and out of class and homework...

  • I like your metaphors with the mirror and the photograph.

  • 1. Formative assessment is a chance for all of us (students and me) to get creative at the end of a lesson. Summative assessment, while it can employ creativity, is more formal, involving rubrics and marksheets and grades and reports and meetings - clearly not my favourite part of teaching.
    2. In my classroom, formative assessment can be as simple as my...

  • Came back to add: Asking students questions, sincere questions, about their behaviour can be revealing. Especially if they trust you enough to answer honestly.
    Also, having a quiet word with a student after class often works far better than prolonging engagement with them during the lesson or in front of his/her peers.
    I would think this is a given (after...

  • Charmaine Gill made a comment

    The information on Reflective Practice and behaviour management is very useful. I look forward to applying what I'm learning in the classroom.

  • Key points:
    1. The Haydn Scale is useful in describing classroom climate and enhances reflective practice.
    2. Classroom management is just as important as lesson planning when it comes to achieving teaching success.
    3. Teaching effectively is a complex skill. There's more to it than just "showing up".

    Most useful/interesting activity:
    Reading and...

  • These are excellent resources. Thank you!
    I particularly like the information on the Restorative Justice Approach. It resonates.

  • Two students immediately come to mind. (Though there are many others.)
    Both angry, rebellious. And lonely.
    At the end of the day, I think they need love.
    At the very least a word of encouragement. Which is what I've offered even in their rudest moments.... sometimes it's important to ignore the packaging and pay attention to the message inside.
    One of...

  • This is interesting. I've not heard of this scale before.
    I teach various classes, but thinking of the most challenging class I teach: I have observed them at level 3 with other teachers. With me they've reached level 5 (on most days) and that took about 6 weeks to achieve.
    What is most helpful is establishing the classroom climate from the first...

  • What I find most interesting so far is realizing I've been using reflective practice instinctively for a while.
    It's important in reducing stress levels in and out of the classroom, for students and teachers.
    Also it's a useful tool for identifying students specific needs - curricular and extracurricular, in and out of the classroom.
    I've enjoyed the...

  • I'm interested, though not entirely surprised, to find the survey results generally reflect teachers' views and experiences in Barbados and elsewhere in the Caribbean.

  • Borton's model immediately appealed to me. I like its conciseness and the fact that it encapsulates Gribbs's. I like the latter because it includes the emotional aspect (feelings) and the way forward (action plan).
    I've found learning journals (for myself and students) highly effective reflective tools.

  • Greetings from Barbados!
    I've been teaching for more years than I care to admit since I've been 29 forever, which would mean I've been teaching since before conception. This would make sense given I consider myself a "born teacher". I have also worked as a journalist, a PR practitioner and an arts administrator.
    I've taught at various levels, from...