Gabrielle Miller
Education Research Assistant, Centre for Sustainable Fashion, based at London College of Fashion.
Location London, UK
Gabrielle Miller made a comment
Hi everyone, thank you for sharing your feedback! It’s great to hear that some of you are finding these methods useful for your work and projects.
Remember this process is a suggestion of one framework, you can work with it or adapt it in any way that is good for you. For example, if you do chose to use these methods in your work you can base the...
Gabrielle Miller made a comment
Thank for sharing your reflections and personal experiences – it’s great to hear your contrasting and thoughtful responses. Many ethical and moral questions arise through debate, I noticed some interesting points raised about leather alternatives and the impacts on people and the environment. What are your thoughts on these new leather alternatives? Critical...
Gabrielle Miller made a comment
Hi everyone, sorry to those who experienced problems uploading an image. The map seems to be working for most of you so please try again!
Gabrielle Miller made a comment
Hello all! Thank you for all of your introductions and sharing your work and interests. It is incredible to be hearing from so many different locations and perspectives. I hope you find the time to interact with each other and find connections that can inform and challenge your practice. We're looking forward to seeing you all over the duration of this course!
@MegRaine sorry about that – check out the Stockholm Resilience Centre (SRC) site as our graphic is based on theirs -
Gabrielle Miller made a comment
Also check out the Stockholm Resilience Centre (SRC) site - Planetary boundaries is a concept proposed in 2009 by a group of Earth system and environmental scientists led by Johan Rockström from the Stockholm Resilience Centre and Will Steffen from the Australian National...
you can click above the image to expand it.
Gabrielle Miller made a comment
Hello all! Thank you for all of your introductions, it is incredible to be hearing from so many different locations and perspectives. I hope you find the time to interact with each other and find connections that can inform and challenge your practice.
Gabrielle Miller made a comment
Sorry! Just realised this worded badly, we are fixing this. It should say:
Are you FOR or AGAINST the use of leather in fashion? -
Gabrielle Miller made a comment
Many new questions arise through debate, I noticed some interesting points raised about leather alternatives and the impacts on people and the environment. Critical issues were discussed around animal welfare, and comments around harmful toxic chemicals that are used during processing and tanning.
What are your thoughts on these new leather alternatives?...
Gabrielle Miller made a comment
Thank for sharing your reflections and personal experiences – it’s great to hear your contrasting and thoughtful responses. Don't forget to engage directly with each other, this way we can really dig down into the complexity of these arguments. And if you have sources / evidence to share then please do… bring on the debate!
Gabrielle Miller replied to Marissa Ganino
Thank you for letting us know – it should work now but here is the link:
Gabrielle Miller made a comment
Hello! Very pleased to meet you all through this course – I look forward to connecting with you over the coming weeks and understanding your hopes and experiences for fashion and sustainability.
Gabrielle Miller made a comment
Hi everyone, thank you for sharing your feedback! It’s great to hear that some of you are finding these methods useful for your work and projects.
Remember this process is a suggestion of one framework, you can work with it or adapt it in any way that is good for you. For example, if you do chose to use these methods in your work you can base the...
Gabrielle Miller replied to Tuelay Kahraman
Hi Tuelay – the transcript link is directly under the video
Gabrielle Miller replied to Tuelay Kahraman
Hi Tuelay, the transcript is at the bottom of this page.
Gabrielle Miller made a comment
Wow some really fantastic work! Thank you for sharing your design challenges – it's been fascinating reading through them!
Gabrielle Miller made a comment
Hi everyone, sorry to those who experienced problems uploading an image. We had so many uploads that it stopped working... it has now been fixed and is working again so please try and add your image again!
Gabrielle Miller made a comment
Some interesting conversations below – these methods allow you to take a holistic view and consider how to can create either material or non material ways
towards a preferred situation. -
Gabrielle Miller made a comment
Hi all – this part of the process helps us to create meaningful solutions and care about the lives of the people you're designing for or whom may also sit within your extended supply chain. By this, we mean not just the end customer but those who will be affected by your idea across the supply chain, such as a factory worker, a retailer, an artisan, or a...
Gabrielle Miller made a comment
Hi everyone – looking forward to hearing some of your ideas this week!
This week we introduce you to creative problem-solving techniques that can be used by any individual or team across design disciplines and business departments to prototype solutions in real-world scenarios across different fields of the fashion industry. These methods can be used to...
Gabrielle Miller made a comment
Thank you for your question – there are four challenges areas that are open to explore sustainability through the lens of your own practice. These methods allow you to focus your thinking, and freely brainstorm and create questions that provoke meaningful and relevant ideas to a chosen 'Agenda' and 'Issue'.
Remember that steps 5.6 - 5.13 is a worked example...
Gabrielle Miller made a comment
Hi everyone – it’s great to hear your thoughts and enthusiasm! There are many methods that can help us design with ecology and equality in mind… From nature based methods of learning such as deep ecology and bio-mimicry to people based methods such as empathic and participatory design techniques. Human-centred and empathic design is just one to approach...
Gabrielle Miller made a comment
Apologies some of you are having difficulties posting, we are working to fix this.
Gabrielle Miller made a comment
Hi everyone, thanks for introducing yourselves! We are creating a very diverse community full of a range of experiences, locations and interests. We are looking forward to working with you all.
Gabrielle Miller made a comment
Hi everyone and welcome! It's great to see that you are all posting such interesting comments, and specifically around value, consumption and waste. Some of you have reflected upon habits and societies of the past. “…the accumulated past is life’s best resource for innovation …reinventing beats inventing nearly every time.” Stewart Brand
Looking forward to... -
Gabrielle Miller made a comment
Congratulations on getting to the end of the course, and thank you for sharing your thoughts, learnings and experiences! We have set up a Linkedin group so that you can continue your conversations on fashion and sustainability, and extend the life of our growing online community. We look forward to seeing you – reconnect here:...
Gabrielle Miller made a comment
Thank you for your thoughts – it's great to read some of your findings. Keep sharing interesting brands you come across!
Good question! Honest By is 100% transparent – this company is unique in communicating about the supply chain of its products and pricing
Gabrielle Miller made a comment
Hi everyone – welcome to the final week of the course! It's brilliant to hear your thoughts, feedback and experiences!
Gabrielle Miller replied to Angela Serra
Hi Angela - you create participants that are directly affected by your design idea, or who will come into contact with your idea across the supply chain - think about who these real people might be. Remember that this step is the worked example, you don’t need to create your own partcipants until the Design Challenge in step 5.14 - I hope that helps!
Gabrielle Miller replied to Anastasia Graham
Thank you for your comment! sorry to hear that you are having problems with your activities – can you contact FutureLearn about this?
Gabrielle Miller made a comment
Wow some really fantastic work! Thank you for sharing your design challenges – it's been fascinating reading through them and even seeing some prototypes. Sorry to hear some of you had problems, posting links in the feed is also a good idea.
Yes of course – you can post as many as you like!
Gabrielle Miller made a comment
Thanks for your comments! I just thought I would add that when making your prototype, it's useful to begin by clarifying your learning goal. What do you want to learn from your prototype? For example: How easy is my product or service to use? Is this an idea that resonates with people? Is this a good way to implement my idea? Then when you come to testing...
Gabrielle Miller made a comment
Storyboards show a journey that ends with a changed/improved/altered situation. It brings ideas to life in a real context with real people – here you can consider direct social and environmental impacts and consequences.
Gabrielle Miller replied to Eeva Erkinjuntti
This is great! did you find the blank storyboard worksheet to fill in and visualise in step 5.14?
Gabrielle Miller made a comment
Great brainstorming – some brilliant ideas! The way to get to great ideas is to have lots to choose from! The goal is to generate as many ideas as possible. Go for quantity and build on each others ideas...
Gabrielle Miller replied to Jane G
Brainstorming works best in groups – you can use this space to share ideas. The way to get to great ideas is to have lots to choose from!
Gabrielle Miller replied to Tracy Holtze
@KatieMcDonald great suggestion! It's about thinking and mapping out a range of people who may sit within your extended value chain. This can help you think about the environmental impacts too – where the materials come from? the production of raw materials, manufacturing processing? and transportation. The fashion industry relies heavily on many resources...
@IsmayMummery thanks for sharing with everyone!
Gabrielle Miller made a comment
Some really great participants you have begun to map out! Remember that this is the worked example – there is the design challenge in step 5.14 where you can fill in blank worksheets.
Gabrielle Miller made a comment
Thanks – it’s great to read your “How might we…” suggestions. This step should allow you to focus your thinking, and freely brainstorm and create questions that provoke meaningful and relevant ideas to your Agenda and Issue.
Remember that this is the worked example – there will be a design challenge in step 5.14 where we ask you to fill in blank worksheets...
Gabrielle Miller made a comment
Hi everyone – it’s great to hear your thoughts and enthusiasm! I’m just picking up on a few comments here… There are many methods that can help us design with ecology and equality in mind… From nature based methods of learning such as deep ecology and bio-mimicry to people based methods such as empathic and participatory design techniques. Human-centred and...