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Beatriz Vera-López

Beatriz Vera-López

I am interested in language, languages and literatures of the world. My approach to knowledge, however, is inter- and trans-disciplinarian and I want to develop it as much as I can.

Location My permanent address is in Mexico City but I lived for 8 years in England, where I earned an MA and a PhD in the University of Nottingham.


  • I keep on reflecting on values as a complex unity of judgment and action. If I have a more nuanced stance about Truth, what I consider Good should be nuanced too, in searching for evidence and validity. And if I have a critical view of what is Good, then I cannot be dogmatic about what I judge as just or not.

  • Regarding my actively seeking information that opposes my current view, I had to answer "sometimes," which makes me realize how biased my thinking can be. On the other hand, gray areas cannot be easily reduced to the true-false survey. Such is the way of the values according to which we judge, and we act upon, such as Good and Justice. Because of their...

  • I have been interested in teaching and learning foreign languages for a number of years. Both as a student and a teacher, I have reflected on how to apply critical thinking to it. If we think of criticality as a sibling of creativity, and that acquiring a language (beyond the old fixed difference between learning and acquisition) involves any number of...

  • Hi Rob
    I think a limitation is not in critical thinking itself but in its value to get to the truth of an issue, for which further evidence is necessary.

  • I liked a lot what they said about critical thinking in mathematics and physical geography.

  • I am looking forward to applying critical thinking skills to linguistic analysis. What I dread is meaningless or worthless questions or exercises.

  • “Eating five portions of fruit and vegetables a day is essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle.”

    Description stage:
    What is the source of information? Is it reliable? Is it updated?

    Analysis stage:
    Why 5? How not less, or more? How can it be estimated with noun countable kinds of fruit or vegetables?

    How is "essential" defined? What...

  • This model looks helpful. The trait that most attracted me was the critical question "what if...?" I think this is especially useful to shift perspectives and find a more comprehensive understanding of the issue.

  • I add criticality to my daily experience with the news. I am getting better at discovering when the news is not informative but propagandistic. We are living a momentous time in Mexico with a center-leftist government that has left the press run free, without any reigns of censorship, not even sound limits to their tendency to lie. So it is important to...

  • Before tackling a problem, I stop to analyze whether it is the right way to frame the situation. Does it go to the root? Does it cover a good enough horizon of events? I rarely take problems at face value. I wonder whether they really are problems at all and whether the problem is that or something else.

  • Critical thinking means analyzing and judging the soundness of an argument and its sources of information. Moreover, it can involve whether a given question is the best way to pose a problem.

  • In order to do the six tasks, do I need to download any complements?

  • Task 4. How do I read / . ? . ?pleasant/ I got the results as expected but I couldn't understand the query.

  • In task 2, I don't know how to specify [anywhere RIGHT]. I need far more practice to understand how to use the filters.

  • I have quite a number of doubts. How do I do N* [as POS] this [as POS] I can't understand.

  • Can I possibly search for thesis statements?

  • I intend to work with two corpora from my academic writing course, one in English as a foreign language and the other in Spanish. My main goal is to identify and correct stance taking issues, going from rhetorical to cohesive to lexical problems. Do you have any suggestions?

  • I am interested in academic writing in ESL, specifically in research articles. I want to focus on ways of stance taking. I want to create two comparable corpora: one in Spanish and the other in English, which will contain the ESL version that the authors of the articles in the first corpus. Most likely, there would be a third corpus containing the "model"...

  • I am an EFL professor at the National University of Mexico. I am interested in corpus linguistics and soon I learned that statistics is key in this area.

  • I am interested in this course because I want to use it to interpret big data extracted from corpus linguistics software.

  • Hi, @DogusOksuz! I am agonizing over three questions: how can I search for parallel research articles? How can I search not for words but by rhetorical moves? (if not doable, I'll have to concentrate on key words-expressions). The third question is Do I have to annotate each and every text I want to upload in a CL program? I want to analyze over 200 research...

  • Stance-taking in research articles written by nonnative English researchers is my focus of interest. As a corpus, I have chosen the articles published in Spanish by the online psychology journal of my Faculty. The rhetorical analysis of them will have as a purpose to assess the clarity and effectiveness with which the authors spell out their stance. I will...

  • Does anyone know whether the bilingual English-Spanish corpus records research articles?

  • @TanjunLiu thank you! Do you think you can help me to do so?

  • I am interested in academic writing, specifically, in research articles written by ESL or EFL researchers. I want to use corpus analysis to investigate stance taking.

  • Hello. I am an EFL professor in Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. For my sabbatical, I am planning to do a postdoc in Germany doing research on stance and voice in research articles written in English by Spanish speakers.

  • I understand what is meant by the term academic integrity. YES, BUT I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW MORE ABOUT IT.

    I am familiar with the values that underpin academic integrity. YES. SAME AS ABOVE.

    I know what plagiarism is. YES

    I know what I have to do to avoid academic dishonesty.YES, SAME AS ABOVE.

  • Hello. I am Mexican and I work at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. My country stands second when it comes to ecosystems in the World. With thirty-four unaltered ecosystems, a number of parks and monuments, it has preserved nature. In addition, there are also seventeen sanctuaries and protected areas for flora and fauna. These interesting facts...

  • Hello. My field is languages and cultures and I would like to introduce in my classes contents of values and character building which I would do even if I taught maths. I think this is important always not just for children and youngsters.

  • I wonder why the important questions are shortlisted to three. I'd say that number is arbitrary

  • It intrigues me that language and culture are not generally included as topics of scientific writing. However, they are at the root of the scientific discourse and its not always scientific implications. Moreover, the fuzzy borders between disciplines, social phobias of different stripes and the increasing globalization makes intercultural competence not only...

  • Perhaps there is a bell-shaped curve in each meditation that makes qualitatively different a ten-minute practice from two sessions of five minutes each.

  • What I ignore, enslaves me. What I acknowledge, releases me.

  • People dear to me have caught me not listening to them but just reacting to my own thoughts. That's not just embarrassing but painful for the relationship

  • I think that when you are actually listening you can identify the precise moment you can and must have your saying. Otherwise it may mean that you used to say more than what the situation calls from you.

  • I am reminded of the extent to which I practice avoidance and procrastination as symptoms of lack of mindfulness which involves a distorted perception, lack of acceptance, inappropriate attachment to the past or to a dread future and the absence of mind. Everything is connected, both for better or for worse.

  • Hi Louise
    My suggestion is to separate your comments on content from those related to grammar, cohesion, etc. You can always send two different files and start with editorial work about spelling and so forth. Then, in the file about content, you can praise their understanding if that stands out.

  • Yes. It is as if we could discover universality only by appreciating variation.

  • A lot of initiatives in south-east Mexico (the States of Yucatan, Campeche, Quintana Roo and Chiapas). There are centers dedicated to the linguistic and cultural research and spreding of the language. However, they are quite far from Mexico City, where I live. My grandfather attempted to teach me but with little success I'm afraid.

    "Las palabras" (The Words) is a poem by the Nobel Prize laureate Octavio Paz. It is an invitation to losing any respect to them which, at the same time, opens up the possibility to create and re-create them.

  • As an English teacher, I make a point of encouraging my students to produce "good English". However, I also demand from them to produce good Spanish in their answers to questions of reading comprehension of academic English texts. I want them to realise the value of difference and the extent to which expressivity and meaning nuances emerge in both languages.

  • A. What languages were taught your school (and indicate which decade)
    In the late sixties and early seventies, I was taught English in school. That was the only option available. Later on, I kept on learning languages (French and German) in the eighties and nineties. I also had a go to learn Nahuatl, which is the native American language spoken in Central...

  • I would like that you, the panellists, include the aesthetic enrichment that is involved by learning other languages. Thanks in advance.

  • This is a comment to Rene's note: "Multiculturalism or multilingualism is not something that can be imposed on people, anymore that I could "force" my teenage nephew to "like playing the guitar"!!!"
    I agree with you to the extent that nobody can learn something they don't know and if they are surrounded by people who do not know it and do not care. Likes and...

  • Regarding this suggestion: Was there anything about mono/multilingualism that the people in the video did not talk about but which you think is quite important to consider?
    I would like to talk about the aesthetic awareness raising that stems from learning/using/listening a foreign language. The glaring distance emerging from the separation between words and...

  • Same here. I'm too shy to sing --though I loved singing in my childhood!
    Here is a lullaby in Mayan language as my mother used to sang to me and my siblings.
    Though we communicated in Spanish, my parents are from Yucatan and they used to speak to us using spare Mayan expressions and words but they were not fluent...

  • I'm sorry I forgot to write the answers to the two questions in my marker of Mexico City.
    What language(s) do you use where you are? I use Spanish but I teach English.
    What language(s) is/are in use in your neighbourhood? There are a number of native languages in the country and occasionally one can hear some of them in the street but also in a dedicated...

  • Not on corpus and metaphors, unfortunately. However, I would love to find out how metaphors are instrumental in language generativity (by which I mean that the speakers use metaphors of different kinds as patterns to generate new phrases or even new words). Do you think corpus linguistics could be used as a tool to do that?

  • Great! I'm getting a picture ever more refined about the kind of questions that Corpus Linguistics can answer. Perhaps this is not the moment or the place but I have a burning question: what are the chances of doing a funded postdoc in corpus linguistics in the University of Lancaster?

  • I am deeply interested in using corpus linguistics to research metaphors in a wide sense, which not only includes semantic but syntactic aspects as well (e.g., Halliday, Wierzbicka, etc.)

  • Sorry, Anthony. I am confused. I am not sure what you are doing and why you are doing it.

  • Is it possible to detect diachronic variations of collocation? Are there ways to indicate the span from which we want a subcorpus in order to compare it with another from a different period?

  • Hi Andrew
    Could you give me the details of Bill Louw's argument for the possibility to identify irony by using corpus linguistics methods? (if possible, a hyperlink will be highly appreciated).

  • Is there something similar for Spanish?

  • And what do you think? What does Tony think?

  • I would like to research on the immigrants' use of Spanish as a second language. If there is a corpus available, then I would like to investigate how immigrants develop an agentive voice. How can I do that? I imagine that Corpus Linguistics per se may not yield answers but, what mixed methods could work for this purpose?

  • The locking and interlocking concept is not clear enough for me. Could you kindly explain?

  • What I mean with "agentivity" is not only the use of a personal voice (I, we) but the use of language to perform actions, e.g. getting/giving information, raising a point, expressing agreement or disagreeing, etc. If my definition of agentivity or agentiveness is linguistically fuzzy, how can I define it in a way to make it searchable by corpus linguistics...

  • In discursive analysis, is it possible to detect how the language of immigrants evolve in their agentivity through time? How can I detect that as a researcher?

  • Let us say I want to research Spanish as a second language from an immigrant approach. How can I detect key words? Do I have to specify the immigrant's native language? Is there something like a corpus of immigrants in European countries or is there some form of treatment in order to extract a sub-corpus out of a more general multilingual one --if such a...

  • I'd like to know: is irony detectable by discourse prosody?

  • Discourse prosody is a concept new for me and I can appreciate its importance. Thank you!

  • Mutual information... that was a bit fuzzy concept for me. I hope the concept will be further explained later.

  • Diamond is a noun in the English language, which refers to the crystalline form of carbon. It is a benchmark of hardness and it is also used in figurative speech as an adjective to describe something as highly valuable and durable.
    Cause is both a noun and a verb in the English language. It refers as the necessary antecedent of something else which is...

  • In the Brown corpus, the ten most frequent words are: the, of, and, to, a, in, that, is , was, he. In the LOB corpus they are exactly the same. Did I do it right? I only highlighted the sections A,B,C of LOB and got the results.

  • I would like to know the difference of the several programmes in Anthony's webpage.

  • I'd like to know more about CADS (Corpus-Assisted Discourse Studies). Same as Virginia, I would like to do a type of ethnographic study with people interested in writing in English abstracts of their work originally written in Spanish.

  • I am intrigued and excited at the thought of constructing a corpus using the writings of my students. I am leading a workshop of abstracts in English of articles originally written in Spanish. I have here two concerns: the use of personal voice, and the tacit or explicit expression of agency. I think that, besides a corpus based on the texts written by the...

  • May I have, please, the link to corpora of Spanish speakers who are learning English as a second or foreign language? Thanks in advance.

  • After a quick glance to Chapter 6 part 3, Stylistic Annotation, of Corpus Annotation, I have hopes that it is possible to annotate metaphor. And yet I wonder if it is possible to track how a speaker uses an expression as a pattern to generate something different but related to it.
    Multilingual corpora seem quite interesting tools and I'd love to learn how to...

  • Can tags be used for semantic and/or semiotic annotation?

  • In order to research the extent to which the aesthetic perception of language is a factor in language generativeness (or generativity)
    a) How can I structure a corpus? or
    b) What corpora should I use?

  • Hello, Tony and to all the team of mentors.
    I'm back for more. I want to find out the extent to which corpus linguistics can be useful to research the aesthetic perception that speakers have of the language they are learning.

  • This is a question to Tony McEnery and Jon Culpeper:
    Is it possible at all to use corpus linguistics to research metaphors, be them grammatical (Halliday) or otherwise? I am mostly interested in language generativeness and I think that perceiving something as something else is fundamental to create not just new vocabulary (what may or may not become...

  • Hello. I have attempted a few times to understand what corpus linguistics can offer. Initially in a presential course in the University of Nottingham with Ron Carter. My second attempt was here last year but unfortunately I couldn't finish the course. My last and most recent attempt was at the University of Chicago where a hands-on workshop was offered but in...

  • The second job requires:
    1. Deep interest in literature and its wide range of branches, expressed not only in good grades but in other indicators, such as creative writing, having published, any prizes won, etc. I think that these indicators would be as strong if not even stronger than good grades alone.
    2. A proved ability to design teaching as an inquiry...

  • I have been working in the same kind of job for longer than I'd like to admit. I sorely feel the need for a more challenging job that can give me the opportunity of learning more and giving more of myself. Hence the need of how to promote myself by means of application letters and so forth.

  • Where is Chico?

  • Thank you for the information. I'd never Heard of Latakia before and your text has inspired me to go.

  • Discuss how people spend their free time in my hometown

    In spite of the fact that modern life in Mexico City offers many ways to shorten the time necessary to do any number of things, there is a tendency to have this limited resource in a lesser quality. In other words, the time saved taking shortcuts in transport and technology is not necessarily "free"...

  • Later than who else?

  • My suggestion for a more impersonal voice:
    Discuss the reasons why children do not use handwriting.

  • Discuss the reasons why aesthetic perception is fundamental for language acquisition. I want to argue that aesthetics in language leads to the discovery and creation of new patterns and hence to language development both individually and socially.

  • Hello Isha
    Academic writing voice is neutral and impersonal. Amazing, however, is a word charged with personal emotion.

  • Aside grammatical and spelling problems, the organisation is still loose. There's not a clear pattern that can help the reader to remember what he or she has already read and to anticípate what comes next.

  • I would like to highlight the way in which perceived needs have changes through the years. Despite the commonly shared assumption that people are more independent now than before, there is the fact that now we believe we need far more things and conditions than before, which generally makes us far more dependent and prone to anxiety and frustration.

  • I have written an MA and a Phd dissertation in English, besides a number of academic essays during and after postgraduate studies. However, I am very aware that I keep on commiting mistakes when writing and the fact that English is not my mother tongue makes it harder. Besides my own personal development as an academic writer, I want to learn how to teach...

  • I could not upload two separate archives, one for Brown and the other for LOB, but a rather long list of files of both. Is that normal?

  • I've already downloaded the LOB corpus. The problem is that the programme seems to be too busy doing I don't know what.

  • Leaving aside I haven't been able to separate the Brown data from those of LOB, I've found that out of the 41490 words of the list, the first 30 ranks are made up by 29 function words and just one content word (which nevertheless can be considered as "borderline"): have. This one, however, occupies the penultimate place (rank 29).

  • How do I tell the difference between Brown and LOB if they are in the same file?

  • I re-read the instructions and I've already download them. Thanks anyway.

  • Dear Anthony: from where do I download the files in order to play with them in AntConc?

  • I've actually found "What Corpora can Offer in Language Teaching and Learning" by McEnery and Xiao, Chapter 22 (pages 364-380) of what I presume is the Corpus Linguistics text.

  • Did I mishear that we could download MCEnery and Wilson's Corpus Linguistics book?

  • It sounds very intriguing and culturally loaded. Please, Sarah, explain it.

  • Dear Tony
    I'm very excited by your positive response. Any suggestion about where to look for?

  • Hi Eliana
    I'm interested in teaching rethoric devises in English to Spanish-speaking authors of research articles interested in writing their abstracts in English.

  • Could you put that Chinese proverb in written, please?

  • Wonderful! One of my questions is already answered: the CRATER corpus (an English and Spanish Parallel corpus) may be helpful in my research on abstracts written in both languages. Perhaps the International Corpus of Learner English (specifically, Spanish learners of the English language) may prove useful too. I'd like to hear the opinion of one of the mentors...