Layla Croll

Layla  Croll

Production Manager at the University of Sheffield. Previously managed a documentary film festival and worked for over 10 years in TV and film production. Keen self-learner and gamer

Location Sheffield, UK


  • I moved from TV Production to Learning Design so, snap!

  • Hi there. I've led a team developing MOOCs with academic teams for a few years at University of Sheffield. I'm researching the impact of MOOCs on formal learning. Interested particularly on learning design and upskilling teaching staff to design better UX for learners. Good to be here!

  • I think there are some fantastic classroom tools. What I struggle to find are tools that you can use asynchronously in online lessons.

  • Hi, I'm a mum of a two year old and I'd just like to know what to do if my son, or one of his cousins or friends needs help. At this point, even with the guidance out there I still don't feel confident I'd do the right thing in a difficult situation.

  • Hi Kiran. The game took place at a play festival in Copenhagen called 'Woot'. I don't think there would be any permissions needed to talk about the game but if you wanted to contact them for more info, the link to their facebook page is on their website here: Thanks Kiran.

  • Hi Mag, Your fellow learners are correct, the course will be accessible to you for some time to come (at the moment they stay up indefinitely so unless plans change...) so if you need to take your time, you can! Enjoy.