Attila Horváth

Attila Horváth

Graduate of ELTE, Hungary, earned his PhD at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada. Expert teacher trainer, has a wide international experience with educational projects. Director of GTTP Hungary.

Location Budapest, Hungary


  • Dear Learners, Dear Friends,

    First of all thank you very much for the kind comments you made. This is honestly a great compliment to all of us who worked on this course and is encouraging for developing further courses.

    Something we still have to work on is that for some of you we could not make it clear that although the course is free, FL will provide...

  • Dear Muhammad, I will check with FutureLearn technical staff. Will be back to you soon.

  • The Goddard material is not available. There is not even a website by that name.

  • These are listed in the chart as "operations" type of jobs. Of course the ones mentioned are examples only.

  • Norman, I think you may have accidentally mixed up millions vs billions of USD...

  • Toursim in Africa is getting bigger and bigger. Very soon it will experience overtourism in certain areas in Kenya, Tanzania or South Africa (or actually it is crowded already in Egypt and Tunesia). One issue is, however, the cost of travel (especially to Brazil) and life for a tourist may not be cheap either. The other thing is distances: if you go to...

  • You have great ideas. So great that some destinations are already practicing it: In Croatia, Europe, there is the Plitvice Lakes National Park which got overcrowded in the past years. First they tried to raise price to the sky but tourists still flocked in. Last year they set a limit to the number of people who may enter at a time and tickets can be...

  • Hmmm... A new business opportunity for you :-) Where are you located?

  • I think you are mostly right. You may, however, not be able to get the cheapest (best cost/value??) solutions. Take, for example, some of the budget airlines websites: you start out with a very low price and as you proceed new and new "options" come up. I found myself not once in a situation that by checking out the bill was higher than a well established...

  • Yes, and that causes sometimes uncomfortable feelings. Google is very useful but collects personal data - with your agreement of course... Big Brother

  • And it is not only not realistic, but unfair too. Carbon footprint is important but sustainability is the key word. Just one example: in Europe there are areas where heavy industry collapsed due to the use of other alternative materials. Forests started to go green, birds came back, rivers became crystal clear and are full with fish again. Only people...

  • Some of the comments made by customers sketch a portrait of the person who wrote it. And sometimes I am sure I don't want to share a dinner table with that guy...

  • Hi Diane,
    Wait until you get to the travel part of this course. It is not that simple with the carbon foot print - very much depends on just how you calculate...

  • Make a comment when you tried - interested in your experiences.

  • You have a point, Kim. Even in Europe there is a split between "East" and "West" in talking about "best". In Eastern Europe places can be "cheapest" but rarely "the best". But look at the African view of best places above in Refilwe's comment. I know there isn't a single Australian place named but not one from the West :-)

  • Well, yes, interest is a strong motivation in selecting the possible destination. This, we put in week 7, the activities offered to tourists. So, interests could have a place here as well.

  • Once again, welcome all :-) Some of you got puzzled with Joseph's words about the two 45 minutes sessions. This is referring to classroom learners and is a suggestion to teachers who use the course in school. Learners can complete the course at their own pace, however.

  • I see that you are skeptic about the increasing travel numbers in your comments :-) This is a big dilemma: who are we to narrow the opportunity of traveling to a few? Or we should all use sailboats like Greta Thunberg? Or, on the other hand, shall we just kill the planet by more and more people flying mindlessly everywhere? Honestly, I have no straight answer...

  • It seems we have made a good marketing site for Palawan :-) The place is really great, some of the hotels are very environment conscious and some tourist services are run by non-profit social enterprises - excellent examples of sustainability.

  • Is the Chinese YouTube available Globally? Is it only in Chinese?

  • Congrats Sherill :-) Swimming and fishing pigs are new info for me.

  • Could you explain this for us, Paul? How do you sign in to Google?

  • I am not sure what you meant by "compare". In numbers they all account for only 25% of all searches in the World. Still room for improvement...

  • Yes Paul, you are absolutely right. Greta Thunberg went to New York by a sail ship. But who can afford that both in time and money? The EU was/is considering to put an extra high tax on aeroplane fuel so to stop the rapid growth of cheap flights and more people flying. Great idea: only the rich should be able to take a flight...

  • Sure, there are several dilemmas. Tourism is a big business for providers and a much sought for commodity for travelers. Can consumption be controlled? And who should do it? Providers? Consumers? And who should start?

  • Attila Horváth replied to [Learner left FutureLearn]

    Ann has a point in sometimes having reviews that refer to different experiences. When I read the reviews very often I can tell if I would want to share a dinner table with the reviewer or not... Reviews are subjective and readers are so as well. But there is nothing wrong with this. Paid reviewers, trolls are always a danger but if you look at the short...

  • Believe me, I know the feeling :-)

  • @LennonSilveira Yep, this is good response to Zumani's question. It is certainly the Irish who are the leading factor in trying to find their roots. But in the 90's big number of Afro Americans traveled to Africa, a new interest in their roots sparked by the TV series "Roots". Maybe some you remember Kunta Kinte...

  • Hi Norma! Yes, many schools use the paper base Passport to the World material for teaching vocational English (if there is such a thing). Actually, GTTP offers this course to students in our partner schools. We have just finished a teacher training course and had participants from four continents. Was fun :-)

  • @PeggyHORVATH Wow! A relative of mine? Well, in many US cities there are pages of Horvaths in the phonebook... But this is how heritage tourism starts - finding your ancestry :-)

  • Thanks. These places are awesome :-) Wish I could go now...

  • Indeed, especially in the developed countries the population is aging. And that aging group (remember they are the "flower children" and the revolutionaries of '68!) is not sitting at home with blankets on their knees. No, they want new adventures, experiences and are traveling. And have some money to spend too. You both are right: elderly people are good...

  • Thanks for the reassuring comment, Zumani. Sure we had the aim to unmistify (if there is such a word) Travel and Tourism. In a way we all are travelers, just like you going to Memphis. Actually, in the past decades searching for family roots became an expanding market. Travel to the past ? :-)

  • Hi Wanda, this seems to be a good start :-) Your experience in travel writing will certainly an asset for all of us. Hope others will join the conversation.

  • Lilly, I only hope the rest of the course will be just as clear as the intro was. Just in case it is not - do not hesitate to ask, please.

  • Wow, that is an amazing list of places you have visited! I think it will be easy for you to get through most of the stages, but there are some really great stories that I am sure you will enjoy. + you can get as much in-depth knowledge of the industry as you want. Hope will enjoy :-)

  • Oh, Brendan, I am with you... You do not only have to coach pupils but also parents - and these are two significantly different groups with significantly different values, aims, and behaviors. So they need totally different treatments which is not easy when they appear at the same event. More so I believe strongly that parents are worst... Ironically,...

  • Hi,
    I have been a teacher trainer and also leadership trainer for decades mainly in Hungary. The one thing I have learnt is that you are never "ready"... I am very interested in this course and hope to learn a lot.