Emily Gillingham

Emily Gillingham

Emily is part of the Oxfam team that finds new and engaging ways to share knowledge and learning to support the movement of people against poverty.

Location UK


  • Hello @RonaldYoung - the case studies we're referring to here are on the previous step.

  • Hello @maymoonahkhan - Futurelearn do provide that option as an upgrade. You can purchase the certificate following an assessment at the end of the course. Unfortunately there is no free certificate with Futurelearn.

  • Sorry about this. We'll work to get it fixed.

  • Great to have you back @MarcdeKlerk - and welcome everyone!

  • Thanks @KateTansley - I hadn't spotted that. Thanks for pointing it out.

  • There's an interesting reflection piece here about how many of those 198 methods of non-violent action apply in a period of lockdown: http://thoughtfulcampaigner.org/campaigning-tactics-in-a-time-of-social-distancing/

  • @c.reynolds1@hfed.netReynolds - could you please change your profile name in 'My account' so that your email doesn't appear. Many thanks

  • That's a really good example @MadeleineCarter - thankyou for sharing.

  • There's an interesting reflection piece here about how many of those 198 methods of non-violent action apply in a period of lockdown: http://thoughtfulcampaigner.org/campaigning-tactics-in-a-time-of-social-distancing/

  • Many thanks for joining us @BC and best of luck for the future.

  • You're most welcome @BirgitSuberg Best of luck for the future and thankyou for joining us.

  • So glad you've found it useful @DorisAltuna - wishing you all the best in the future.

  • Thankyou for joining @CatherineWilliams and for all your insightful comments. Best of luck for the future.

  • Thankyou for joining us @FirasZayter

  • That all sounds really great @BethS - wishing you the best of luck with it all and thankyou for taking part!

  • I'm so sorry to hear that @GlenysIhaka Thankyou for sharing your insights here and we wish you and your family all the best for the next few months and beyond.

  • Great to have you back @OlusolaOjo

  • Hello @LUISLEY - I'm afraid that that's a limitation of the platform. However, later in the course we provide routes to connect with each other through organisations and movements.

  • Good suggestion. Many thanks @NS We'll try to add it for the next run.

  • So glad you did @MichelleSathish - many thanks for joining us and best of luck for the future.

  • So glad you could join us @NanjibaMisbah. All the very best for the future.

  • You're very welcome @LaksMann. I'm so glad you've taken alot from it and that it was so timely for you. Wishing you all the very best with your change journey.

  • Thanks so much for joining us on this journey @MaryanW Wishing you all the best for the future.

  • You're welcome @MaryanW and so glad you could join us. Best of luck for the future!

  • Sorry the feedback form doesn't work for you @GerrieSchrik but I'm so glad you were able to reach the end of the course and hope you've found it valuable. Wishing you the best of luck on your journey.

  • That's so fantastic @GlenC! Many thanks for letting us know and for sharing your journey with us throughout the course. Wishing you the very best of luck for the future.

  • Apologies @GlenC - it seems the redirects aren't working. I'll get them fixed but this is the correct URL: https://www.oxfam.org/en/take-action/join-global-movement-change

  • Many thanks for joining us @AjeebaAA

  • You're very welcome @AnthonyMamo Many thanks for all your insightful contributions and wishing you the best of luck for your next change journey.

  • You're most welcome @EzekielAina So glad you stayed with us and got something from the course. Thankyou for all your contributions.

  • Hello @GlenC - I'm afraid there is no direct message function within this platform or ability to contact people directly. However, you're welcome to join Oxfam's network of changemakers where there are further opportunities for sharing ideas and learning: https://www.oxfam.org/en/take-action/join-global-movement-change There are also other activist networks...

  • So glad you're finding it valuable @EzumaSmartChinedu - it's great to have you here.

  • Really good to hear how you're using the course @AlistairC Do let us know how that goes.

  • Thankyou for sharing this.

  • It's great to have you all here and welcome! @SuzanneTesselaar we will cover storytelling in week 6 so please do share your experience.

  • Welcome back Sara!

  • Thank you all for taking part! We've enjoyed reading all your comments and exchanges and wish you all the best of luck on your change projects.

  • Welcome @AsadAbbas and all to this course. You can work through the lessons at your own pace - reading the articles, watching the videos and participating in the discussions if you wish. All elements are optional. You will receive an email once a week prompting you to join the next week of content. Hope you find it valuable.

  • That sounds a really valuable exercise to understand power @RobinC - thanks for sharing.

  • Sorry to lose you @TerriO'Neale and thanks for taking part.

  • You should find parts of the book woven throughout the course @RobinC

  • I hope you find some answers to these questions as the course progresses @SUATTANIR

  • What a coincidence! Great to hear you've both reconnected in the course @MarianaBonillaRojas and @ShrutiPatel

  • Great to see you back @BagherKamali - thanks for rejoining

  • That's a great analogy @NancySaul-Demers - thanks for sharing!

  • Hi @LaurenJanus - welcome! You can just add your location to the discussion board here if the map doesn't work for you.

  • Hi @SarahRoberts - you're welcome to set one up. We considered it but felt we don't have the capacity to manage an external LinkedIn or FB group well so instead invite learners to join a network of Oxfam changemakers - the invite is in week 4. However, if a participant is able to set up and maintain a group then you're welcome to.

  • Hi Anette - sorry about that. This is their main site: https://beautifulrising.org/

  • I wanted to share this music video which the I Care about Her campaign developed with 75 musicians. The Oxfam in Zambia country director says: "The Zambia Music Stars are using Music as a tool for change to challenge men to break the silence and to challenge negative social norms and attitudes that make women vulnerable to abuse". Enjoy!...

  • Welcome to the course @SelwaSalam and all - we hope over the coming weeks you'll get some good ideas of where you could make a difference.

  • Many thanks Salah - we're very glad you are enjoying it!

  • Hi @LeslieWilliams - Yes, you're very welcome to share it. The content is provided on a CC-BY-NC-SA license which means that you are free to share it and adapt it. The attribution should be Oxfam and the link should be to https://futurelearn.com/courses/make-change-happen

  • Thanks so much for volunteering @ChristineMcGrew !

  • Sorry Christine. It's in the Introductory step for each week. We'll ask Futurelearn to add it to this step too.

  • This is indeed an inspiring story @Hiddenuser Thanks for sharing.

  • That's really good to hear John.

  • Great suggestions - many thanks @J.Martin

  • Hello John - there is a little more context about the change in Duncan's blog here: https://oxfamblogs.org/fp2p/tikamgarh-revisited-whats-happened-to-the-amazing-fishing-communities-i-visited-in-2006/

  • Emily Gillingham made a comment

    Welcome all - it's great to have you in the course!

  • Hi Rosaleen - for all the external links in the Futurelearn platform you'll need to click on the back button in your browser to get back to the course.

  • Hi Jean - click on the back button in your browser to get back to the course. It will be the same for all the external links.

  • If the map doesn't work for you feel free to put your country in the discussion forum here.

  • Thanks for sharing Margaret - this video is great! We actually link to it in week 4 when we cover leadership so you'll see it again there.

  • Welcome Suzanne, and everybody! It's great that so many learners bring such a wealth of experience to the course and I really look forward to learning alot from you all over the coming weeks. Welcome too to all those of you who don't already work in this area but who can bring different perspectives. Your inputs will be just as valuable and I hope you can...

  • Thanks Ana, and welcome everyone to the course. I think we'll all learn alot from each other!

  • Thankyou for joining us @DhaqaneRobleHalane and wishing you well for your recovery.

  • That's a valuable contribution Fiorenzo - thanks for sharing.

  • @oudaitozan

  • Sorry Pavlo - there was a brief problem with the maps but they're working again now.

  • Thanks Irene, and yes we've taken on board the feedback about this tool and will work on clarifying it for the next run of the course in March. Am v pleased you got to the end despite that hiccup!

  • Hello Lorena - yes, you can go back to any of the steps and exercises and have another go, then upgrade for the certificate and ongoing access if you wish.

  • Very many thanks to all of you who have taken part in this course and shared so much insight. We've learned so much from you! In case of interest I have posted a blog here which gives background to the project and also some numbers for those participating: https://views-voices.oxfam.org.uk/2018/11/making-change-happen/

    Please also give us your feedback...

  • Thanks @MatthieuDoblerPaganoni It is something that we're looking into.

  • I'm very sorry to hear that Bridgett. I hope you get some valuable tools and ideas from this course to help you think about affecting change in this area.

  • That is a lovely video Elsa. Thanks for sharing.

  • OK Greg. The course reopens on March 4th. Hope to see you then. Or it's open for a few more weeks now so feel free to join.

  • Thanks Tiago. In case of interest, Oxfam has made a number of changes to strengthen safeguarding policies and practices and there is a good overview here: https://www.oxfam.org/en/oxfams-commitment-stamping-out-sexual-harassment-and-abuse

  • Hi Sandra - the upgrade option that Futurelearn offers will allow you ongoing access to the content after the course ends.

  • You've asked a really good question there @ZoeP You might be interested in the work Oxfam does around Unpaid Care as part of our women's empowerment programme: ie. looking to address both one of the barriers and unintended consequences of increased access to paid work: http://www.oxfam.org.uk/care There is also a good and thoughtful blog post on 'why...

  • Hello @JoyMuller and @KristyM - Sarah Corbett has been a strong advocate for why activism needs introverts and gave a nice TED talk here: https://www.ted.com/talks/sarah_corbett_activism_needs_introverts?utm_campaign=tedspread&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=tedcomshare This is also a good list of actions that introverts can take:...

  • Hello Lola - if you're interested in this story there is a little more detail on Duncan's blog here: https://oxfamblogs.org/fp2p/one-of-my-favourite-stories-of-change-the-land-struggles-of-bolivias-chiquitano-indians-and-a-new-interview-with-someone-who-was-there-at-the-time/ It also includes a link to a longer paper on the case study in Spanish.

  • We explore the different factors and actors that contributed to the abolition of slavery in our case study in Week 6 so a chance to explore this particular story more deeply then.

  • Emily Gillingham made a comment

    Hello - if you're late to join the course - welcome! There's been lots of valuable discussion and sharing of experience already so please do join in and catch up where you can.

  • Welcome to the course @PatriciaBenarroch It will be interesting for you to share your advertising experience when we come to week 6 especially, focused on story telling.

  • Thankyou for sharing your worked through example of power analysis of your problem. It's really good to see how the forms and expressions of power apply to this issue and that the tool has exposed new sources of power available to you and the cause.

  • For info: 'Cómo ocurren los cambios' is now published by Grano de Sal as the Spanish version of Duncan Green's book 'How Change Happens': http://granodesal.com/9786079805906-2

  • For info: 'Cómo ocurren los cambios' is now published by Grano de Sal as the Spanish version of Duncan Green's book 'How Change Happens': http://granodesal.com/9786079805906-2

  • That's a good suggestion for another way to explain using a systems approach Apurva - thankyou.

  • It's really good to see an example like this about how the ideas from the course are being used in practice Matt - thankyou for sharing.

  • Welcome to the course Bonus. It would be good for you to share this experience of successful campaigns as the course progresses.

  • If you can't get something to work Audrey it's fine to skip to the next step.

  • Sorry you've had trouble with some of the interactive elements of the platform Audrey. It's fine to just use these discussion forums if they don't work for you.

  • That's good. I'm glad it worked in the end Len.

  • Jillian - your vision aligns most closely with my own area of work. It will be good to see how we can progress these ideas and compare notes.

  • That's a really interesting way to use the course Fiona. I'd love to hear how it goes as the weeks progress.

  • Welcome Dany and all - it's good to have you here.

  • Welcome to the course Jovelyn - we will explore the characteristics of effective changemakers as well as working with others in week 4 of the course.

  • You are welcome to add any reading suggestions.

  • Sorry to lose you Manuel. I know it's a big time commitment but the course is open until late December and is self-paced so you can do as much or as little as you're able and can even rejoin in March if that works better for you.