Olly Benson
I work for NHS England in building communities, participation and engagement. My main interest is how we work with communities to improve health outcomes for everyone.
Location Warwickshire, UK
Olly Benson replied to Belinda E
Hi @BelindaE - thanks for joining the course. Although it's designed for the NHS in England a lot of the principles will apply wherever you are in the world. It would be interesting to know what's different in the Australian model of healthcare. Olly
Olly Benson replied to Sophia Norrginton
Hi @SophiaNorrginton - thank you for joining and good luck with your degree and your career in the NHS. Olly
Olly Benson replied to Joe Smith
HI @JoeSmith - welcome to the course. I hope you find it valuable and please encourage your colleagues to take part in it too! Olly
Olly Benson replied to Balazs Adam
Hi @BalazsAdam - thanks for taking the time to join the course. I hope you get some great insight and good luck with your PhD! Olly
Olly Benson replied to Clare Etherington
Hi @ClareEtherington - thanks for joining and I hop eyou find th ecourse valuable. Olly
Olly Benson replied to Kelly Suhr
Thanks for the feedback @KellySuhr. Please do encourage others in your network to join the course.
Olly Benson replied to Suzanne Turner
Welcome @SuzanneTurner - I hope you find the course valuable. Olly
Olly Benson replied to Christine Waters
Welcome to the course @ChristineWaters - I hope you find the course valuable.
Hi @ElizabethHowel - it's a really good point about the NHS being very complicated to understand.
The Kings Fund have produced quite a useful video that explains how the NHS is structured: https://www.kingsfund.org.uk/insight-and-analysis/animations/how-does-nhs-england-work
They have also created a free FutureLearn course which goes into some more...
Olly Benson replied to Paul Trainer
You do not need a permanent address to register at a GP practice, however some practices still insist on it (the justification is that they need to know that you live within their area, as they can refuse to register you if you live outside the area that they cover). https://www.nhs.uk/nhs-services/gps/how-to-register-with-a-gp-surgery/
Hi @JoanneDavies - I'll pass your lovely comment on to Dr Ollie Hart. Thanks, Olly
Olly Benson replied to Carole Brierley
Hi @DavidBolam - thanks for joining the course and I hope you get some useful insight for your new role. Best wishes, Olly
Olly Benson replied to Claire Hammonds
Hi @ClaireHammonds - thanks for your lovely feedback. If you have upgraded you will have ongoing access to this course so you can return as many times as you like. Upgrading is free for NHS staff and people who are members of a Patient Participation Group. See the first step on how to do this.
Olly Benson replied to Kevin Dixon
Wait until you get to step 2.6 Kevin! ;)
Olly Benson replied to Michelle Simons
Hi @MichelleSimons - thanks for joining and I hope you get some value from the course for both your volunteering and your future career.
Olly Benson replied to Tessa R
Thanks for joining @TessaR - I hope you find the course useful in your role as a flow coordinator.
Olly Benson replied to Esstta Griffiths
Lovely to see you on here @EssttaGriffiths - thanks for joining.
Olly Benson replied to Tessa R
Thanks for your comment @TessaR - I'm glad you have found it insightful.
@PaulineMasters There's some information about Asset-Based Community Development here: https://www.nurturedevelopment.org/about-abcd/ Thanks, Olly
Olly Benson replied to Lindsey Kent
Hi @LindseyKent - thanks for joining and I hope you find the course valuable. Olly
Hi @MikeEccles - it's a good point. Co-production is a word that can mean different things to different people, which is why we use working with people and communities as our default term.
Many people use co-production as a way of describing any work with people and communities, but it also has quite a specific meaning where people "co-own" their work,...
Olly Benson replied to Evan Grant
Hi @EvanGrant - thanks for joining the course, I hope you find it useful.
Olly Benson replied to Carly Sales
Hi @CarlySales - welcome to the course! Olly
Olly Benson replied to Cathy Wield
Hi @CathyWield - thanks for joining the course and I hope it provides some value to support your next move! Olly
Olly Benson replied to Susan Hills
Hi @SusanHills - thanks for joining and hope the course provides some inspiration to help develop public participation in your surgery. Olly
Olly Benson replied to Carole Brierley
Hi @CaroleBrierley - thanks for joining the course and I hope you find it useful. Olly
Olly Benson replied to Keith Harrison
Hi @KeithHarrison - thank you so much for your comments and really glad you are enjoying the course. Your key takeaways are super valuable. Best wishes, Olly
Olly Benson replied to Keith Harrison
Thanks for joining @KeithHarrison - I hope you find the course valuable. Olly
Olly Benson replied to Jolly Ajuonu
Hi @JollyAjuonu - great to have you as part of the course. I hope you find it useful. Olly
Olly Benson replied to Tim Stanyon
Hi @TimStanyon - thanks for joining and hope you find the course beneficial.
Olly Benson replied to Mehrub Munawar
Welcome @MehrubMunawar. Good luck with your exams.
Olly Benson replied to Penelope Read
Welcome @PenelopeRead - I hope you find the course useful.
Hi @CarolineBakare - sorry that you've been unable to download the video. If you have a technical issue with FutureLearn, the best thing to do is contact the support team. All the information is here: https://www.futurelearn.com/info/about/contact-us
Olly Benson replied to Ranim Hashem
HI @RanimHashem - thanks for joining the course. I hope you find it valuable.
Olly Benson replied to Pauline Masters
We shouldn't overlook that health care staff are working in tough circumstances, and workloads can be incredibly high. However, sometimes it's the opportunity to do something different, and get closer to what they came into the NHS to do, which can be hugely motivating and fulfilling. And sometimes it's just realising they don't always have to do what...
Thanks so much for that reflection @BenPicton. Getting the right style of facilitation is really important, and that is no criticism of someone who doesn't have those skills. We can all hold a paintbrush, but only some of us can create masterpieces!
Olly Benson replied to Jina Park
Hi @JinaPark - thanks for pointing out that the file was missing. I'm not sure why this was the case, but you should be able to access it now. Best wishes, Olly
Olly Benson replied to Jina Park
Hi @JinaPark - thanks for your lovely comments. I'm glad you found this week useful.
Olly Benson replied to Jina Park
Hi @JinaPark - thanks for joining the course and very glad that you are able to participate. I hope you find it useful.
Olly Benson replied to Neil Frost
Hi @NeilFrost - thanks for joining the course and I hope you find it useful in building your Patient Participation Group. Olly
Olly Benson replied to Madeleine Sautter
Thanks for joining the course @MadeleineSautter.
Hi @JenniferSkillen - I think it's certainly true that there is a huge variance in the way PCNs collaborate, but I'd like to think Patient Participation Groups could be a route to get greater collaboration by finding ways to work together and encouraging cross-organisation working. Olly
Olly Benson replied to Mick O'Neill-Duff
HI @MickO'Neill-Duff - thanks for joining the course. Olly
Olly Benson replied to Paul Stephens
Hi @PaulStephens - thanks for joining the course, I hope you find it valuable. Olly
Olly Benson replied to Linda Hughes
Welcome @LindaHughes - I hope you find the course useful.
Olly Benson replied to Nicola Dean
Hi @NicolaDean - thanks for joining and I hope you enjoy the course.
Olly Benson replied to Maureen Phillips
Great news @MaureenPhillips and thanks for promoting the course.
Olly Benson replied to Rosie L
Welcome @RosieL - Thanks for joining and I hope you get some useful insight and ideas from the course.
Olly Benson replied to Jane Elliott
Welcome @JaneElliott - hope you enjoy the course and find it useful.
Olly Benson replied to Maureen Phillips
Hi @MaureenPhillips - Members of a PPG in England can upgrade at no cost. Details are on Step 1 (https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/working-with-people-and-communities-to-improve-primary-care/1/steps/1870956) of the course and the course information page (https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/working-with-people-and-communities-to-improve-primary-care/1/)...
Hi @petramccauley - what a great example of recognising the value of understanding the needs and preferences of the people you are working with. Olly
Olly Benson replied to Tim Wilson
Hi @TimWilson - yes the Peckham health experiment is a good reference point and definitely direction of travel that we'd like to see. Olly
Olly Benson replied to Michelle B.
Thanks for joining the course @MichelleB. I hope you get some value from it.
Hi @MalcolmBrewster - we have a specific course designed to support staff and Patient Participation Group members think about they best represent their communities and improving their services: https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/working-with-people-and-communities-to-improve-primary-care/1
Olly Benson replied to Lucie Oakey
Welcome @LucieOakey. Thanks for taking the time to participate in the course.
Olly Benson replied to sarah c
Hi @sarahc - welcome and hope you find the course useful. Olly
Hi @TimWilson - thanks for your contribution.
I think the point you are making absolutely chimes with this course. In Step 1.4 GP Dr Ollie Hart talks about learning from individuals about what works for them rather than being reliant on simply issuing a drug prescription. Similarly in Step 1.15 Elaine talks leading a diabetes session where patients join a...
Olly Benson replied to Maureen Phillips
Welcome @MaureenPhillips. Very glad that you are able to join this course and I hope you find it useful.
Olly Benson replied to Samantha Clarke
Welcome @SamanthaClarke. Thanks for taking the time to join the course.
Welcome @AbdulbariAbdulkadir - I hope you find the course useful for the work you do where you are based.
Olly Benson replied to Susan Chinzara
Welcome @SusanChinzara. I hope you enjoy the course.
Thank you @DavidMangles
Olly Benson replied to Andrew Blackstock
Hi @AndrewBlackstock - thanks for your comment. It's a good point about recognising that your patients will have experience beyond the GP practice. One of the things we encourage ICBs to do is consider engagement at all levels, so that could be finding ways to involve participation groups at GP practices in wider public engagement activity. There are...
Hi @MaureenPhillips - thanks for your message. The course is free for everyone for a period of two weeks.
The upgrade entitles ongoing access to the course and a certificate upon completion. People who are a member of a Patient Participation Group can upgrade for no cost, following the information given on step 1; which we have amended following...
Hi @LucieOakey - thanks for your message and sorry you are having problems watching the videos. There is no NHS wide restriction on accessing the videos, so it is a decision your trust has taken unilaterally. Have they done this with all videos (eg YouTube etc?). It may be that they've made a decision based on accessing other services and haven't recognised...
Thanks @LeanneBarker
Thanks @OliviaMilner
Olly Benson replied to Rebecca Sultana
Thanks @RebeccaSultana
Thanks for your comment @YusuphMaryamOyindamola. Demographic monitoring isn't the only solution to the problem of engaging with different communities, but it is a good start to find out where your strengths and weaknesses are.
Olly Benson replied to Jana Thuku
Hi @JanaThuku - thanks for joining the course.
Olly Benson replied to Jana Thuku
Glad we got you to think differently @JanaThuku !
Thank you @ElectaMutyambizi
These all sound like useful approaches @AgnieszkaZychowicz. Also talking to the community about how valuable they have found existing literature etc. what particularly resonates or doesn't.
Thanks @EmmaMoggeridge
Thanks @AlysaWeiner
Thanks @ChrisSkinner
Olly Benson replied to Waogodo CABORE
Hi @WaogodoCABORE - thanks for joining the course. I hope you find something useful from it. Best wishes, Olly
Olly Benson replied to Paul Scharakowski
Hi @PaulScharakowski - thanks so much for your comments and glad you enjoyed the course. Olly
Olly Benson replied to Rebecca Oliver
Hi @RebeccaOliver - I hope this course provides something useful for your work. Best wishes, Olly
Olly Benson replied to Sally Fisher
Hi @SallyFisher - thanks for joining. I hope you enjoy the course. Olly
Olly Benson replied to Rebecca Lunkuse
Hi @RebeccaLunkuse - thanks for joining. hope you find it useful. Olly
Olly Benson replied to Esther Fasugba
Hi @EstherFasugba - great to have you as part of the course. Hope you find it useful. Olly
Olly Benson replied to GABRIELA SILVA
Hi @GABRIELASILVA - welcome to the course!
Olly Benson replied to Adina Lalu
Hi @AdinaLalu - welcome to the course. We hope you find it useful.
We chose to move away from a ladder approach as it implies that some forms of participation are "better" than others; and, particularly in healthcare, that's not necessarily the case. The top of the ladder can often involve very small numbers of people, whereas approaches further down the ladder can involve many more people; and whilst both approaches have...
Olly Benson replied to Kwaku Adjei
Hi @KwakuAdjei - lovely to have you on board, and hope you get some value from the course. Olly
Olly Benson replied to susan varley
Hi @susanvarley - thanks for joining the course. hope you get something useful from it.
Olly Benson replied to manickam m
Welcome Dr @manickamm - I hope you find the course useful. Olly
Hi @OwenRichards, I'm not aware where we're promoting the Ladder of Engagement, and the petal diagram was specifically to move away from that approach. The Statutory Guidance is the policy document that NHS England should be using.
Olly Benson replied to Lorena Fernandez
HI @LorenaFernandez - great to have you as part of the course. I hope you get something of benefit from it. Olly
Thank you for sharing your stories @CyaneSullivan. Some good examples of where being heard makes the difference.
Olly Benson replied to Kelly Phizacklea
Hi @KellyPhizacklea - thanks for joining and hope you get something valuable from the course.
Olly Benson replied to chijioke achinewhu
Hi Kenneth - hope you find the course useful.
Olly Benson replied to Viki Shaw
Welcome @VikiShaw. Hope you enjoy the course.
Olly Benson replied to Patsy Quinn
HI @PatsyQuinn - thanks for pointing this out. It looks like the Campaign to End Loneliness has removed this from their website. Best wishes, Olly
I think this point about people with lived experience being expected to speak "for their community" is an interesting one.
Having people with lived experience involved in decision-making about your project shouldn't stop you doing other forms of engagement such as surveys and questionnaires, which can show what a wider community may be thinking. Where...
Olly Benson replied to arifa Shakeel
Hi @arifaShakeel - thanks for joining the course. Hope you find it valuable.
Olly Benson replied to Gemma Bradford
Welcome @GemmaBradford - hope you find the course useful.
Olly Benson replied to Brigid Bose
Thank you @BrigidBose - glad you enjoyed it.
Olly Benson replied to Tamsin Callaghan
Thanks for your feedback @TamsinCallaghan. I'm glad you enjoyed it.