Paul Crooke

Paul Crooke

EICA Commissioning engineer in the water industry. 2 sons at Uni, like mountain biking & walking. Sailability instructor for Blackwell sailing in the summer.

Location Cumbria



  • Paul Crooke made a comment

    Isotope decay / stirling engine.

  • Paul Crooke made a comment

    Solar wind and sunshine

  • Paul Crooke made a comment

    I found the answers to the first quiz contentious and it was frustrating not to be able to discuss

  • a system is something which takes inputs, processes them in a predefined way and gives outputs

  • Most sensors are transducers. I can't think of any that aren't

  • Type with the keyboard
    point with the mouse
    speak to it

    human -computer interaction is very easy these days.

  • electronic system, electric piano
    inputs: Keyboard, controls (volume, tone, etc), pedal
    outputs: MIDI info, sound

    mechanical system, bicycle
    inputs: power, steering, control (gears, brakes etc)
    output: vectored movement

    biological system, plant
    Inputs: water, sunlight, food

    Outputs: pleasure, food, protection

  • @VernonBerry bit surprised that starches should be more than water?

  • The biggest factors affecting my diet are time and whether I'm getting home on a night or working away. I enjoy cooking healthy food (most of the time) but if I'm in a rush that may not be possible. If I'm working away from home it's very difficult to eat healthily. There aren't many hotels in my price bracket that would sell a salad for example. It's also...

  • Tried doing the vegan January but failed cheerfully! It has helped me to think about my diet more and I’ve certainly reduced meat consumption

  • Intravenous or intramuscular?

  • I didn’t realise fibre was essential for gut flora. I feel that a healthy array of gut ‘bugs’ are essential for good physical and mental health. I’m hoping this course will reinforce this.
    Sorry I’m so far behind but I’ve had two lots of family bad news in the last week so I’ve had to focus on supporting my sisters☹️ I’ll try and catch up.

  • Some but not all, if you were a child you couldn’t modify your parents behaviour. Although I suppose you could try and enlist the support of external agencies

  • I feel the definition is a bit light. I have had mental health issues where I have kept on working etc but could still have done with some help.

  • This is a real can of worms!! Will we get anywhere in three weeks?

  • Hi, do you think that the promotion of limited choices of grains offered to farmers to grow will affect even the rural populations?@MunambweluNguluwe

  • I feel the biggest issue in the Uk is obesity, with fast food culture primarily to blame. I also feel that antibiotic use and it’s effects on gut flora(?) could be tied up with the current increase in depression and various other problems. I hope well touch on these subjects.

  • Hi, I’m an electrical engineer with no knowledge of biology apart from 60years of living in one body! I’ve had a bad year after a nasty virus and post viral fatigue which (I think) has left me with some sort of food intolerance. So I’m now intrigued.

  • Good point Liz. i'd be happy to stand under as long as the fixings were checked. Sorry I'm so far behind but a combination of an ear infection, 12 day fortnights at work and 12 hr days has exhausted me. Such is the life of a commissioning engineer when the civils boys are their customary 6months late! Roll on retirement and I'll do these one a month LOL

  • "Make sure your FBD is free", not sure what that means?

  • Last three I got wrong, but the rest was OK. Could argue over a couple but generally happy

  • Has anyone completed the test? The answer to Q1 does not tally with the answer to Q3. Surely the formula for Vab must include Vs somewhere. I've tried plugging in the values in Q3 into the 'correct formula' for Q1 and get nothing like.

  • A sensor produces an electrical signal from a physical property. A transducer does the opposite

  • Man riding a bike, inputs balance sensors, hearing and eyesight, processing by brain(subconscious) looking for route, danger and balance, outputs brake, accelerate, steer left steer right.

  • Pandas's ???

  • It would be interesting to compare say Europe with Saharan Africa

  • Hi I'm an electrical engineer in the water industry but with a hobby interest in Stirling engines

  • It brings to mind my work with the disabled etc. if you want to know how to help, ask them.

  • Very thought provoking.

  • Sounds excellent

  • It depends on the answers from the discussion with my team. It also needs to go up the chain of organisation, do you have spare resources? Are more resources available? I feel it would be impossible to turn cases away if the resources are available to treat them. You do what you can and if overloaded shout for help, medically and administratively.

  • Well I think this is getting a little over my head, I was expecting more on practical aspects of action.

  • Paul Crooke made a comment

    Interesting to learn how distribution is effected and records kept

  • I couldn't put it better.

  • Hopefully the law could be applied post conflict to prosecute offenders. The law must prevail and evidence collected to support this.

  • V Difficult to evaluate, I have worked in Nigeria and various other unsafe locations with no problems. Then I've had a knife pulled on me in France! If your luck runs out it doesn't matter where you are.

  • I've absolutely no idea. Presumably the UK has plans for these emergencies but how would you find what they are?

  • Does it matter what the cause is or the definition? We only seem to try and treat the symptoms.

  • Why do people think that two hospitals is not enough? Surely there must be more relevant indicators than number? 80 litres of water per head sounds quite a lot, how does it compare with the normal population? There's a lot of unanswerable questions here.

  • I can feel my brain expanding from a very dense singularity....

  • We're assuming the mast is vertical in the first question. Very rare in a sailing boat!

  • your not my sisters old best mate are you?

  • I programme PLCs at work now and again. Have done a bit of 'C' in the past and enjoyed it. Just trying to stop my ancient brain siezing up. never play games at all, so when I thrashed my eldest son at some shoot em up arcade game recently I felt smug for days. (SAD)

  • Hi all, I'm trying to use an imac. not sure if it's a good idea, i've spent the last two nights trying to get usoft office and especially outlook working. Feel like i've aged 5 years LOL