Anna Lee

Anna Lee

Location Edinburgh



  • Anna Lee made a comment

    Selection of subjects--the biases which may result in selection of comparison groups.

    I only have a small number of pupils with which to collect data and they are all of different ages.

  • To repeat the study in a larger chain of shops, across a district or country.

  • Will assessment results for experimental questions be increased if:
    - pupils use videos to help them review what they saw in class
    - pupils change seats in class
    - pupils sit next to their friends

    The dependent variable could be their raw assessment result or the results compared to previously collected data predicting how well they should be doing....

  • Raising assessment in pupils depending on their place in the classroom -
    Quantitative research into assessment results and place in class vs qualitative research on if pupils like sitting with their friends do they think they learn better. Do pupils think it matters where they sit?

  • Will assessment results for experimental questions be increased if:
    - pupils use videos to help them review what they saw in class
    - pupils change seats in class
    - pupils sit next to their friends

  • Access to revision material and the range of resources.
    Does having videos (that can be rewatched outside of class time) of set experiments give better test scores when asked about those experiments

  • I use numbers to help plan my lessons, are pupils keeping on top of the work we are setting? Data can help identify pupils who may be struggling or not performing as well as we think they should. This information can then be used to start discussions as to the pupils next steps.

  • Futurelearn courses are great. I have done others in the past. I hope you find them helpful.

  • Anna Lee made a comment

    to refresh my knowledge or statistical analysis to help with my role as a classroom teacher. How can the data I collect from assessments be better used?

  • This is really interesting. I have never thought about the historical/geographical aspects of power. I have definitely experienced the western approach. Power is not always shared but kept by those 'in power'
    We try hard to get the pupils involved in decisions but have decided to give them to power to influence change rather than then wanting to be involved...

  • I have worked in different schools and seen a variety of leadership styles, from colleagues as well as promoted posts. Departments are often so busy that a functional style of leadership tends to be shown, firefighting, get the jobs done. There seems to be less time to think about the things asked of us by the schools, less time for reflecting on best...

  • As a classroom practitioner- qualitative research is key, adapting the lesson to suit the pupils, talking to colleagues to find the best practices, researching different ideas and applying them in class. With a science background, I also like qualitative data, being able to find a pattern or trend, drawing graphs and finding 'definate' answers.
    I like that...

  • Hi, I am a classroom teacher in a large school, with have a small promoted post as assistant principal teacher to the physics department. I enjoy being a teacher and would like to learn more about leadership, especially facilitating others to also feel like leaders. I feel I have a calm and organised style of teaching and would like to learn to apply this in a...

  • We have designed and implemented a new course which I don't feel was well led. Having this course as allowed me to think through some of the problems and I would like to lead another project but this time with more clarity and feedback to key stakeholders.

  • I like the idea of cases of success in similar organisations, adding stories to help communicate the purpose.

  • I have been part of meetings where a discussion has happened but the decision was already made. I would like to make sure that the feedback loop is better established when implementing change, although I can see this being hard to achieve when busy with many projects.

  • The tone sounds positive but she has written that there will be no more information for a few weeks. This will leave people wondering what is going on 'behind closed doors'. It doesn't feel inclusive and that the people in the company could have their ideas heard. They are not going to feel part of the change, more that it is happening to them.

  • I agree with this comment. With better communication of the process and purpose, more stakeholders (the employees/the customers/the managers) would have been open to change.

  • I really like the idea of being involved in the marathon rather than the sprint. As a team, I feel we often start a project, loose energy and then move onto the next idea. I know that if I start to act as a role model and keep going on the projects we have started others will see their importance.

  • Anna Lee made a comment

    Hi, I'm Anna. I am following on from a course on motivation, stress and mental health that I have been part of with work and I thought this course would be really interesting.

  • Anna Lee made a comment

    Differentiation is adapting your teaching to help each child reach their potential.

  • Anna Lee made a comment

    Tomorrow I need to pause before dealing with a situation, rather than letting it panic me and then dealing with it in a stressed way.

  • Anna Lee made a comment

    I have come back to teaching after a break I feel like I have forgotten all my behaviour management techniques. I have taught a lesson recently where do to the experiment not working I lost the classes attention. It was not the worst lesson ever but it made me really frustrated and I took this out on the rest of my classes through the day. I was cross at...

  • The Universe is so big that something must exist somewhere else..... maybe....

  • Anna Lee made a comment

    Gliese 581b is Neptune sized and 0.041AU from the centre star. It is too close and therefore too hot the star to be habitable.

  • Anna Lee made a comment

    I enjoyed this task and could see myself using it in a classroom setting.

  • I agree with this comment, which puts it very clearly - oscillating in resonance for eternity - although it is hard to consider this in our bust everyday lives.

  • In the constellation of Ophuichi the star forming region 'Rho-Ophuichi' contains a brown dwarf. They are on the lowest part of the HR diagram, being dim cool. They have a mass of between 15 and 75 times that of Jupiter and so are unable to sustain fusion.

  • I never realised the main sequence was not an evolutionary sequence.

  • I keep looking but the cloud is getting in my way!

  • I loved this activity and am going to use something simillat when I start teaching space to my classes.

  • The app Stellarium is great but the sky is so cloudy that I can't see anything :(

  • Anna Lee made a comment

    That's amazing, really clear to see how the pattern changes with the rotation.

  • Teachers should facilitate learning, its having the expert in the room, but I don't belive lessons should always be content driven. Teachers help children learn at thier own pace, pushing them to challenge themselves. Without a teacher would the excitment of the new technology wear off? Technology can bring new ideas, ways of sharing information and...

  • I really like the idea of a flipped classroom and would love to try it with the older pupils I teach, the idea of doing homework tasks in school so that they get the support they need. I am not sure how I could manage it with younger classes. It is really useful to get infomation about individual students but I woulnder if you can be overloaded with too much...

  • A really interesting piece. Moderation seems to be the key.

  • Many of my extended family play a multi-player online role playing game and I have seen the benefits - they have made new friends and some health issues (arthritis and eye sight) have improved. They have however stopped going outside and do not socialise with 'real' people. I think that you have to moderate your time on computer games, so not to do yourself harm.

  • I am quite impressed by some of the short cuts and texting vocabulary they use, it is quite clever. I do worry that it will make it in to important writing like exams and essays. As long as children are aware of when to use each 'language' I think it is ok.

  • These types of games look ok and I would let my daughter play on them. I would like to do them with her and I like the advice to step away from the technology and play in the real world using these themes of what you have been looking at.

  • Anna Lee made a comment

    I really appriciate those friends who you don't see in ages and when you talk its like you where never apart. Having watched the video, I agree that I can count my close friends on one hand.

  • I worry less when she watches real TV but still panic that I am using technology as a baby sitter. I am hoping this course will help me panic less about my own daughters experience and use it to help her development as I do in my job.

  • I believe that children still learn in the same way, you can make learning interesting without the use of technology. However, they all see to be on their phones and tablets. The mobile aspect seems appealing to them. It is easier to take a phone than their normal toys. We also use them too much, seeing families all on phones whilst eating out, can only...

  • I teach in a Secondary School and really enjoy using technology in my classes to help the student engage with the course but I often feel that they know more about how to use the devices than I do. I think it is important that the students are aware of their own learning and the skills they have, but sometimes you just have to stand at the front and teach, it...

  • I definitely use my phone as a distraction for my 2 year old daughter, but she often gets told not today or you have already watched that video its now time to play. How much is too much? Could I interact more with her whilst she is using the device? I panic.

  • I like the visual starter and the short intro to the discussion. I also liked the wait time, allowing students to put up there hands. The teacher made sure that the words and ideas that the pupils were putting forwards were explained. I definitely need to stop giving correct answers so quickly and start getting my pupils to explain what they think others mean.

  • I found it hard to write hinge-point questions rather than assessment stye multiple choice questions. The check list above is going to be really useful in my planning. I have not got my feedback yet but I enjoyed the process of reviewing someone else's questions as it made me think more about my own.

  • I use multiple choice questions, with wipe boards or ABCD cards in my lessons, usually as a plenary to help plan next lesson. I really like the idea of questioning midway through a lesson.
    I thought the extension question in the first video, why did you pick this answer was really useful. It is going to be hard to write both the answers that include...

  • I have given my classes a set of ABCD cards to use with multiple choice questions and they enjoy using them, even at senior school level. I do have to have a lot of spares though as they never manage to hold on to them!

  • Creating good dialogue can be hard to set up when learners are reluctant to talk or if one students dominates conversations. There are lots of different strategies to encourage learners to discuss topics but I think they depend on you as the teacher and the class in front of you.
    It is important to focus on the discussion and not necessarily on right or wrong...

  • Video 1 and 2: The students were more engaged/confident to talk in little groups and the teacher allowed others to join the discussion when they needed to. They had chance to build on each others answer s and help each other with misconceptions.
    Videos 3-6: This looked like a fun lesson and I liked the teachers questioning style-the use of the box, group...

  • I find it hard to find the time to sit down and properly plan my questions along with everything else I have to sort out. Does anyone else have this and feel guilty about it?

  • You could use a random name generator. I have tried this in with 15year olds but I have always given them a pass so that if they don't know they can pass till a later question.

  • I feel confident in most of these areas but I know I need to work on planning my questions. I should write more open, differentiated and challenging questions for my classes, they are very important and not having time is not really a good enough excuse.
    I have recently observed a trainee teacher who had lots of different methods for getting all pupils to...

  • T1 - closed question and the teacher does not ask the next question of "why do you think it makes the force bigger". They have not found out why the pupils chose their answers.
    T2- I like the fact the teacher got the students to discuss the question and when got a table answer. I find this works well in classes, it allows everyone a chance to discuss the...

  • I have used KWL grids before and found the K and W columns really useful. My problem is I forget to go back and get them to fill in the L column. I find myself doing this in other ways, I really must plan to complete them when I use them.

  • This activity follows a logical order as the teacher is asking fantastic open ended questions. They use peer support rather than giving away the answers. The learning was then moved forward with a more complicated example which was scaffolded well, with key terms, demos and group work. I would be pleased with this part of the lesson if I had taught it.

  • I often spend too much time on the problems box and less on the positives. I am also looking forward to the 'Eureka' moments box. Hope you find it useful.

  • Hi, I'm Anna. I am a Physics teacher in a secondary school in Scotland and am currently acting APT, having taught for 7 years. I teach 11-18 year olds.
    I try to include AFL in my lessons but am looking for new ideas for my classes and to help inspire my colleagues.