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Molly Bridge

Molly Bridge

Learning Designer



  • Thanks Jeffrey that’s helpful to know!

  • me too, Rebecca!

  • As a Learning Designer at FutureLearn, I need to thinking about how to best incorporate social learning into our courses

  • yeah this is interesting, we focused a fair bit on dispelling misconceptions in my teacher training, but can see how this approach may have actually had the opposite effect based on this research!

  • Hi Elke, I've had good experiences with Padlet personally. I think it might depend on what you want to use it for - being really clear on that and what you want learners to do with it is important.

  • Agree! I guess it comes back to the definition of learning... maybe it should be 'What do think of this concept? Do you agree that memorisation can actually get in the way of *deeper understanding*?'

  • It's only recently that I've linked my lower back pain to periods of increased (negative) stress - making this connection has helped me be more mindful of and pre-empt triggers in order to prevent back pain. Seems to be working so far!

  • I certainly feel like my brain has gotten lazier with the increasing availability of technology, I can feel my memory suffering as a result. I'm more actively trying to remember pieces of information rather than use my phone to look them up. I need to start doing the same with simple maths - my phone calculator is too tempting!

  • >The brain has a short attention span and needs repetition and multiple-channel processing for deeper learning to occur.

    For me this serves as a reminder to ensure concepts are revisited over the course of an online course and/or that learners are directed to revisit topics as they build on their foundational knowledge. Regular knowledge check ins too.

  • I am interested by the idea of creating tribes in an online setting! Are we, FutureLearners who have decided to take this particular course, a tribe?

  • Hi all, my name's Molly and I'm a Learning Designer at FutureLearn. I joined the course because I did a Master's in Neuroscience and Education a while ago and would love to "top up" my knowledge in this area and explore how I can apply it to online learning design.

  • Love the concept of being a "neural architect" - excited to get started!

  • I think this is a great activity to really focus in on what you want your course to be about. It helps you to define the reasons for the course to exist, why people might want to join it and what it should cover - great.

  • I particularly enjoy using Padlet.

    Whilst there are many benefits, I think it's important to remember the potential accessibility issues that using these kinds of tools introduce and also that navigating to the tools may disrupt the learning journey - you may lose learners who don't make it back!

  • I've not heard of avoiding italicising before - does anyone know the reason behind this? - I googled it, seems to be to do with how easy the text is to read.

  • agree!

  • I like this one a lot - you really have to understand something to be able to put it into your own words. I like to take it a step further sometimes and ask learners to add to/edit each other's summaries to improve them.

  • I'm much more inclined to read the second version. I wonder if introducing bold headings might help even further.

  • On FutureLearn, having comments sections under each step means we can be adventurous with calls to action and discussion prompts, asking learners to engage with the content and synthesise and therefore internalise what they've learnt. One thing which is harder to do is to take things a step further and illicit meaningful conversations between learners to...

  • Great point about using data from previous runs to inform personas for a course revamp!

  • @CliveSims, how about ensuring diverse voices come through in your course, incl in any videos/case studies. Is there anything about the differences of approaches to neuropsychology in different cultures that you could draw upon? And perhaps ensuring learners have the opportunity to contribute ideas/examples from their specific context? Selecting readings from...

  • Hi everyone, I'm a fairly new to the role of Learning Designer at FutureLearn, I'm keen to learn about best practice from different perspectives - it's great to be here :)

  • It occurred to me that what if e.g. a fall happened during the period where the baseline is being established?

  • Having to press 3 or 4 keys to enter the web area is really difficult if you can't see the keyboard. I guess this would get easier with practice! I also find the constant chatter of the voice over quite distracting!

  • This isn't as easy as I thought it might be! There is lots of information given quite quickly and it's very disorientating. I think it would take me a while to be able to use a screen reader effectively.

  • I use my phone to navigate if I'm going anywhere I haven't been before. I'd find it really difficult to find my way without it!

  • I think Twitter is great for knowledge sharing and debates, but it's a shame when a few use it to spread hate

  • I really like the visitor/resident way of explaining how different people use technology, it makes a lot of sense!

  • Similar to you Kay, the student policy seems much easier to find!

  • I think the auto-subtitling that YouTube does is great! It's not perfect, but for a free resource it's such a useful starting point, especially for projects with tight budgets. Often it's accessibility that suffers when money is limited!

  • *Should educators spend their precious time designing learning experiences to meet the needs of just one learner?*

    Many different learners can benefit from features developed to improve the experience for learners with extra accessibility needs, so I don't think this is time wasted.

  • I voted for AI because it will have an impact on many aspects of education. For example the ability to tailor content to individuals based on feedback received means a more targeted and effective learning experience

  • Constant feeling of anticipation!

  • wow!

  • Very good point! I wonder if the fine would be more now.

  • I used to work at a university - large organisations like these process a lot of personal data and therefore must have a DPA

  • I doubt completely! Especially as they mentioned in the video that comapnies may have to keep a record of all those whose info has been deleted - so they're still on the record, even if it is just their name.

  • My contact details seem to have be shared to various recruitment agencies that I did not (knowingly) consent to resulting in many nuisance calls and emails! I block any phone numbers that I don't recognise and unsubscribe from emails sent by these companies.

  • DBS check when working with children/vulnerable groups of people

  • I've never considered that an insurance company might pass on the fact that you own a bike!

  • It feels like less of a mystery to me now! Still lots to learn though...

  • *Data Minimisation*

    Any data collected should be:
    *Enough to suit the purpose it is being collected for
    *Appropriate to the purpose
    *Restricted to only what is necessary

    Some of the above might be quite hard to define and could be quite subjective. For example, what is deemed 'necessary for the purpose' is open to interpretation and may vary between...

  • @KennNorris Yeah I can imagine that this might be a factor!

  • This explanation really helps!

  • As part of my job I regularly deal with personal data. I hope this course will give me guidelines to follow to ensure GDPR compliance,