Sienna Somers
I am a Policy and Research Coordinator at Fashion Revolution, the world's largest fashion activism movement. We are campaigning for greater transparency and sustainability in the fashion industry.
Location United Kingdom
@CareyWhitfeld I think a global framework would be strongest but would require international cooperation - not always an easy thing. Although the EU is certainly looking at different legislation which would be a positive step.
@TeresaAguiar Yes, this is certainly increasing but we are a long way off product-level transparency which provides you with more information on the specific product you have bought. There is lots of potential with blockchain technologies though!
@AnnukkaK @AngelaHinds Yes, I agree with both of you! It ultimately comes down to the lack of respect for workers and the lack of decent work (SDG 8)
@JenniferZedda @RominaCollett Good point and it's still a contentious issue. The general consensus (from researchers including Imogen Napper) is that its better for microfibres to end up in landfill (via our bins) as they have a far less chance of making their way to our waterways and oceans. While this is by no means a solution, its the best option out of...
@NadiaNath-Varma Completely agree! I think one of the key issues for me is unequal wealth distribution. CEO's do not need millions (or billions in some cases) while garment workers cannot afford to eat.
@RominaCollett Well hopefully as you help to educate her on these issues, she will begin to take action and make decisions in her own life too! Sustainability is a spectrum and we are all on our journey
@TulsiRawat Thank you!
@AnnaMasetti Thank you for joining!
@DaphneOxales You're welcome!
Sienna Somers replied to Irmela S.
@IrmelaS. Fantastic!
@MarcelinaAlNajar That is fantastic, we are so glad this course has helped you!
@IrmelaS. Thanks for sharing!
@DaphneOxales Thanks for sharing!
Sienna Somers replied to Veronica Lora
@VeronicaLora Thank you for taking part!
Sienna Somers replied to Tulsi Rawat
@TulsiRawat This is great to hear! I hope you continue to be curious, find out and do something!
Sienna Somers replied to Angie L
@AngieL We are glad you enjoyed the course! I hope we have shown you how all of the SDG's are linked
Sienna Somers replied to Daphne Oxales
@DaphneOxales This is fantastic to hear" I hope you continue to learn and take action on these issues!
Sienna Somers replied to Irmela S.
@IrmelaS. Yes, the power of collective action is immense! You can always join up with the local Fashion Revolution in your country to meet likeminded individuals!
Sienna Somers replied to Romina Collett
@RominaCollett Thank you for taking the time to learn about these issues and take action!
Sienna Somers replied to Kiley Ross
@tytoys We are so pleased to hear that!
@RominaCollett Great to hear!
@MarcelinaAlNajar Fantastic!
@IrmelaS. Yes, do let us know! And don't be afraid to come back with more questions if you are unsatisfied with their answer!
@BrionyK Let us know how they respond!
@IrmelaS. Exactly, we need to demand change
@IrmelaS. Great to hear you got a response! How did they respond?
@HeatherDelaney Yes, please let us know!
@annitariddle Good luck with meeting with your MP!
@BrionyK Let us know if you get a response!
@EstefaníaCórdova Let us know how it goes!
@EstefaníaCórdova Agree, we need to show governments that these issues matter to us!
@annitariddle Yes, innovation is essential. We just need innovation to be scalable and accessible
@EstefaníaCórdova Definitely, we need transparency at all levels
@SarahBlackham That would be incredibly useful to enable fibre to fibre recycling!
@TulsiRawat Completely agree!
@annitariddle Yes! Scaling technology to be able to effectively recycle all of the pre-loved clothes is certainly lacking. Anecdotally, I have heard of brands stockpiling returned/recycled goods as they do not currently have the technology to recycle it efficiently.
@EstefaníaCórdova Definitely pre-consumer waste is a huge issue, and is something a lot of brands are working to reduce. However, in terms of total volume, I would think more textiles are wasted at the end of life than in production. However, we need to tackle both of these issues in order to be able to move towards a more circular industry.
@SarahBlackham There are several studies that say adding 2-5% on a garment would allow all workers to receive decent pay. Although, I'm not sure it has been mapped out for environmental improvements. However, a recent survey by Vogue Business showed that consumers are willing to pay a premium of between £2 and £4 on sustainably made T-shirts, according to a...
@AngieL Definitely!
@SarahBlackham Completely agree! voluntary initiatives alone will only go so far. We need legislation so all brands, especially the worst offenders, improve their practices
Sienna Somers replied to Vishaka JN
@VishakaJN I am very glad that you have learnt a lot so far in this course! Enjoy week 4
Sienna Somers replied to Dominique Giuliani
@DominiqueGiuliani Yes, very good point. Ultimately, we need legislation to push those laggard brands to change
Sienna Somers replied to Liza Khatun
@LizaKhatun Thank you for taking this course and taking action!
Sienna Somers replied to Tulsi Rawat
@TulsiRawat Thank you! Enjoy the final week!
Sienna Somers replied to Estefanía Córdova
@EstefaníaCórdova Amazing!
Sienna Somers replied to Sarah Blackham
@SarahBlackham Fantastic, that is great to hear
@FionaMullen Good points! What do you think are the drivers of the changing consumer behaviour and how do you think we are going to push those brands to improve?
@SaskiaAlmond How do you think we can begin to move away from fast fashion?
@IrisAguilar Great points! What questions are you going to be asking brands?
@SarahKnox Which brands do you think are doing well with regards to water and carbon emissions?
@CarolinaDenegri That is great to hear! We have lots of resources on our website which might be useful when approaching your friends or family
@CarolSoundy Yes, it can be hard to know how brands are treating their workers or the planet but the more we ask, the more they will deliver!
@SarahBlackham There are a few companies doing this now, including Allbirds trainers
@steveDavies Yes, Nicola is fantastic and we need more people to communicate science clearly and actionably!
@SarahBlackham So great to hear about these technologies, I wonder how scaleable they are to meet current resource demands?
@AliceAnneMelbourne Good idea! Currently, California is leading legislation on labeling of textile products, could be another one to focus on!
@LisaHayward Agree! We need more collaboration and action, over empty promises! There are a few initiatives such as the Fashion Pact and the UN Charter for Sustainable Fashion... However, we are yet to see whether this translates into anything meaningful
@RemyMink That's why we need legislation, so we can move the laggard brands who only care about profit to more sustainable business practices
@JosieBeevers Agree! Historically and currently, advertisers have been hugely responsible for consumer behaviour. We need more regulation!
@TulsiRawat Thank you for the suggestion! We also have plenty of resources and 'how-to' guides on our website:
@LouiseBaker We are so glad you enjoyed the course!
@ThomasCarr Yes, we need to address the elephant in the room!
@EstefaníaCórdova Exactly! We cannot protect people in the supply chain and the environment under the current model!
@IrmelaS. Love it!
@annitariddle Exactly!
@RobinWhitby I tend to agree that even if some brands make meaningful change that we need legislation to ensure all brands improve
@parvanehGhasemian Do you think the role of NGOs and civil society groups needs to change?
@EstefaníaCórdova Do you think brands will make the necessary changes for our planet and people without legislation and government action?
@HallehAtri Completely agree! We have lack of communication and transparency from big brands and from governments. We need that information in order to make informed choices and hold brands accountable
@CareyWhitfeld Exactly, while every decision counts, it is big brands we need to focus our energy on rather than criticizing one another!
@DaphneOxales Exactly! Collaboration over competition
@IrmelaS. Wow, sounds like you have a really creative and interesting approach to story telling! Please do share some of your work!
@RominaCollett Well done on the petition - it is fantastic you are taking action! I know it can be frustrating when others do not understand, however, maybe you need to approach it with your friend in a different way? Find out what issues she cares about (could be animal rights or climate change or gender equality and feminism) and talk to her about the issues...
@annitariddle Completely agree. The best way to mobilise government support is to show them that its what the people want. We all need to do our part and write to our local policymakers to demand change
@AngieL Agree! We cannot rely on voluntary initiatives, we need legislation
@IrmelaS. Definitely! However, many governments do not see this as a priority and many politicians believe self-regulation of the industry is sufficient - that's why we need to raise our voices, write to our policymakers and demand change!
@LouiseBaker Do you think the shift from profit can only happen with government intervention?
@CareyWhitfeld Definitely! But I do wonder how they would implement and monitor it?
@TulsiRawat Yes, there is certainly a lot more governments need to be doing! With regards to the an eco label, this is something that Germany has trialed with their Green Button Label but there has been overwhelming criticism about the lack of robust standards. Some more information on it here:...
@JuliaSchürmann Definitely! We need legislation
@AbrilF Yes it can be very hard to understand what brands are sustainable, that's why transparency is so important!
@MirkoVlahovic We put all COVID related work on this webpage here:, which also links to lots of other resources which tracks brands' acions:
@AngelaHinds This is great to hear!
@KannaOkamura Do let us know what responses you receive!
@MariagiovannaScrobogna Fantastic! That is great to hear
@UnnatiJagnani well done!
@ElizabethSibbeston Agree! Sustainability is the only way!
@JenniferZedda Fantastic! Every step makes a difference. I hope you enjoy swapping!
@CálizEbri I completely agree! While transparency does not equal sustainability, it is an essential tool for getting there!
@ShraddhaShetty Yes, it is hard to know what brands are doing to protect workers in the supply chain. Please do let us know if you receive a response from any brands
Sienna Somers replied to Saskia Almond
@SaskiaAlmond Hello and welcome! Enjoy the course
Sienna Somers replied to Lucy S
@LucyS Hello and welcome! It is great to hear you have been following us for a while and that you have started to make positive changes in your life
Sienna Somers replied to Heather Delaney
@HeatherDelaney Welcome!
Sienna Somers replied to Cristina Pasandin
@CristinaPasandin Welcome!
@HeatherDelaney Definitely! You mention driving innovation, do you think most of the changes that need to happen are achievable through innovation? Or do you think that the amount we are producing cannot be reconciled with technology?
@LamiaNassif I'm glad you learnt something!
@TulsiRawat Yes we desperately need more education on issues like these!