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Remi Rossat-Mignod
Innovation project Manager for a real estate company, Groupe Pichet, France.
Location Bordeaux
Remi Rossat-Mignod made a comment
Thanks to all the professors and students ! Really enjoyed it !
Remi Rossat-Mignod made a comment
Smart Grid has a promising future as it is a part of a more sustainable energy mix : more responsible, as the prosumer will have access to his use of electricity / more sustainable as we'll be able to integrate renewable energies easily in the grid / more efficient as it will be monitored in real time.
Here isthe video on Greenlys (FR) :
For those who want to have further intervention around Building Industry, let's have a look to Smart Buiding Alliance initiatives :
Remi Rossat-Mignod made a comment
I think it's a balance between what you can get for giving your data and what you loose. It is in all cases mandatory to get data to measure consumption to better it. Maybe there should be more information around confidentiality.
Remi Rossat-Mignod made a comment
I have been using a smart meter provided by ENEDIS (FR) for a couple of years now. Up to now the main advantage is being able to monitor the energy consumption, BUT I did not identify other benefits (how to save energy ?) . It think there are not enough applications available right now. MAybe you could suggest some ?
Hydrogen will be a breakthrough when it will be highly available to power Fuel Cell Vehicules. I learned a lot around Region Auvergne Rhone ALps comitment toward this energy. Thanks
Remi Rossat-Mignod made a comment
Has anyone got the link to read "The Fuel Cell Industry Review 2019" ? thanks !
I did not know there were so many way to produce Hydrogen. Great to know that but there is still a big challenge to reduce C02 emissions.
Remi Rossat-Mignod made a comment
There is a huge potential in H2. But there is still a long way to produce clean H2 and I think it is one of the main challenges of this energy.
We did not have real innovations but Biogaz keeps developing with the local agriculture. Here is an example with goose farming and Fonroche :
@RoseyMitchell : you can activate english subtitles on the youtube video. I tried and it works :-)
Remi Rossat-Mignod made a comment
I think there are applications in cities and rural areas. For cities, public transports can use Bio Gaz produced via food waste. Heating for housing in dense areas should be developped as well. For rural areas, in which there loads of agricultural waste, it could be a mean to reinforce energy autonomy too.
Remi Rossat-Mignod made a comment
I found an interesting Blog on Biogas Mobility (FR) : . I did not know that there were so many vehicules in Europe !
Remi Rossat-Mignod made a comment
I found an interesting video from INRA ((France's national institute for agronomic research) on Biogas (FR) : . Enjoy !
I think there is an opportunity and a need to re-localize production of such equipment. I think it will be a strategic asset for local communities to be independent from importation for such systems at least at a european level.
Hi, I have discovered HACE Company which is developping a wave power System and has tested it in La Rochelle Harbor.
Remi Rossat-Mignod made a comment
One the one hand, Hydropower can be a strong mean for regional planning by developing local production of electricity and providing jobs. On the other hand, we have to take into account the impact of such projects on the environment and the local population.
Remi Rossat-Mignod made a comment
Let me ask you a question : how far is hydropower threatened by temperature rise ? I think it is mostly a good complement to unpredictable sustainable sources of energy like solar, and is a good option in the energy mix.
Remi Rossat-Mignod made a comment
I don't have any dam in my nearby environment but I found an innovative application of Hydro Power : tidal turbine . You can learn more on this project on the folowing link :
The example of Cestas Solar PowerPlant is an example of Big Installation (350 Gw/y) and is now competitive with Nuclear Energy (the guaranteed tariff is 104,5 € / MWh vs 109 €/MWh for the last EPR projects) . for more information :
Remi Rossat-Mignod made a comment
I believe Solar PV share will increase as far as it has integrated in product such as houses in Western countries, small and offgrid PV systems in areas like Africa or South America. The new application such as electric cars may as well expand the use od solar PV.
I found an interesting document for those who want to install a solar system for their home (in French) :
Another application coming from a startup in Bordeaux region
I don't have any solar energy system at home but I am evaluating the cost of such an installation
Remi Rossat-Mignod replied to Remi Rossat-Mignod
thank you @ArnaudJulliard
I think becoming a prosumer is a massive change concerning the habits of many people. You have to be well informed and to master technology right now to be a prosumer. We need more information on how to become a prosumer in our day to day life : solar energy and wind generator on our roofs are the first steps ? how can state policy can help this trend to...
Remi Rossat-Mignod made a comment
Has anyone got a definition of energy intensity ? I don't really understand what it is related to.
Remi Rossat-Mignod replied to Remi Rossat-Mignod
@FakherOmezzine : thank you
Remi Rossat-Mignod made a comment
Hello, is it possible to access the report without login to IEA Webstore ? Thank you
Thank you Rao. Here is an complementary article on the impact of Corona (In French, sorry) on Oil market :
Remi Rossat-Mignod made a comment
I think we should emphasize first the benefits of low energy product : explain more clearly the benefits of energy efficient products : € saved with an energy efficient product , confort, long-lasting... the benefits are usually hard to undestand as people has low culture in energy efficiency.
Remi Rossat-Mignod made a comment
We have labels on consumer goods, and investment in renewables is sustained by subsides (for example to buy an electric car) . Generally speaking this concerns first class products and there is still a lot to do so that people take into account the energy efficiency when they buy something.
Hi Fanny, I agree with you concerning the French Debate around the nuclear / Not nuclear energy mix : they are too complex for the man in the street. I think that nuclear energy is good as far as it is de-carbonated. BUT, I think that public awareness around challenges coming with renewable energy is really poor. I think really few people are concerned about...
The challenges to reduce Greenhouse gases are big. Has anyone ressources around the cut of greenhouse gases objectives of Paris Agreement in Europe and other countries? Are the 20 % cut by 2020 compared to 1990 a reality ?
Remi Rossat-Mignod made a comment
Hi everybody, I'm from Bordeaux France and I have a Master in Mangement. I currently work as a Innovation Project Manager for a Real Estate Company. I'm looking forward to learning the basics of Agile product development to have a better structured approach in my daily tasks.