Daniel Hope


Location Leicester, UK


  • That's super useful, thanks

  • That sounds like a good solution, sorry to hear that some of your students cannot access the internet

  • Such a powerful video, this module has been very interesting so far. As a man in teaching I usually find that I underestimate this issue because I'm surrounded by women in positions of power but it's important to think about how we can help kids understand these issues with simple fun exercises.

  • What I'm thinking is 'How does access to online learning improve outcomes for students in disadvantaged communities?' With a specific focus on one or two areas

  • They way I understood it is that the homeostatic drive builds because we're tiring ourselves out more and more through the day just by being awake, but the body can't/doesn't need to sleep after every activity so your circadian rhythm counteracts tiredness until the optimal sleep time arrives (apart from during the 'afternoon slump'.

  • It's been a while since I have slept an optimal amount and so I can only assume that my focus and drive would improve, which is what I am hoping to work on through this course.
    It's much easier to notice the impacts in others, I can see how dull people's eyes get and how their mood can be impacted by not enough/ineffective sleep. I know a couple of people who...

  • Hi, I'm Dan from Melbourne. Hoping to learn more about some strategies I can put into place to maximise the quality of my sleep. Great to see so many people from across the world on here.

  • I agree with Corbyn, one element of security is internal (or governmental) threats to freedom or well being. Locking people up for expressing political beliefs, however dangerous or wrong it may be seen to be, does not make a society more secure, it makes it less secure.