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AI agents and task environments

The system which perceives the environment and acts accounted as an agent​. The video introduces different agent types such as: Software agent​ Robotic agent​ Human agent​ Then we will go …

Task environment classification

To solve AI problems, we need to classify the task environment (the environment that surrounds the agent). The task environments can be:​ Fully observable / Partially observable​ Single agent / …

General application of AI

In this video on the general application of AI, we discuss how AI has impacted various fields and focus on the AI role in : Robotics and automation Chatbots Recommender …

Meet your Lead Educator – Sana Sabah

Lead Educator – Sana Sabah Sana is a research engineer at Luleå University of Technology. She works with a machine learning group that focuses on building AI solutions. The teaching …

How to get started with TensorFlow Playground

Google’s TensorFlow Playground is an interactive visualisation of neural networks. With it, you can simulate small neural networks in real-time in your browser, and see the results instantly. Here, we …

How experts define AI

This video shares different definitions of AI from the experts’ point of view (50 members of the European High-Level Expert Group on AI). At the end of this video, you …

Remember to comment, share, like

To get as much as possible of this course we recommend you to: Share your thoughts in the discussion forum Contribute to the discussions Like other learner’s comments Follow other …

Introduction to the course

If you want to gain knowledge about Artificial Intelligence, (AI) and different machine learning techniques as well as how AI can be used in the Tourism sector, then this is …

What you will learn in Week 1

AI is a word but what is the concept behind it. Working with AI. It will be particularly useful if you are about to start to understand AI Course overview …

Major Fields in Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the part of computer science concerned with designing intelligent computer systems, that is, systems that exhibit characteristics we associate with intelligence in human behaviour such as: …