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BLAST – Basic Local Alignment Search Tool

In this article, you will learn about BLAST, a tool used to find similar sequences in biological databases. What is a BLAST? BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) is one …

Primary Databases

In this article, you will learn about primary databases and their importance in storing and making sequence data available. Primary databases (also known as data repositories) are highly organised, user-friendly …

What is a FASTA file?

In this article, you will learn the most basic format for the storage of DNA and protein sequences, the FASTA file. FASTA File for DNA Sequence Data DNA sequence data …

From DNA to Protein

In this article we will describe how a protein sequence is generated from a DNA sequence. Biological Transcription In biological systems, the process of transcription ‘transcribes’ (copies) DNA into RNA. …

FAQs for this course

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions for this course. This step will be linked back from the relevant steps and you can always get back to it later What is …


Many thanks to all those who are and were involved in the Bacterial genomes: From DNA to Protein Function using Bioinfomatics Course’s development, refinements, and presentations. Lead Educators and Developers …

What is the correct way to cite databases?

In this article, we emphasise the correct way in which to cite the work of others in bioinformatics. Just as it is important to record citations for the literature we …

UNIPROT – the protein database

In this short article, you will learn about the protein database UniProt. Uniprot was originally formulated as a primary database for protein sequences and functional annotation based on experimental evidence. …

Secondary databases

In this Step, you will learn about biological databases, building on the primary databases that were discussed in Week 1. Biological databases are centralised resources that contain representations of DNA …

DIY BLAST. Part 1 – Step-by-step

In this article, you will learn how to do a BLAST search. You will be guided in a step-by-step manner through the process of submitting a BLAST search using the …

Similar is not the same but it helps!

In this article you will be introduced to the concept of homology annotation, a way to identify sequences that are similar to one another. Imagine that you have never seen …

What you have learnt in this course

We hope you have enjoyed your time with us. During the length of this two-week course you have become familiar with DNA and protein sequences and how to represent them …