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Data networks

Watch the video for an overview of data networks. The Internet Below is a condensed conceptual illustration of The Internet. There are several individual networks – academic, business, home, and …

Penetration testing for WiFi: What to look for

Here is what pentesters typically look for when pentesting WiFi networks. These are a list of questions they might ask themselves to begin their initial security assessment. Isolating external and …

Potential points for criminal activity

Watch this video for some examples on potential points for criminal activity. CI Interdependencies: Water Here is an illustration that gives a partial view of the impact of a compromise …

What are cybercriminals after?

Watch the video for a look into what cybercriminals are after. The Dark Web You will be surprised to know that the market place on the dark web is so …

Types of pentesting and ethical hacking

There are three types of penetration tests: black-box, white-box, and grey-box. Black-Box No information on the test target prior to the testing. White-Box Full and complete details of the test …

WiFi protocol stack

The WLAN or WiFi related protocols are in the data-link and physical layer of the OSI layered reference model. The Logical Link Control (LLC) part of the data link layer …