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Traditional Korean Food – Kimchi

김치(Kimchi) is a traditional Korean dish that gets put on Korean household’s dining table almost every day, and now it has gained worldwide popularity from foreigners. However, it is common …

Practice 1

In this step we will help you to understand Korean expressions. Please follow the instructions with the educator. Let’s speak Korean! A: 우리 뭐 먹을까요? [uli mwo meoglkkayo] -> What …

Today’s expression

Have you ever tried Korean food before? If you watch Korean drama or movies, you will watch a number of scenes of people eating food. What kind of food do …

Introduction: This week

여러분 안녕하세요? (Hello everyone?) Last week we talked about our hobbies – things we like and dislike. This week, we are going to learn some expressions we can use when …

Coming up next week

How was the lesson today? Next time, we will talk about Korean food and will learn some useful phrases that you can use when you are choosing a lunch or …

Summary of week 2

This week, we talked about the things you like especially about the movies and sports. We also learned how to ask and answer what others like and dislike. I encourage …

Korean drama (K-drama)

한류(Hallyu ; Korean wave) is a word that refers to a Korean pop culture including K-drama, K-pop, and K-food that are well liked by foreigners. Particularly, K-drama became popular in …

Practice 2

Please follow the instructions with the educator. Let’s Practice Korean! A: 무슨 운동을 좋아해요? [museun undongeul joahyaeyo] -> What kind of sports do you like? B: 저는 수영을 좋아해요. [jeoneun …

Dialogue 2 : I don’t like swimming.

Watch the short video and Listen to the Dialogue. Today’s Dialogue A: 무슨 운동을 좋아해요? (What kind of sports do you like?) B: 저는 수영을 좋아해요. (I like swimming.) A: …

Korean popular sports and unique cheering culture

Many Korean college students enjoy watching movies or playing sports such as soccer or basketball for their pastime activities outside of school. Especially those who enjoy sports would often play …

Practice 1

In this step we will help you to understand Korean expressions. Please follow the instructions with the educator. Let’s speak Korean! A : 무슨 운동을 좋아해요? [museun undongeul joahyaeyo] -> …

Today’s expression

In this week we will learn how to ask about hobbies and how to answer the question. Watch the video to see how to say the phrases you watched in …

Dialogue 1: What kind of sports do you like?

Watch the short video and listen to the dialogue. Today’s dialogue A: 무슨 운동을 좋아해요? (What kind of sports do you like?) B: 저는 수영을 좋아해요. (I like swimming.)

Introduction: This week

여러분 안녕하세요? (Hello everyone?) Welcome to Week 2 of the Introduction to Korean course. Last week, we learned how to exchange greetings in Korean. Do you remember them well? This …

Coming up next week

How was your study today? Would you like to keep continuing? Next time, we will discuss what you like/like to do. Next time, let’s talk about our favorite movies and …