Dave Martin

Dave Martin

Senior L&D Adviser FCO Diplomatic Academy. FCIPD, Qualified executive coach and coach supervisor. Dave has worked across UK government in L&D, Talent Management and HR Business Partnering roles

Location UK


  • @AdamLeNevez Hi Adam welcome aboard please do share your experiences with everyone.

  • Fascinating, particularly drawn to the way sport can overcome language and cultural differences and enable people to connect with one another

  • A great illustration of the impact of Digital tools like Twitter which provides instant opportunities to connect positively with all as long as it is used correctly and not as a substitute for other more formal communications channels.

  • Hi everyone I am an L&D Specialist working within the Diplomatic Academy. I have been working in the FCO for just over a year so this MOOC I hope will provide me with insights into how the department operates. I am also interested in what people think of MOOCs as a vehicle for learning. What is your experience of this MOOC like? Particularly interested in...

  • Hi Tara thanks for your post. Really interested to hear about your teams experiences within Crown Commmercial Services and how the MOOC has helped

  • Kevin, thanks for your post. The commercial landscape within MOJ is a particularly complex one. It would be interesting to hear how the MOOC has helped with this

  • Totally agree. I work at Civil Service Learning and in March we started new contractual arrangements which has presented a whole new set of business relationship and contract management issues - so anything that can provides insights on that

  • Thrilled that Douglas and Tinm are now on the 3rd run of this MOOC. The MOOC has been well received and very popular in the UK Civil Service. Look out for Douglas Macbeths blog on Gov.UK which should be published in the next couple of days

  • Really enjoying some of the discussion threads. A couple of things spring to mind at different ends of my music spectrum. I was taken with the idea of music being able to conjure up a different time. Only Yesterday by the Carpenters has that effect on me. I heard it the other day and I was immediately in the back of mum and dads car an old cortina with my 2...

  • Dave Martin made a comment

    I have sung and played guitar for over 30 years. I have played in a variety of bands , but mainly with a rootsier edge tinged with blues rock and country. Songwriterws I admire well I guess Harlan Howard summed it up with his famous saying " 3 chords and the truth" so I like artists like Hank Williams, Bob Dylan, Chuck Berry, Kris Kistofferson. Saying that I...

  • What prevents change?
    In a business - It will cost too much, Take too much time, We are fine as we are, we might get it wrong
    As a person I'm too old to change, I won't be able to adapt, I won't have the new skills required, I won't be valued anymore, My company doesn't do change well - they will mess it up, I could lose my job

    How do you resolve this:...

  • I do agree with Douglas often the buyer is limited in their scope of how an outcome could be delivered or maybe they are not completely clear on their need or outcome in the first place and the supplier with their experience can help them to achieve that clarity

  • Yes I must concur. Our contract manager here particularly liked the 10 pitfalls and has printed it out and shared with her team.

  • Tom, I think you are spot on. A really big part of making your contracting arrangements successful is building a positive and trusting relationship. Of course there needs to be clarity about what needs to be achieved and delivery expectations. Regular, open and positive dialogue combined with a collaborative approach will help this along much more than an...

  • An honest broker. So someone who says what they can and cannot do. That helps to build trust on both sides.

  • Hello All. I work for Civil Service Learning. Looking forward to the course and getting lots of different perspectives on Contract Management. I am responsible for the commercial offer for civil servants. I would be interested to hear from other Civil Servants about whether you are finding the MOOC useful