Mohammad Mottalib

Mohammad Mottalib

want to build career in international devlopment and keen to link with people who are passionate about poverty, inequality and gender.

Location Bow,london



  • Multi dimensional thought provoking course.A heart felt gratitude to team Leichester.

  • I am avid international devlopment follower for last couple of years.This course had tried to cover alot of devlopment aspects - sustainable devlopment is a spctrum term for me which covers multifarious subjects philosophy to psychology;or sociology to bioengineering.My heart felt gratitude towards the course educators and moderators for this wonderful...

  • Universities are the compass of the modern society. They also act as think tank for crucial issues in economy,equity and ecology. They are also movers and shakers of desired change in any society- it is better to nurture those change internally rather than from exogenous devlopment or donor agency in crietria for loan sanction for a given devlopment project.

  • International students are indeed treated as cash cows and cheap part time labourer

  • Kuznets curve does goes with the devloping process with India China or Bangladesh or Vietnam..As we see delhi and Mumbai or Wuhan and Shanghai are in top list of worst air quality -in fact 5 out 30 worst cities for air quality are from China.Because world loves the cheap chinese goods and seems like till now china is very unhappy to become world's factory.

  • Lend with care.. Really like the idea.thanks for sharing.

  • Bioengineering can be a solution like vaccination for corona : we are realtively safe but we still need to maintain social distancing for a near future. Vaccines or Technology like artificial trees or O
    Other bio engineering solutions can always have other side effects.So reducing emission and over consumption is an simple but difficult job like stopping...

  • Community living like Yonmami tribes living in 'yanos' -a circular house for upto 400 people.This is maybe extreme version of community living but it is still sustainable for them though only for few tens of thousands of people.Can we scale it up in different forms?

  • 'No poverty' is the most fundamental to me-I born in a poor family in Bangladesh -poverty was all around me in my formation years. Poverty is the biggest inhibitor to live a free and meaningful life.More than 10% or of world population or a bottom billion still live below the poverty line of 1.90 dollar per day. Many of these bottom billion are my family...

  • Out of so much option-why we start eating only beef,chicken pork certaint fish or few types of vegetables only? Answers lies to availability ,convenience ,taste and culture of a nation for centuries. Fish is a common staple in our daily diet to most Bangladeshis or chinese. but Banglsdeshis or Chinese or many other nations use more efficiently than british...

  • Governments could and should do all of the above but it mainly defends on where are you in Devlopment ladder : low,lower middle, higher middle and high income conttry.America and western Europe become devloped through protectionism in nineteenth and twentieth
    century but they propose the reverse formula for devlopment to the devloping nations in Africa...

  • Mohammad Mottalib made a comment

    Should China pay for the covid vaccine for 7 billion people as they fail to controlled it in first place? Is it wrong framing?

  • I think 'helping others’ and ‘financial success’ are not in direct opposition in many number of cases-Rich are rich due to their hard work, luck and others helping them or can not hinder them to become richer;rich choose to become philanthropist after sometime in many cases - Alfred Nobel to
    Rockefeller or Carnegie, Bill hates to Warren Buffet or Priscila...

  • This MOOC is a free course for me so I am a free rider and which also as Christine Lagrade put -it is helping me to reach my potential of acquiring necessay knowledge.

  • 'What if' we have to live with dinosaurs?
    What if Indian/ chinese colonize Europe?
    What African made European slave?
    What internet/renewable technology comes 100 yeras ago?-

  • Polluter Pays... 60%
    ‘Beneficiary Pays’..20%
    ‘Ability to Pay’..10%
    ‘Equal Shares’.. 10%

  • Foreign aid does good or harm the devloping nations?
    Why American had more gun than their head count?
    Why we Devloped nations do want to rear more children? -South korean nation would or could become extinct in less than six centuries like many Other nations.

  • India-Pakistan partition killed more than a million and displaced fifteen millions people-only seventy or so countries have bigger population than 15 millions.Partition was done in the name of religion but it did not or could not count the other aspects of culture -food,clothing, language , facial features and thousands others which bind them together for...

  • China 50 out of 100
    Greece 55
    India 45
    Korea (South) 72
    Russia 40
    Saudi Arabia 50
    South Africa 40
    USA 70

  • I would support A&R for the point that politicians are the ruler,law maker and decision maker on behalf of mass.But I would support Sacks more as it has more depth,hope and inclusisitivity.
    Bangladesh and other countries in indian subcontinent big marriage party is a norm due to social pressure even by taking loan from loan shark and sell thier very few...

  • @PaulKamill great point

  • I am from Bangladesh-it has got long coast line, huge low lying land with thousands of crisscrossing rivers and mangrove forest in south west region and also it is hilly in easern part of the country.Banglaedsh is not cursed with natural resource:it is cursed with human resources -especilly due to very high density of population with a very astounding...

  • Indeed Katie, foresight is typically better than hindsight. We are having children alot later than few decades ago-a genration is now consist of 35 years rather than 20/30 years previously.

  • Paul Kamill, do you think Actions of Elon mask yo conquer the Mars is right but for wrong reasons or intentions?

  • In case of Cuba with high education level and publicly financed health sector could not ensure wellbeing and freedom of cuban.We see more Cuban in America than the vice versa.In netflix series about Cuba I found - a chemical engineer choose to become into souvenir seller in toutist martket.If education can not provide basic food on table or safe shelter ...

  • Teenage pregnancy in Uk is declined by rise of social media and reduced pub cub culture in U.K
    "The cost of emergency contraception in a pharmacy is between £30 and £45. Those prices have nothing to do with the cost of production: in Europe, the same contraception costs between €7 and €19.”...

  • The income inequality in rich country is increasing as it is very difficult to tax the rich due to off shore tax heavens.
    Africa is unique from other continents as it has more land locked countries than other continents,african slaves make America and Europe richer for more than few centuries ,it was heavily exploited for minerals and oil by colonists- maybe...

  • Just to know which facts he got wrong- I just have downloaded factfullness in Audible.

  • @PaulKamill indeed.

  • Rule of law rather than thumb of king was a key ingredient for fair political system.

  • Slave and empire maybe contributed the most.

  • Eye glasses was the one european invention which gave the european worker or artisan more shelf life or work life in pre renaissance era
    And the use of clock in all spheres of life
    Europen 'greed' in that era....
    (recently learned from somewhere I forgot)

  • Surgeon or Footballer need to practise more and become virtuso about 'his' game plan than a garbage cleaner- typically we see few 'her'in both presumably high or low status jobs.I can not agree more with the fact that I have more chance to become nobel laureat or as successful as Steve Jobs - only if I happen to be born in America or in a jews family...

  • @PaulKamill thanks for valued opinion.It also true that we need fair dose of optimism to live our life everyday.Most of us hate politicians-but you or me do not want to one.We let them decide for us. Who gonna put the bell on the neck of cat? Meritocracy makes us tyrant but is there any Other way to undo it?If brtish not colinised in Indian subcontinent-my...

  • long tails- physical and intelkectual wealth of a nation.
    more than one humph-calorie, in take throughout the dat
    a definite cut-off- women pregnancy after around 45.

  • @PaulKamill... Oxfam figures gob smacked me.

  • Sugary treats or drinks should be out of reach of children like adult magazine kept in top shelves in super market.

  • @PaulKamill... Enjoyed the video. Thanks alot.

  • Can you relate this to the question for the week: is the present use of resources morally equivalent to ‘planting bombs’?

    Present use of resources are not same as planting time bombs. If humanity can not support today, there is no tomorrow for human.Judicious and careful use of limited resource will enrich future humanity no doubt but as s human we are...

  • I am from Bangldesh,Aesenic in ground water is affecting 20 million people and 43,000 people dies for this reason in Bangladesh according to a guardian report.
    It is now recognized that at least 140 million people in 50 countries have been drinking water containing arsenic at levels above the WHO provisional guideline value of 10 μg/L (4)
    Arsenic can...

  • West love Cheap Chinese goods but blame china for environmental degradation.

  • Capturing enough energy is the key challange for facing huge demand of energy specially in terms of stored non replaceable energy sources.

    Human choice of energy use are hugely impacting biospher along with ever increasing human number which is multiplying negetive impacts.

    If we afford to consume more-why not? Average human is consuming alot more...

  • How much it too much is depends on which billion or mostly which country you born into and paradigm are meant to be shifting over the period of time

  • Owning more material or growth is also part of of to be cinsidered as devloped or increasing standard of living-is it human dillema or illusion?

  • Eye opening

  • moral good: looking after your parents.
    justice: providing equal opportunity for as many groups of people as possible.

  • Should I be allowed to hit or smack my seven year old autistic son to protect his younger and older siblings from his hittings?Though Smacking
    is allowed in Britrain
    as a reasonable punishment which depends on circumstances or judgement .Morality or ethics can itself a contestable or fuzzy business. Devloped states are allowing or protecting LGBTQ...

  • Very tiny proportion of human with alpha male mentality also with heightened sense of peeceived sucess can able to and want to become 'someone like Bezos'.

  • Happiness of life can be contestable as well.

  • Interesting

  • @PaulKamill great to know Popper first time.Thanks alot

  • How human could co-live with such a giant land creature like diaonusure or human species
    like neanderthals? Isnt it better for scientist or scholars to discuss about thier natural habitat long after their extinction? Are we general public really missing anything at all in our living experince for thier complete demise?

  • Complicated systems are generally possible to predict in desired final outcomes but Complex systems are inherently unpredictable in desired final outcomes.

  • @DavidGirling likewise

  • @DavidGirling inspiring for many to come,Talents are not born in only America or Europe,the rest of the world kids do not get their fair share of opportunities.

  • I choose to dig deep about poverty:
    The poverty rate in the developing world has plummeted from 47 percent to 14 percent in the period between 1990 and 2015 – a 70 percent drop.
    In case of Bangladesh, my birth place I find the similar drop-
    based in the international poverty line of $1.90 per person per day, poverty declined from 44.2 percent in 1991 to...

  • Well said

  • Agreed but too much pessimism is not gonna improve the situation either.

  • Very elaborate answer

  • Enjoying today with least possible harmfulness for future.

  • I really like afro pessimism optimism,slum tv.,Paulo Freire but could not enjoy PSM for its too many reads and link.I am really looking forward to develop more in development studies.Thanks to all the course coordinators and educators.Respect for your endevours, comments and time to educate us pro bono.

  • Pros of public media are :verified by expert ,accessible to mass and enriched in detail.Typical cons of public media are: slow in evolution,bureaucracy and diversity or inclusivity.

    PSM will relevent more today for abundance of mis- and disinformation in social media and will remain so in near future for educated older generation as they have more...

  • Public media is the media where public interest come first and foemist amoung other interests e.g commercial,political or any other vested interest.
    Public media need to be free and fearless in establishing public interest.
    I watch BBC for news and entertainment in UK.

  • I would not share as I do not know the reasons of conflict in Syria in direct manner.
    I would not donate as well; I will try not to be carried away by emotions and I have other causes close to my heart which are more important in my life than this cause.

  • Mohammad Mottalib made a comment

    I watched the whole length but almost falling asleep few times.
    I find the videi longer than necessary, too pushy,overbearing, melodramatic and over senisitizing to increase the publicity.

    As an emigrant to a wealthier country,we are always under pressure to do some charity/help/ aid to our country of origin. I do love to engage for causes which are close...

  • @JudyAslett... Love the video...especially Imam Baba Leigh.

  • Celebrities with necessary compatibility can be used for charities with adequate caveat to them " things can get thornier and be ready to be offended for seemingly politically approprite good intentions".

  • @DavidGirling thank you sir;an eye opening interview.. "there are not many things in the world I dont know!!" claimed by Yower Museveni...a confounding wow for me!!.

  • @DavidGirling wecome sir.

  • Faceebook is the most used social network in Bangladesh like rest of the world.Facebook has also become a very easy alley to turn a personal animosity to turn into ignite a huge comnunal violence in
    case of Bangladesh for time and again over a number of yeras in various places Ramu(2012),Brahman baria(2016)Rangpur(2017) of Bangladesh .It can be as...

  • @RahmaHugaira mesmerizing real life stories

  • Community media can be in various forms e.g audio,video,poster, notice board,whatapps groups can enable community members to enhanced participatory communication.But there is no 'fit-for-all-purpose media as the sense of community itself is highly varied around the world same as their desired outcomes

    The biggest challenges of participatory medias are...

  • Enlightening thought madam

  • @MartinScott,of course with advertising and also Charity appeal for various mosque and orphanage in holy nights fir muslims and continuously in whole months of Ramadan for 29/ 30 nights while muslim viwers are more generous as donors will get 70 times more return for your donations according to muslim belief.So it is good to know that Belief at least...

  • @MartinScott thank you

  • Brian Otineo is a slum dweller who turn into a photographer,so his photography of kibera is a authentic insider story. Even as an amateur photographer While we are taking a oicture or even just view a picture-we are compassed by our education systems, value parameters and upbringing environments.

    Also ironically enough,Kibera Stories aligns with the 'our...

  • 1.Slum tv is aims to give voice to unheard and untold stories slum dwellers which fosters bottom-top way of information flow.Pamoja Fm is more sort of top- bottom approach which is more focus on disseminating awreness and togetherness.

    2.The notion of well-told is very important fir this as many of this voices are seem like clamour or squeak after editing...

  • I belong to a small but growing brittish Bangladeshi community -based mainly in pockets of east london.Our community television's profit motif does not always seem too filthy as it also serve the purpose of community need by airing talk shows or news for political ,social,housing,helath and most importantly immigration matters for viewrs of UK and some other...

  • The potentials out there are huge as world media dynamics are changing rapidly due to
    mass usage of mobile phone for instant internet connectivity. The main obstacles are many refugees may not have necessary tools,acess, educational ability or confidence for 'self representation'.So it dors not ensures desired representaion.

    Grassroots attempts do...

  • Impartiality is a very easy word or idea, but very difficult or impossible to achieve and to describe.

  • Afro-optimism is also like a baloon if you put more air than it can hold it gonna burst.
    The better way is to portray with right balance between exorbitant hope and mundane reality.

  • @LuděkStavinoha.. Finding local voices or and expert who have deep respect and empathy for the causes e.g David Attenborough, The way he present himself with wild animals in front of camera, as a viewer I can feel the devotion.

  • THIS has become such an iconic report beacuse it is an ideal poverty porn report.

    This portrayal of the famine be problematic because it is dehumanising,desensitizing,disrespectful,unintelligent, gross and immoral.

    Afro pessimism or white saviorism or streotypes is not yet thing of past- ",wow, you have a big family!" please read disgust at the face...

  • Reading is also like prayer to me as well

  • My two months old son likes me to walk around while he is in my lap. Media or informarion or knowledge or exploring about what is goin on around us is particularly instilled in our geneom which saved us in prehistoric time from wild animals or other danger.And devlopment or being unhappy with status quo or cherish a better life for us is also exceptionally...

  • Mohammad Mottalib made a comment

    Devlopment studies goes with my core values of life;Now I am also a bit overwhelmed by varitions and depth of devlopment study (e.g SlumTv idea is just an example of it)
    To be honest,I have been enjoyed all parts of this course, so I can not choose a favourite son or daughter!
    I want to do masters in Devlopment studies but Corona virusbis changing many...

  • Basics qualities and characteristics of good home are:safety,security,with basic amenities and accessibility.

  • Mohammad Mottalib made a comment

    I live in urban area but I feel very lucky to have a big urban park and canal very next to my house.
    Disadvantages of living here are: as a first genration immigrant in this country,It feels very lonely when I miss my parents, family members and friebds whom I left in my birth country.Maybe Dual citizenship also means transiency or mongrelism of my...

  • 3 quarter a million died in 2015 due to access to safe water-a shame for all humanity, I suppose.

  • I couldn’t agree more madam

  • these differences might be explained by poverty, inequality,education,governmental and international organisation's policy failures, political blunder and social injustices.

  • Causes of death did not surprised me as I googled it long before to quench my curiosity.
    Human life style choice can make huge duffernce in reducing deaths for this disease and Diarrhoeal diseases death idid not follow in ascending order,I wonder why?
    the chart uses different colours to differentiate contagiousness of the disease.

  • Main causes of global death are cardio vascular diseases,respiratory diseases and cancer. The root causes of these are:inequality,poverty,education,political system,governmental policy and social norms(e.g having a smart phone or possessing a television can be
    a status symbol than having access to a decent sanitary toilet.

  • Main Reasons maybe -Toilet planners,builders,architects or decisions makers are predominantlly men unlike nursing or primary school school and men are not end users.
    ,women toilets can not have communal wall hung urinals. So Girls toilet are needed more space.I really like to dig deeper on this issue.(

  • The main health challenges in Kibera are upper respiratory system diseases,diarrhoea ,skin infections.
    causes are overcrowding,dusty area,waste disposal, water shortages.
    Kibera men are time poor for personal care or well being and K ibera women lack emopowerment.

  • Education is the best weapon to possess to fight aginst all the odds in achieving more societal equity and freedom.

  • Withiut husband support amd lack of supports from girl's own family or husband's family it is almost impossible for a girl to access a gainful employment specially if that girl have to raise children.

  • Agreed

  • -China has the largest population.
    -Rwanda's population is likely to grow most quickly.
    -U.S.A’s population is most stable.
    -china got more male than female in under 0-59 age group and in 60-100 age group women are either same petcentage or more