Palak Joshi


I am Palak Manish Joshi, I an from India currently purusing fifth year in BA-LLB.

Location India



  • Palak Joshi made a comment

    1. According to Clause 18 on Dispute Resolution, parties have two options: a) resolve disputes through amicable negotiations, or b) if negotiations fail, arbitrate the dispute at the local Chamber of Commerce. Clause 18 also confirms that the existence of a binding obligation regarding dispute resolution.

  • Meaning of arbitration, arbitration is a private process and contract based form, Complexities of arbitration, arbitration is effective because it is supported by International treaties and national laws

  • Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) refers to methods of resolving conflicts or disputes outside of traditional courtroom litigation. ADR can be quicker, less formal, and more cost-effective than going to court, making it an attractive option for many parties involved in disputes.

  • i am well aware of the criminal laws of my country.

  • i want to discover new skills and techniques.

  • I am currently pursing bachelors in Law.

  • Cannot wait to start the course and know more about law and legal sector

  • Palak Joshi made a comment

    consistency is the key to the growth of the page or product. there should be consistent creativity and innovation in the product.

  • I am friendly and sometimes I am hardworking, my siblings and friends are hardworking and kind in nature

  • Hello, I am Palak, I am energetic and hardworking.

  • Okay

  • Thank you

  • My name is Rita, I am 22 years old, I live in Indonesia
    I have a job of digital marketing and love my job
    My experience in English is average

  • Palak Joshi made a comment

    My friend is a Video Editor and a Producer, I find his work to ve quite interesting because of the visuals he use while creating a video

  • Samir is a mechanic

  • I like to study alone in a quite place, yes I like to get help where ever I have doubts

  • Okay

  • Who is hungry
    What's your subject
    How are you feeling today

  • Are they doctors
    Are you a doctor
    Are we going out today
    Is he a doctor
    Is she a doctor
    Is it a elephant

  • I am not happy,
    They are not happy
    We are not happy
    It is not a flower vase
    She is not happy
    He is not happy
    You are not happy

  • I am feeling happy
    She is happy
    They are happy

  • Palak Joshi made a comment

    1.I am studying digital marketing
    2. They are my friends.
    3. We shall hangout

  • I am excited for the test

  • Samir is a mechanic, Maya is a teacher and ameena is a doctor

  • Okay

  • I want to learn English because I want to create my scripts for youtube videos.

  • Okay

  • Hello I am Palak from India, I am doing this course to improve my skill

  • Hello, I am Miss Palak Joshi from India

  • Palak Joshi made a comment

    as it was mentioned in first video the top digital marketing trends for 2023 are; AI- Powered Personalization, Video marketing Dominance, Augmented Reality, Interactive content, Chatbots and conversational marketing, Shoppable content, beauty contents, etc

  • very informative

  • This course will help me grow my page.

  • Palak Joshi made a comment

    Thank you

  • Let us begin with the course

  • Dave is slowing opening up about his problems one by one which means that the communication is working and can be of some help to him.

  • Screening and assessment tools might be very useful as it give a clarity in knowing the issue. However some may not take it seriously and will just tick any option in order to get rid of it as fast as possible.

  • These tests are basic and give a self understanding of the issues as it makes us think on things that we neglect in day to day life.

  • Screening and assessment tools might be very useful as it give a clarity in knowing the issue. However some may not take it seriously and will just tick any option in order to get rid of it as fast as possible.

  • I voted for stigma as people often consider or think more about what people might think or say about them.

  • I feel that this is the right way to speak and to make Dave comfortable about his problems.

  • If I were to be Dave's boss I would have allowed first Dave to talk and would have listened to what he has to say rather than being completely awkward while talking and making him uncomfortable. I understand professionalism also but I believe it is important to make a friendlier environment for the staff to talk and to give them less pressure if they are...

  • If I had to talk with one of my friends I would first let him/her share the thoughts, emotions and then speak with a bit more friendlier tone about ways in which he/she can ease the burden and would ensure to let him/her know that I'm there for anything and everything he/she ever wants or needs.

  • The most common problem was stigma and culture influences. However, being open and asking questions made them feel safe and comfortable.

  • Criticism can be another barrier. To make patients more comfortable and vocal about their problems the doctors need to create a safe and more holistic environment where in they feel like home.

  • Sounds interesting. Ready to learn more.

  • I believe that most of the topics were already known but what made me believe in the topics was the videos of the patients who were sharing their personal experiences, not just the patients but also the videos of doctors sharing their knowledge about anxiety, depression , link between the mind and the body and the benefits of introducing IMPARTS.

  • Palak Joshi made a comment

    Thank you so much for all the information that I've gained till now with the help of this course and I look forward for gaining more useful information in the next week.

  • Everyone has a different experience and it is good to know that sticking with a plan, giving time to address your mental health is also important and helps to keep your physical health in check.

  • It is very easy to know the treatments but difficult to do when actually anxiety and depression kicks in as we tend to forget everything and everything that runs in our mind is about the problems.

  • I truly agree with what Dr. Jane Hutton has to say about mind- body link and it also gives a sigh of relief to know that there are mechanisms to help people who face such problems.

  • Yes I do agree with the integrated healthcare as it will ease the burden of not just the patient but of their families as well. However, in order to implement this the hospitals will face issues in funding and support of the patients as it will be new for them and most might not feel comfortable in sharing their problems. another problem will be lack of labor...

  • I agree with what Erin has to say about integrating mental and physical health. It has helped her in every way and as she explained it made me understand that IMPARTS can give maximum help to ease their problems.

  • IMPARTS would be a great idea to help patient but would it show maximum effect on patient or would it lead to more stress as they will have to fill the questions and talk about the problems they feel difficult to face and talk about? Because if this happens then it will also impact on their physical issues and might also worsen them.

  • Now a days mental issue cases are increasing more and more which makes it necessary to find different types of ways in order to help them so that they can lead a proper life and maintain healthy physique because as we all know that mind and body works hand in hand. Addressing chronic illness together motivates people about there fast recovery and eases their...

  • The concept has made the studies very interesting

  • Palak Joshi made a comment

    Hello everyone I am Miss Palak Joshi from India. I am currently pursuing BALLB and wanting to know about digital marketing because of the business.

  • Palak Joshi made a comment

    Hello i am Palak Joshi, nice to meet you Clive.

  • It is vast as a subject, looking forward to clear my concepts and use it day to day business.

  • Palak Joshi made a comment

    I'm starting as content creator soon and want to expand it, that is why i want to gain knowledge on digital marketing.

  • Palak Joshi made a comment

    AI replacing human educators, because it is something which is related to our future and our children's future.

  • The PAIR framework was new to me and it was interesting. The education system including AI concept is challenging.

  • AI is transforming the job market by automating routine tasks and augmenting human capabilities. This has led to the creation of new job roles that require skills such as critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving. At the same time, AI is also enhancing existing jobs by improving accuracy and precision in many tasks, such as quality control and data...

  • AI technologies can be used ethically to enhance the effectiveness of learning without compromising academic honesty and integrity. One way to do this is by using AI-powered tools to provide personalized feedback to students. These tools can analyze student work and provide feedback that is tailored to their individual needs, helping them to improve their...

  • A balanced approach is optimal. While AI detection tools provide valuable support, institutions should prioritize educating students about the ethical implications of AI assistance. This approach promotes a culture of integrity, preparing student for responsible use of technology in academia and beyond.

  • Generative AI tools can create detailed rubrics by analyzing sample assessments and learning objectives. Students can seek immediate dialogic feedback by using prompts like; evaluation, assessment, problem solving, task, etc.

  • Applying well-established principles of information literacy and academic skills to AI involves cultivating critical thinking and responsible use. Emphasize source evaluation for AI-generative content, teaching users to access reliability, bias, and context. Encourage awareness of AI limitations and uncertainties.

  • In the future, robots/Ai are likely to play significant role in teaching technical skills, languages, and STEM subjects. They can offer personalized learning experiences, adapt to individual learning styles and provide instant feedbacks. However, human teachers are essential for nurturing creativity, emotional intelligence, and ethical reasoning areas where AI...

  • It is more likely that Robots will routinely replace teachers with technology because today's generation bought the startup but after 10 to 15 years they will turn everything on AI.

  • The challenges related to relevance, pedagogy and ethics in AI are interconnected as per to me. Ensuring relevance involves adapting AI education to evolving technologies. Pedagogy addresses effective teaching methods, while ethics focuses on responsible AI use. none is inherently more important a balanced approach is vital. while doing this course i tried...

  • The Reflection component of the PAIR framework is crucial in understanding the impact of generative AI tools. Introspection and contemplation provide insights into ethical considerations, biases, and potential consequences. Taking a step back allows us to refine our understanding, shape responsible usage, and harness AI in a manner aligned with our values and...

  • AI can analyze individual learning patterns, adapt content delivery based on strengths and weaknesses, provide personalized feedbacks, and offer diverse learning materials to accommodate various learning styles.
    Ethical concerns include privacy issues related to collecting and analyzing personal data for customization. There's also the risk of reinforcing...

  • i haven't used any AI in my studies as it is new, but i have used chat gpt once or twice for project research.

  • Palak Joshi made a comment

    This week studies about Gen AI was very informative and knowledgeable. thank you all the professor and the students who helped my understand AI in more detail.

  • The topic that stood out was the limitations and biases of the Gen AI.

  • In the field of law it is being used for tasks, legal research, contract reviews, and document analysis to improve efficiency. To enhance effectiveness, integrating AI with human expertise is crucial, ensuring a balanced approach that leverages AI's strengths while respecting legal nuances. To use Gen AI more effectively, continuous refinement of algorithms...

  • i would take discussion of module for a focus on Gen AI and environmental sustainability in a creative. In our university we always create two groups one is FOR and one is AGAINST. So for this too we will have two groups discussing about the same.

  • I have a digital marketer who uses these tools to grab contents and information and styling of statments.

  • They will play a crucial role in shaping the responsible adoption of AI in educational institutions. Their decisions on policies, ethical guidlines, and strategies for integrating AI into learning environment will significantly influence the impact of these technologies. Strong leadership is essential to ensure that AI is used to enhance education, address...

  • Absolutely, generative AI has the potential to have a positive impact on learning. it can be used to create interactive and personalized educational content, assist in generating explanations for complex topics, provide language learning support, and offer adaptive learning experiences. I don't have awareness of any specific conversation but discussion about...

  • One significant limitation of current AI tools is the potential for bias in outputs, if the training data used to develop the model contains biases, it can lead to biased or unfair results. Ensuring AI systems are trained on diverse and representative datasets and implementing measures to address bias are critical challenges for ongoing development of...

  • I don't have a library as such but my go-to prompt is Chat GPT and i am looking forward to use Bing AI in my day to day routine

  • I am already a AI user and for day to day life i use AI for mails, and conversations etc. I would love to use these tools for video making as i am a part time content creator too.

  • The student voice is crucial in shaping decisions related to challenges and innovations like generative AI. Students often bring fresh perspectives, diverse ideas and a deep understanding of emerging technologies. Involving them ensures that solutions are inclusive, relevant and aligned with future needs. Considering the student perspective in educational...

  • I asked Bing AI to write a poem it was impressive how it took less than a minute to create a new poem for me. The Generative AI is taking technology and world to different level and it making things quick and easy access.

  • I voted for AI is norr intelligent than we are. I feel everybody is depending on AI these days because of which the thinking power and knowledge is not being enhanced or used.

  • in everyday life we have work stress which get over when the work is complete but the depression of something which is never ending is different as mentioned in first video dave's family was not supporting and he had disturbed social life as per to me that was his depression. Sadness is a natural emotional response to certain events or situations and is...

  • very informative to know from the professional person and someone who is suffering from long term condition and his struggle with physical and mental health

  • physical health and mental health are interlinked with each other is the person is physically fit and mentally unstable he/she will still face issues because they are not happy internally. if the person is mentally fit and physically unstable then he will have the zeal to fight the issue but he/ she will want someone to take care.

  • Palak Joshi made a comment

    Dave had type 1 DM because of which he was not socially active and he used to stay isolated and renal complications impacted his life further more.
    Emotionally nobody was there to support him because of the separation from his wife and daughter. Person can stay strong in physical issues if he or she has family to support in such times but in Dave's case he...

  • During pandemic many cases of domestic violence was reported due to no social connections, economical issues etc

  • Pandemic did help family members come closer but mentally people where agitated due to losses they and crises they faced in pandemic.

  • Hello
    My name is Palak Joshi, I am from India. Currently pursuing BA-LLB. I joined this course to enhance my knowledge, i am loking forward to know more about the depression, anxiety and behavioural change in a person.

  • Hello
    I am Miss Palak Joshi from India, I am currently pursuing BA-LLB. My knowledge in AI is very less I want to enhance my knowledge through this course because of the increase in crime because of AI use

  • Palak Joshi made a comment

    The course was very informative, Professor Pennington's explanation and the cases he used to explain was helpful. i hope to take new course of kings college in future.

  • i would love to read the first two books; a) Elinor Ostrom's, b)The Ostrom's and beyond by Paul Dragos Aligica

  • this course helped me alot, i am working with the group of people to help them clean environment. Thank you Professor Pennington for helping throughout the course.

  • i am convinced that self governing arrangements are strong alternatives to centralized arrangements.

  • Balancing out the moral claims for and against self governance involves considering principles like individual autonomy and social justice. striking a balance may involve implementing mechanisms that safeguard individual freedoms while addressing systemic inequalities through fair policies and opportunities for all. It requires a nuanced approach that values...

  • Self- government arrangements can empower communities to make decisions tailored to their unique needs, fostering a sense of autonomy and cultural preservation. advantages include local responsiveness, increased civic engagement, and the potential for more effective governance. Risks may include mismanagement, lack of resources, or conflicts arising from...

  • The case study that stood out for me was public entrepreneur and co- production