Sue Curd

Sue Curd

Always learning. Always writing.

Location South coast of England.


  • Sue Curd made a comment

    I enjoyed exploring many of the links to podcasts and will return to also the BBC Men Study Guide. I'd like to produce a podcast - Claire talked about the freedom to use social media to join with others who are less heard. My less-heard female voice is over sixty, invisible almost unless in work context where voice has been 'earned.' What about...

  • Thanks for this, read the Malala article. Insightful stuff. Take-away for me was to do whatever you do having thought it through emerging with a confident view. We don't need more polarisation in politics, we do need more thoughtfulness - listening well, having a place to stand.

  • Fantastic to have access to the Spare Rib archive.

  • Whether they are classed as feminist I'm not sure but I'm interested in reading about women from previous times, usually who've achieved something, but haven't appeared in the history books. An example resource I use is however there are quite a few nowadays.

  • I think there are phases I've been through. I did Facebook a long time ago and once there were people sharing inane 'sayings' and photos for the sake of it I got bored. I now only use Facebook groups since many voluntary aspects of life use Facebook as comms tool.
    I also stopped following my son when he was at Uni - I didn't realise how arrogant he was (in...

  • I thoroughly enjoyed watching Hidden Figures about the black women mathematicians working at NASA. These women were spoken over a lot, but that was the whole point of the film. It does pass the Bechdel test. When I go to see this type of film I find I can relax into much more easily, it's my world, I'll understand all the nuances, most of the lived...

  • A superb week, great videos especially in explaining the legal/government framework and thinking about suffrage and how it might have fared today. Lots to think about. A couple of these women I'd love to have met and will seek out more reading with this course as a starting point - thanks.

  • History marks the characters most charismatic, most individualist. Society's idea of heroes favours war heroes, domineering leaders. There will be more written and remembered about say Donald Trump than Jimmy Carter.
    Is it a generalisation to say that the majority of women are not individualistic or domineering? It will be interesting in say a hundred...

  • My thought exactly and the same response to Extinction Rebellion too, with campaigners bought to court. Some things never change sadly.

  • An amazingly uplifting video on Millicent's statue unveiling.

  • @CherylBonham Thanks for book recommendation - great title. Other books I've read in the subject in the last couple of years 'Do it like a Woman' Caroline Criado-Perez and for anyone interested in Women scientists there's 'A Lab of one's own' Patricia Fara.

  • @CherylBonham This is a link to an article about lots of individual Greenham women - I've been researching Greenham in the last few weeks so if you need anything else, just say.

  • Thank you for such a coherent well-paced journey setting the foundation for next week (and beyond). I've taken a fair few FutureLearn courses, this is definitely in my top 3.

  • I've only just moved to Chichester so haven't yet researched or got to know its history. However, I am familiar with the stories of a few campaigning Quaker women - there's a blog post on eight 'badass' Quaker women if anyone is interested:
    Fabulous first week - I'm writing a novel currently set in 1980s...

  • I didn't know about this Act. Totally abhorrent (but not surprising) that Parliament would come up with a solution to VD that didn't affect the men and affected the women (as if they were sub-human) so adversely. Awful to think of innocents such as Elizabeth Burley getting caught up in this - how many more were there I wonder. Brilliant course.

  • Michele, thanks for sharing your story. And not so long ago either. I imagine she fought her own daughters to not have to go through the same.

  • I haven't got anything new to add but am so much enjoying all the thoughts and provision of more knowledge contributed. It's cheering up a grey old day.

  • And the amazing Made in Dagenham film.

  • The teacher salary scales differentiated for women was a surprise to me. And wow, that it still happened in 1960s. I started work in the civil service in early 1970s, when a male colleague for promoted before me (with less skill IMHO and less length of service) everyone even my women colleagues said that it was best that Arthur got the promotion after all he...

  • The body language is all in the picture. The woman seems assured and is offering the banker to take and look at the proffered document but he seems reluctant. The snooping clerk shows us this is an unusual occurence. The other woman's facial expression seems to suggest a hint enjoyment of the possible difficulties the banker is finding in self-searching...

  • I stopped work in early 1980s - it was the done thing. I went back to work part-time when my son was about 2 years old and then full-time when he was 5. It was however frowned on by the vicar of my church and I found it difficult amongst friends who were stay-at-home Mums - quite judgemental. I hope nowadays, young women are kinder to each other.

  • I agree Cheryl, and generally many of the leading male religious figures of the time may well have been patronising to the poor too.

  • Sue Curd made a comment

    And the men being in the public sphere explains why their history, their stories - civil roles, businessmen, landowners, military is recorded whereas mostly the private sphere of home/family hidden away is not. I like the re-balancing of blue plaques demonstrated by the Rosie's Plaque project

  • I have a book on my shelf (been there for at least 2 years) about Ada Salter born 1866. If I'd read it yet I'd have more idea how to answer this question. As I haven't my impressions are formed by films I've seen and fiction I've read. Glad to be here to learn.

  • In my view, in this case, the Olympic Committee. Any company or organisation putting work out to tender, one would have thought, would conduct due diligence as part of the process. After that, again one would have thought, the originating organisation/company needs to manage the process, requiring checks at that goals/targets have been met at various stages...

  • We hope the course proves useful for you.

  • From the matrix the difference is that bottleneck is a low cost item whereas critical type is high cost. So I'd say no.

  • Though in 2019 Amazon killed off DASH altogether.

  • Time to do some internet research then it seems.

  • A good point to make where smaller companies need to draw the line in sharing information. Each company in the collaboration needs to stay profitable and that's for the health of every company involved.

  • If you re-read each type, at the bottom of each is an example of each type of relationship, eg supermarkets and farmers in the case of dependence leverage. There isn't an example for the last one - perhaps the rare metals supplied for example to Apple as a key component within products would be an example. This will give you a starter to do some Internet...

  • Thanks for the feedback.

  • Good to have an example explained here. Thanks.

  • minimum order quantities - see section 1.6

  • Martin, great to read that the course material is starting to be of practical help. Wishing you well for Week 2.

  • Welcome to the course Sarah. We hope you find the material useful.

  • The course looks at unforeseen circumstances later on. Probably the current pandemic has thrown up many such circumstances.

  • Often for smaller companies they only have a view or influence with their own supplier and their own customer. Whereas large OEMs often require a fuller view and often more control sometimes through educating the whole supply chain. Sometimes when it's component parts, nuts and bolts, many further up the chain won't know who the supplier is or it may be, for...

  • We hope you enjoy the course Felipe. There's always a breadth of international participation and differing experiences.

  • We hope you enjoy the course Hamza.

  • Like the point on interweaving tech.

  • Melo, some of the links are broken. This course content is under review for updates and additions - for this presentation, the corrections are unlikely to be completed.

  • It would be interesting to know the stats to how much difference and will it remain so. Good point.

  • I had my own good customer experience yesterday when it was much easier than I expected to get a refund on an air ticket from British Airways. I'd been putting it off but was pleasantly surprised how easy it was and only a 10 minute wait on the phone!!!

  • Interestingly until 2010 when Kraft were successful in buying out Cadbury's, the firm was through and through ethical started by a Quaker family, as were Fry's and also Rowntrees. There's a really interesting book called The Chocolate Wars by Deborah Cadbury that follows Quaker involvement in the industry and the generations of these families until recent...

  • Hannah, which marketing strategy do you think would best suit? Have you done any segmentation? Wouldn't it be great to work on this and increase the business perhaps.

  • Good to see ethics raised.

  • Reminds me of the 1990s when I worked for Bluebird Toys and the launch of Polly Pocket!!!!

  • Thanks for the feedback. We're pleased you have found it useful.

  • Stocking points in the text here says these are storage and consolidation points in the production process. So gathering together say six items to make one component part, maybe only 4 come in and so these need keeping aside until the other 2 come in and production can begin. I'm imagining this is a matter of less than a day for most products - a kind of...

  • A challenge then!!!! Thanks for sharing.

  • Good points on time pressures.

  • Welcome to the course. We hope it is helpful to you at this stage of your career.

  • Great points on the intensity and commitment within each part of the supply chain.

  • Thanks for sharing this example. Really interesting to have insights into different industry sectors.

  • Great example of adaptions to new conditions.

  • No. A quick Internet search reveals Dash buttons are discontinued globally - no more being sold though in February 2019, it was said existing Dash buttons are still supported.

  • You will gain more insights during the final 2 weeks of the course. Hopefully a strategy will become clearer then.

  • Unfortunately, since this course is under complete review, broken links are not being sorted out. It's down to finding the resources if they still exist by performing your own web searches. It shouldn't limit learning overall.

  • I remember doing exactly that.

  • Though for segmentation the idea is to identify broad categories, not individuals. Targetting to each individual would be too costly in terms of effort/time/money, hence segmentation. And then in looking at life-stage rather than age as a segment, the over-generalisation of all 70+ (assuming all are non-workers) turns into a segment of all retirees since...

  • @AnaHenriques I agree I can't reach the article on Airbnb. The second (and third one) so these are the same destination, I've just checked and seem okay. You might need to just move on and/or do some separate research if your curiosity is roused....

  • Interesting points made here. Food for thought....

  • There was a lovely local 'reading' community built by a local Oxfam bookshop. Someone in the branch had a Twitter account and they tweeted about books that had been donated that they knew about and all sorts of bookish things. For me it was a constant reminder to check the Oxfam second hand books first before buying new. There was quite a following. It...

  • We hope you all enjoy the learning journey.

  • Presumably this led to reticence to buy again though maybe tempered once they went beyond what was expected in trying to rectifying your initial view of them. Thanks for the example.

  • Mario, the lack of access has been reported. This is the last time this course will presented and so the tidy-up process is not going to happen I'm told.

  • Thanks for the feedback Theresa. Always useful to know how the course is experienced.

  • And each are targetting different segments of the market.

  • Interesting point. For anyone who has been in a car plant, production lines coping with a dozen or more body paint colours/treatments + different upholstery is a thing to behold. Complex and costly but that's what the customer wants. Though designing the production system carefully (innovation) can reduce some of the costs.

  • Good point.

  • Bottleneck is when there is too much to process at the same time, so all things get stuck in that bottleneck and nothing moves. So in your academic examples you have later, if you had several assignments due on the same date, and you had to work on each one each day, there would be a bottleneck you only have just enough time, there is no more (well unless...

  • Another use for FutureLearn - to acquire specialised vocabulary = good idea.

  • Welcome to the course. We hope you find it helpful.

  • Good to have feedback, thanks Reece.

  • Good to have this intangible product viewpoint.

  • Always a balancing act, certainly stock is something that needs constant review. We cover externalities later in the course.

  • Good to see communication mentioned here and often being inferred in previous participant comments too.

  • Welcome to the course Jodie.

  • Eva-Maria, I was wondering the same thing in connection with COVID-19. In my locality, due to in the first 6 weeks, supermarkets not having enough delivery slots, many local businesses snuck into that spot. So Farm shops and others using their vans to deliver. And I've heard quite a few customers saying they'll keep to this for fresh food - nearness of farm...

  • Great examples here.

  • Thanks Katarina for sharing the practice for this business sector. It helps to widen the perspective for all on the course.

  • Good point on obsolete stock in this particular sector perhaps.

  • Exactly - interdependencies.

  • They talk about stock levels a great deal towards the end of the video and the balancing act of having enough but not too much and therefore the importance of working closely with trusted suppliers.

  • Welcome to the course Harita. We hope you find it useful.

  • In fact there is a section later in the course on unexpected circumstances.

  • Welcome to the course Peter. We hope you find the course useful.

  • Welcome to the course Robert, we hope the course supplements your practical experience and looking at digital innovations in supply chain too.

  • @TiptawanJinabut We hope you find the course useful. Welcome.

  • Good point on packaging.

  • Sidharth, in the bottom right hand corner of the module there is a 'Support' clickable link. A chat window will open up so that you can ask about your certificate for whichever module you paid to upgrade with. It's my understanding that a digital certificate is provided on your profile page to download and a printed certificate comes later. That's what...

  • Thanks for the reminder. The outcome is that the whole course is due for a review, last presentation will be in May and so further work isn't being done on updates. The review will be much more fundamental than just updating.

  • Good to point out the rapid change in the way social media is viewed/used both by consumers and marketeers. Food (or capsules) for thought!!

  • There's more on B2B in Week 3 - from Section 3.14

  • Thanks for the positive feedback.

  • @StuartEdwards I'm sure you are right. It gives an idea of the huge growth and potential. Certainly worth following up to see if anyone here can find out a more recent report.

  • Exactly. Couldn't have said that better.

  • A mix of thinking about both offline and online customer experiences then. Interesting thoughts certainly.

  • Another student has already pointed this out and I've reported this to the Tech Team. Presumably you mean those in the 'Also' section at the bottom of this page. If it's something different then being more precise would be helpful. Many thanks.