Maryalice Hogg-O'Rourke

Maryalice  Hogg-O'Rourke

I've had two careers both of which I'm retired from. kindergarten teacher, then after a break to be a Mom. I became a social worker specializing in elder care. I'm so pleased to have found FL.

Location Georgetown, Texas, USA



  • You are not alone John. I'm a retired social worker, one of the reasons I picked my career was because it didn't require a mathematics class to graduate, other than statistics. I joined the class because I love puzzles both verbal ,crossword and figuring out coded messages. I didn't realise that math makes code cracking easier..
    I'm going to understand as...

  • The training videos so parents can protect their children are powerful.

  • I agree

  • @BarbaraLister I love Amercast,, its interesting to see my country as others see it.

  • I also love the BBC's podcast, I've followed The Disaster Trolls and I'm currently hooked on a true crime broadcast called " I'm not a monster" which is about young women in both the UK and North American who joined IS in Syria and follows both their stories and those of the people left behind..

    I tried podcasts from my own country, the US but for the...

  • Most of the nurses at our local hospital, in Austin, Texas USA, are from the Philippines. They are wonderful nurses; I just wish my government would put money into building more nursing schools, we have so few that it's very difficult to get accepted into one. In addition, the migration of nurses must be a terrible brain drain for the Philippines.

  • I was surprised by this section, I thought that all countries gave citizenship to all children born in that country no matter where the parents are from, the way my country, the USA does .

  • I agree, I live in the USA and I find the idea of living in a monocultural state to be boring I love the idea of having food, movies and music from cultures around the world in my own city.

  • This is the first time I've heard of Ms. Jagan and I think it's so sad that I went through 18 years of schooling and did not hear her story of courage and achievement.
    I feel motivated to start attending school board meeting and avocate for more attention to be given to women's achievements.
    I'm sending this lesson to my Granddaughter she's interested in...

  • I went to a single gender, girls school, for high school from age 14-17. We did not have the drop in our grades that happened to teenage girls in co-ed environment.
    A study was done on the comparing the future achievements of women from both educational environments, and the young women from the single gender school were more likely to attend and graduate...

  • I agree8

  • Good ideas, I agree0

  • I enjoy traveling for gastronomical experiences, I love food from around the world but it's so much better to have the cuisine in the place where it was developed rather than an ethnic restaurant at home. I wish that had been an option.

  • I also like pumpkin seed butter when I can find it.

  • I love both sun butter, made from sunflower seeds . and although it's expensive and needs to be refrigerated after opening it's easy to find at most stores and unlike peanut butter and has a fair amount of iron and also omega 3 s.

  • If you get stuck, please leave me a reply and I'll get back to you.

  • I cook dried kidney beans' they are not difficult to cook but they are time consuming.
    What I do is boil the beans at a rapid boil for about 30 min. I the let the beans stand for about two hours to absorb liquid then I transfer the beans to a slow cooker and time it for 10 hours on high. The beans come out soft and with a different nutty sort of flavor that...

  • I live in the USA and all store bought food items are required to have the most common allergens listed on the package. I do have to be careful when going out for a meal, ingredients are not required on menus.

  • Bacon and hamburgers.

  • My favorite type of travel writing are the journals of female Victorian travelers. Many were from wealthy families and would go to Egypt or other countries in North Africa and the middle east to volunteer in archlogical digs I admire their courage.

  • @MarkJackson Thanks for the link, it explained what happened during the buyout

  • I'm surprised that a company so concerned about corporate responsibility would sell to Nestle. Nestlé was charged with handing out formula to mothers in impoverished counties in some South and Central America countries,these mothers had traditionally breast fed their babies,by the time the free formula was use the mother's milk had dried up and many were not...

  • @BarbaraK-S I usually look at the ingredient labels when I shop and I noticed that the products made in Mexico that I bought, mostly cookies and sweets had cane sugar. I asked a friend who had lived in Mexico about it, she was the one who said that, for what it's worth.
    I had always heard that it was harder for the body to process HFCS then pure sugar.

  • I can't find the article either.

  • @TessWingard Thank You, My Father's family is from the York area, my Grandfather was brought to the US as a child in 1920. They were proudly English and proudly Catholic I asked my Grandparents how was that possible and they would just shrug their shoulders, I'm glad to get a chance to have my questions answered.
    I thought most Catholics families converted....

  • Hi, I'm Maryalice, I'm a retired social worker and I live near Austin, Texas. I love English history and history in general, also I may have ancestors from York and I would like to know more about the Catholic community that survived the 1500's. ( I took a peek ahead to next week. )

  • I don't think the document you quoted was a publication by a government agency in the US since we have very strong laws against discrimination towards persons with a disability

  • @NaomiAldridge When feedback is personal , the comment will have your name before it.

  • I've joined this class because I just experienced my first osteoporotic fracture that I knew of, my right wrist, the other fractures were in my spinal vertebrae. My wrist required surgery and extensive rehabilitation, which I'm still involved in. I do not want to experience anything like this again and hopefully I can find a way to reverse the process...

  • Hi Carolina, I had a question, I've heard that Mexican food companies can not use high fructose corn syrup in manufacturing. Is that true?
    I live in Texas and I try to pick out Mexican food products at the grocery to reduce my consumption of corn syrup.

  • That's very useful, thank you, Debbie.

  • @DebbieWood I'm in the US, any suggestions? I know we had an ad campaign about watching for signs of enslavement, I'll look it up and see if I can find the right organization to report it.

  • How do Muslims feel about the use of 12step programs,such as gamblers anonymous, for addiction recovery?

  • The nail salons in my area use young Asian women as technicians , more then once I've seen the workers getting yelled at by the owner. They appeared frightened and as if they were being intimadate.

  • Yes, I think women and the parents of daughters feel terrorised in Afghanistan. The Taliban just released a new rule that states that women can not be seen in public without a face covering. If a woman breaks the rules she can be beat by the religious police abd sometimes even by passerbys. I would find this terrifying.

  • It was chilling reading this article , 80;000 people murded and I've never heard of the event . I wonder how many other mass killings have happened around the world and through history that we never hear about because they didn't happen in Europe or North America.

  • Hi, my name is Maryalice, I'm a 66 year old retired social worker. My undergraduate studies were at Texas A&M and my speciality studies were at the University of Texas at Austin. I worked in the area of elder abuse prevention . I have no background in terrorism studies, rather I'm a concerned citizen primarily concerned about the rise of far right groups,both...

  • We in the US call the informal sector those people who "work off the books", like people who sell produce at farmer's market.

  • As an older person who's neighbors brought me groceries during covid, thank you.

  • I live along the Texas Mexico border , we use hot peppers ,primarily jalapeno to reduce congestion and as an anti inflammatory ,it's also used in salsa, a mixture of blended tomatoes,garlic,onion and hot peppers to make bland staple foods such as beans and rice tastier.

  • @JenniferSmart Thank you, Jennifer, I'll keep an eye out for those studies.

  • @EleanorNess Sorry for the delay ,I just got internet back after a ice storm. Johnston may not have been aware of the awakening of the Buddha , but I'm thinking he may have been aware in an intuitive way. Joseph Campbell wrote about the archetypical stories that all humans carry in our subconscious, such as the hero's quest or the noble prince. These stores...

  • @JenniferSmart Hi, I'm not familiar with the story if Dr. Usui, can you tell me more?

  • Lee, you're not missing anything missing oysters, my grandparents lived next door and he loved oysters and thought all the grandchildren should also.. it was the worse thing i have ever tried to eat
    . Now he also enjoyed dried seaweed which he called dultz,that was delicious. Dried seaweed taste like sea salt crisps/chips.

  • Edit

  • It has nothing to do with the oceans but i thought you might want a example. We also get to take advantage of new findings from our data, one i can share , drink your tea and coffee it very significantly drops the rate of new onset dementia.

  • I am currently participating in a longitudinal study of cognition over the life span . I take surveys and questioners every month, then every six months take cognative tests. Once a year blood test are asked for but not required the study is called ,"all of us" ,people united to fight dementia. All types of people participate those with a family history of...

  • The Pentagon only wants to spend research money on new weapon systems.

  • Hi, I'm Maryalice and I live in Austin, Texas, USA. I'm taking this class because of my profound respect and admiration of New Zealand culture which as far as I can tell has found a way to integrate both settler and indigenous culture .
    Multiculturalism is something my country has struggled throughout our history, especially the last few years and I'm...

  • Thank you Dr Chien ,you're very kind..

  • Hi, my name is Maryalice, I live near Austin, Tx USA. I took violin lessons in elementary school. While I love music I have no natural talent for it and my music teacher asked my parents to please take me out of his class and they were happy to since they would not have to listen to me practicing any longer.

  • The beginning of Rasselas sounds like the beginning of the Buddha's journey towards enlightenment. The Buddha was a prince who was sheltered from the world by his father. One day while traveling prince Buddha saw sick and starving people at the side of the road he decided at that point in time that his life would be spent finding the answers to suffering.

  • My city has become denser and less sprawling ,however ,real estate prices are becoming increasingly expensive leaving only the wealthiest buyers in the urban center. I'm in the southwestern part of the U.S. near the Mexican boarder.

  • What about moving the minor under duress into the foster care system?

  • I'm elderly and love my mobile ,but many of my neighbors have been given one by family or friends and absolutely hate it never turn it on and can't remember the number to it .

  • I don't think his reluctance to discuss his father's girlfriend is suspicious. Neale just lost his mother a few years ago and he may resent his father having a girlfriend, although this should be addressed in further interviews.

  • The sausages I buy have quite a bit of fennel , should I use more fennel in the tray?

  • Chocolate is good for you in moderation, it's loaded in antioxidants and may be good for mood.

  • I love tater tots, they are shredded potatoes shaped into a oblong shape and usually deep fried,however, I like them better baked.

  • As a blind person I always try to find the exits before a performance, and when possible ill get an aisle seat so I can l leave quickly in case of emergency. The idea of a candlelit theater fills me with anxiety, I would have to take a pass on this production

  • I agree about the amount of time spent on clothing descriptions in the first week. I'm not an audio describer rather a partially sighted person who lost the majority of my eyesight about 20 years ago. I find my visuall memory faiding especially for colors, so hearing a description of the colors of clothing is frustrating for me. I wish AD would find a way that...

  • I can't wait for the new course. Any idea of the date for the new class?

  • Hi, I'm Mary and I live in Austin, Texas, USA. I have two favorite detectives, they are investigative partners from Midsomer Murders, DCI John Barnaby and DS Jamie Winter,( although I also liked DS Ben Jones from earlier in the series).
    What I love about Midsomer murders is the dark humor in how many of the murders are committed, for example a wheel of blue...

  • I'm a product of my culture so I'm saying this while recognizing that my culture's values color what I say. I feel a 60 year man who kidnaps' a 15 year old child is a pedophile and a rapist no matter where the victim or the perpetrator live.

  • We have a law in my part of the United States, Texas, which makes it a misdemeanor not to report child abuse, the penalties are much higher for teachers or medical professionals who do not report abuse.
    On the other hand the law in Texas allows marriage at age 14 with parental consent.

  • In North America we have "shotgun marriage", a young couple is sexuality active and gets pregnant the couple's parents insist the couple marries often over the objections of the couple. In my own social work practice I've seen the couple taken to the registrar's office at the end of a shotgun. A quick divorce is usually obtained after the birth of the...

  • I love making dried bean soup in my slow cooker during the winter ,it warms the house and smells so good. White bean with potatoes is my favorite.

  • I don't like the taste of the can/tin that happens when the liquid from the can is used.

  • @MarieOddoux Thank you, I've been enjoying the class and would like to continue.

  • I don't think there was a compensation scheme for slave owners. However, freed slaves were suppose to receive 40 acers and a mule very few did possibly around 10,000 families particularly in the lands controlled by General Sherman.
    I did find an interesting article about freed slaves who started rice farming in the lowlands of South Carolina after most white...

  • My favorite play experience was pretending to be a storekeeper, my parents bought a cardboard "town" with a store that has shelves with miniature grocery items and a cash register with play money. My Father said he less so glad I liked it since he spent all Christmas night building it in the basement. He said he didn't think he was going to finish before my...

  • Cont. Is it going to be diFficult to complete the class without the Lego learning kit?

  • I have a question about Lego Braille bricks , I tried to buy a set through the American printing house for the blind and was very disappointed to find out that I can only get the bricks for free and only if I work with visually impaired people in a professional position. Since I'm retired that isn't possible, I'm visually impaired as is one of my grandchildren...

  • Thanks, Catherine, I looked all over for fresh coriander and could not find it when it was right before me as cilantro.

  • Hi, My name is Mary, I'm a retired social worker from Austin, Tx. USA. I'm in this class because I 'm blind , partially sighted and have tried to learn braille numerous times but have so far have only learned Grade 1 or a translation from written English . I'm hoping to find some tips for learning contracted braille. I'll have help, my teenage Grandchildren...

  • I've just joined,I'm waiting to hear if my request was accepted.

  • Jennifer, did you grow your avocado plants from the pits suspended over a glass of water? I've tried many times but the plant stops growing after a month or so,I live in Texas and I've tried the plant inside but I think it's too cool for it with the air conditioning on, and too hot and dry outside.

  • Hi, I'm looking forward to this class however , I'm very hard of hearing and I don't know if I'll be able to continue the class without captioning of the videos.
    Professor Bradshaw can you help?

  • I like hot tea with lemon and sugar but where I live, Texas, most people drink ice tea with lots of sugar. Fruit flavored ice teas are gaining in popularity in face we've had a drive through store that sells only different brands of bottled water and ice teas with real fruit flavoring, the fruit in put in a blender when the batch is made and the flavor seeps...

  • I think there was a lack of space within the city proper , I don't think they anticipated the urban growth that occurred when the cemeteries were under construction.

  • @MarianneRose Thanks for trying, Ill look at a few more sites before I'll pick one to try.

  • @MarjorieLynn Did you know it's now against Texas law to teach " critical race theory" . Glad I'm retired, they could not pay me enough to teach here anymore.

  • It's funny,Marjorie ,my Hogg side of the family didn't immigrate to the U.S. until the 1910's from Northern .England. I don't know if I'm related to the families Texas branch ,two governors and massive amounts of oil money but it was fun to tell people I was. I moved to Texas as a teenager from Pennsylvania, yankee affiliated during the U.S. civil war, I...

  • My first impulse is to say no that riots are never justifiable. Then I thought about the recent civil unrest in Hong Kong when the Chinese government restricted freedom of the press and started jailing journalists. The Chinese government broke the social contract agreed to at the time of the hand over and aggressive action was called for when newspaper...

  • Recently it seems as if the revolution is being televised , in Austin, Texas , where I live the Black lives matter protest were carried live on local TV, especially the two days when the protesters took over and closed the freeway that goes through town. The freeway, I-35 which goes between Mexico and the Canadian border is the largest road in the middle of...

  • The white woman was the one with the off lease dog. When the black man asked her to put the dog on a leash she said she would not and she started screaming that he was attracting her, they had other run-ins because her dog was unruly and scaring off birds he was trying to identify. She could have gotten him killed if the police thought that he was attacking...

  • I made your recipe a few days ago it was easy, inexpensive and tasty, thanks for sharing it with us.

  • I've tried one of t he converters but it was giving me outrageous numbers ,it came out to 450f for standard banking oven. 450f is a broiler setting. Ill try Google's converter thanks for the tip.

  • I've used soy sauce for Worcestershire sauce because I'm allergic to all seafood and Worcestershire sauce contains anchovy. The substitution worked well and neither I nor my guest noticed any difference.

  • Hi, my name is Maryalice and I live in Austin,Texas,USA, the indigenous people of this area were nomadic,the land was shared among three groups, the Tonnkawa were most common however the Comanches and the Apaches frequently traveled into this area. I am not an indigenous person.

  • Mexican and Greek

  • @IrynaBielousova A recipe for nalysnyky (crepes with stuffing) please if you have the time. Ukraine is now on my bucket list to travel to. Or a Ukrainian neighborhood here in the US.

  • I live in the Southwestern US and migas with chorizo is a very common breakfast here as are breakfast tacos, scrambled eggs with cheese possibly refried beans, potatos or sausage are put on a flour or corn tortilla topped with salsa.

  • It's a very early hour for me 7:30am to 8:30 am. I'd like to know if anyone has a good recipe for Yorkshire pudding ?

  • @NeilMcLaren Unfortunately I haven't yet, but there's a mix at the grocery store that looks interesting.

  • @ClaireRoss Thank you, Claire, it already has, Sunday morning fry breakfast after church.

  • Hi, My name is Maryalice and I live in Austin, Texas in the US. I havn't been exposed to English cooking directly but my maternal Grandparents were from N. Ireland and they lived next door to us as I was growing up. My Grandmother would make shepherd's pie, fish and chips for a casual dinner and of course roast beef with gravy, potatoes and carrots for...

  • I don't know if it's where I'm shopping but wholewheat pasta seems to taste stale as if it was left on the shelf too long, I've tried different brands and it's the same thing. I like pasta but not enough to make my own so I'll stick with regular pasta.

  • Why don't vegans eat honey , is the process of harvesting damaging to the bees?

  • Electric rice cooker with steamer, it saves time but also saves me from rice cooking fails.