Richard Price

Richard Price

Hi! I'm Richard and I work on researching, developing and implementing technologies to support global education and learning.

Location United Kingdom


  • Hi everyone, I'm Richard, one of the educators on this course - a very very warm welcome!

    In my 'day job', I'm the Learning Technologies advisor to the NHS, working at Health Education England, so education of healthcare professionals is my passion!

    I really hope you have a fantastic experience on this course and learn lots, so please do let myself and...

  • Not sure I agree with the comment in the article about paper jams happening infrequently :-)

    Sometimes, the being told 'just in time' format is necessary. For example, a refresher video on how to use a piece of equipment. But for the most part, the training method is most appropriate in the majority of circumstances. As others have observed, the didactic...

  • Most classroom training is delivered in one hit and, let's be honest with ourselves, most e-learning is as well. Spaced practice is key to learning and yet so little of the learning that we produce (myself included - I'm guilty too!) uses this technique. Apps like Duolingo have embraced this for language learning (although how successfully, I'm not...

  • This is a really tricky question isn't it? The lines between "work" and "home" are so blurred, we all learn in every context and some of my best learning experiences have happened through work, but in my personal life/time.

  • Hi everyone! I'm Richard and I'm the Learning Technologies Advisor at Health Education England. I reviewed some of this course content and realised I would benefit from taking the full course as a participant to refresh my knowledge, so that's why I'm here! Good to meet you all!

  • The father of modern computing and arguably modern AI was of course from Manchester - Alan Turing - hence Health Education England working on this course with the team at the University of Manchester :-)

  • I can't see any job being unaffected by the advent of digital and AI, particularly in healthcare. Every level of healthcare will need some digital skills, whether that's completing job checklist on a tablet (mechanics, domestic staff, laundry workers, etc.) or completing e-learning courses on e-LfH, everyone needs a level of digital capability. That's why we...

  • One of the key components on an AI-driven system is the data that sits behind it, particularly considering interoperability between systems. Many AI systems will only work if the data are coded correctly using a taxonomy like ICD-11 (from the World Health Organization) or SNOMED CT (IHTSDO and NHS Digital). Classification is key!

  • I absolutely agree, Keith. That's why we added the digital capabilities framework to the Topol review as no technology implementation works without involving the workforce in the adoption and implementation.

    I can't help thinking it's the responsibility of the software vendors (and the people who commission them) to co-design their products with the people...

  • AI has such enormous potential in healthcare. I love Emma's story but also what can be done for other people with long-term health conditions. Another real example is Microsoft's "Seeing AI". It's a wonderful product that can help blind people to observe the world around them -

    (download the app if you're on ios and try it for...

  • Welcome Matt! Nice to have you here!

  • There is a lot of hype around AI, especially in healthcare, as shown by the Gartner Hype Cycle ( Finding the real uses of AI from the hype is certainly a challenge but defining AI can go some way to helping make that distinction!

  • My favourite Podcast is by the Moth (, an open-mike storytelling sessions where individuals tell real-life stories in the first person - I listen to it religiously every week. What amazes me about the Moth stories is that even the most mundane stories can change your mood in an instant, from happiness and joy to sadness, completely...

  • Most of the scenario based learning I've completed has been through leadership training, either role play or team-based scenarios. My role is quite technical, so although I can't remember specific examples, many of the technical courses I've completed will undoubtedly have incorporated scenarios to complete to train in specific procedures, etc.

    I think...

  • New or completely different? Well in delivery methods, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality haven't been mentioned yet, so these would certainly improve the delivery of simulation based education. These could be used to create any number of different types of 1:1 scenario from immersive historical events to specific medical procedures.