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Efficacy, Adherence and Demographics

Self Efficacy Self Efficacy takes on a central role in Bandura’s social cognitive theory. Self Efficacy is a product of: Expectations – perceived the ability to achieve a certain behaviour …

Goals, Barriers and Motivation

Using SMART Goals S – Specific – exact statement of what is to be improved M – Measurable – numerical value attached if possible A – Achievable – challenge but …

Training Examples

Below are basic guidelines for exercise prescription for the older adult: Warm-up 10 -20mins of rhythmical continuous aerobic movement Can be done seated or standing Focus on large muscle groups …

General Programming and Common Issues

General Programming Considerations Clients need to self-identify tasks and activities of daily living they feel are important Improvement in the execution of tasks can be used to determine progress Group …

Strength Training and Ageing with Vitality

Strength Training ‘Growing Stronger‘ Division of Nutrition and Physical Activity Centers for Disease Control and Prevention USA Provide a booklet with programs, screening, goal setting, exercise descriptions and monitoring sheets. …

Exercise Programs

Exercise Programs Otago Exercise Program Otago Exercise Program Individually prescribed home exercise program comprising: Balance retraining Lower limb muscle strengthening Walking. Program Effectiveness: Four trials – falls reduced 35%, rate …

It’s Never Too Late!

Welcome to Personal Trainer’s Toolkit: Developing Fitness Programs for Older People! On successful completion of this course you will be able to: Explain the physical activity guidelines recommended for older …


Medications Age and disease can result in changes in pharmacokinetics – the time it takes to absorb, distribute, metabolise and excrete drugs These can also cause different effects on cellular …

Preventing falls

Fall Prevention: Cause and Risk Factors In Older Adults Falls occur due to an underlying cause or risk factor Falls are linked to the physical condition and/or a medical problem …

Health and Fitness Testing

Testing is an important part of the screening process as it gives one an accurate picture of fitness, an indication of appropriate starting intensities, a baseline for goal setting and …

Collecting Information and Pre-screening

Pre-screening for Older Adults Rapport is a feeling of understanding – eye contact, speaking at an appropriate pace, ensuring client comfort, seating position between trainer/client, greetings, introduction (handshake etc.), access …

The Effects of Ageing

Physical Effects of Ageing Height Loss Vertebral compression Changes in discs Muscle tone loss Postural slump 1cm per decade- 40-50’s Accelerates after 60, greater loss in women Decrease in physical …

Age Awareness

Chronic Condition Considerations As humans age, the risk of chronic conditions increases. It should be noted, that if an older adult has one chronic condition they are at an increased …